zombie girlfriend

Chapter 355 Vampire Zombie Ghost

Lailier was targeted by Zhang Jingjiang and the others.His divine consciousness mark can already sense Lailier's current direction and position of action.So they're not in too much of a hurry.It was still early in the morning.Therefore, the time for them to act is relatively sufficient.

Zhang Jingjiang's spiritual sense mark is not too deep.But it is enough for him to know the specific location of the opponent within a thousand miles.Now there are two ways to track.For long-distance travel, you can use a coffin spirit boat.But short range action.The movement speed and agility of the three people are enough to complete.

So the few drunks in this area and the beggars who got up to rummage through the trash cans.I saw three black figures flashing past like ghosts.Headed west.

Through the comparison of speed and distance in agility.The gap between Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui and Kuaichen was immediately apparent.Same road and same environment.Kuichen's movement is extremely fast.If you look closely, you will find that he is very good at taking advantage of the situation.Whether it's a brick wall or an eaves or anything passing by.He can take advantage.Even a twisted blade of grass can speed up his movement quite a bit.On this point, Zhang Jingjiang sighed that he was far inferior.

The movements of him and Zhu Fakui depend entirely on the spiritual power of their legs and feet.Neither of them are good at taking advantage of the momentum.But Zhang Jingjiang found out.Kui Chen's agility is obviously based on the "star-attracting Dafa" method of performing exercises.Reminiscent of the escape method developed from this.He was suddenly enlightened.

It turns out that all of Kui Chen's movements are borrowed from the Five Elements Escape Technique.The same is true for the movement of spiritual power in the body.Moreover, the touch-and-go method of the Five Elements Escape Technique has been used perfectly in his body skills.Zhang Jingjiang sighed greatly.Immediately follow suit.The speed of body movement changed drastically immediately.Zhu Fakui was left far behind.

Kui Chen looked at Zhang Jingjiang who was almost on par with him with satisfaction.I secretly appreciate it in my heart.Passed a cross-domain iron bridge.The two stopped to rest.Wait for Zhu Fakui to catch up.

When Zhu Fakui caught up panting.Zhang Jingjiang handed him the water in the backpack.Then looked ahead.Turning around, he said to the two, "This should be a suburb. It's east across the road. That location. It seems to be a barn, right?"

Zhu Fakui stood up and looked around.He took the water and nodded, "That's right. It's a barn-like building."

"It's right there." Zhang Jingjiang frowned and said, "But it's very strange. There seems to be Yi Ling's aura here too. But it doesn't seem so obvious. What's going on here?"

"Needless to say. Let's go and have a look first." Kuichen said.

The three of them walked towards the barn.Some low adobe houses around show that this place should be a farm type place.It was still dark.There was less than an hour until dawn.There was only one street lamp shining dimly in this area.Fei Yichui's street lamp was still shaking.

"Could it be inside? What if someone stops you?" Zhu Fakui asked in a low voice.

"Master Kuichen didn't say anything. Let's take a look first. If someone blocks it, just let it go." Zhang Jingjiang made a gesture.The current situation is not in their favor.Not familiar with the place of life.Plus the language barrier.If you are surrounded by people again.It will be very troublesome.

When walking to the door.Zhang Jingjiang reached out and pushed the door open.The door was found to be bolted from the inside.He pushed hard, "Gaba." With a sound, the wooden board of the door bolt inside broke in two.Zhang Jingjiang shrank her neck.I know I'm reckless.But on second thought.never mind.If you break in, just break in.

A dim light bulb hung in the barn.The sound of the bins being forcibly opened still woke up the people inside.The guy came out sleepily to check.

A black shadow suddenly flashed past.The guy fell to the ground immediately.At the same time a scream came from behind.It turned out that one of the guy's accomplices followed behind and saw this scene.Immediately screamed in fright.

At this moment.There was chaos in the barn.Lots of people running and shouting.After the three of Zhang Jingjiang entered the barn.It turned out that it looked like an auto repair workshop.The entire space was completely redone.There are two floors.The rooms on the back seem to have a mezzanine.

Hear the other party's yelling.Zhang Jingjiang frowned.The shouting of these people is very fast, and it is not at all the same as Turkish, which is a Turkic language.That's the Kurdish language spoken by the Kurds living in the south.Link to what it looks like inside the barn.His complexion changed drastically.This is clearly a group of terrorists.

Sure enough, the "click" sound of guns kept coming.These people also have a lot of weapons.This made Zhang Jingjiang feel very tricky.He told Zhu Fakui: "Be quick. Don't show mercy. These people have automatic weapons. It's very troublesome."

"Okay." Zhu Fakui looked excited.

Everyone this kind of thing.Naturally, there is no need for Kuchen to do anything.Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui can do it all.Two people on one floor.A second floor.The figure flickered quickly.Before these people shot.He fell to the ground with lightning speed.The two are no longer showing mercy.Basically one hit kill.Hum is the only one who is alive and not dead.

The speed of two people is very fast.More than a dozen people from the other side rushed out one after another.But they were all knocked down without firing a single shot.All the rooms on the first floor were turned over by Zhu Fakui.No one was found standing.The second floor was handled by Zhang Jingjiang.After this trip, all the rooms were searched.

Zhang Jingjiang turned and went downstairs.He could feel Jiang Yiling's faint breath.It's in the underground mezzanine on the first floor.he walked over.The room is rather messy.There is a basement sliding door made of stainless steel near the corner.Zhang Jingjiang stared at the sliding door.The fist in his hand was slowly clenched.

Suddenly he looked up sharply.Stare at the roof.And at the same time, there is Kuichen doing this action.Both of them noticed something suddenly flew away from the roof.Zhang Jingjiang seemed to feel that this breath was very familiar.That was the femininity he had felt when he was in Japan.

"Fly away. What should I do?" Zhang Jingjiang asked Kuichen.

Queson stared at the sliding door of the basement.made a downward gesture.Zhu Fakui stepped forward and opened the door.Zhang Jingjiang got in first.Kui Chen and Zhu Fakui followed.

Zhang Jingjiang ran in front.Suddenly a strong force came over.This force has a feminine but ferocious aura.In the darkness, a pair of red eyes were waiting for Zhang Jingjiang.And Zhang Jingjiang took a big step back in order to avoid that force.

Zhu Fakui conveniently turned on the light on the basement wall.An orange light bulb suddenly lit up.The guy on the other side screamed.shrink back.But it didn't run away.At the same time, another person appeared behind him.The two look very much alike.

This is not like eyebrows and eyes alike.But the same pale face and blood red eyes.And there are a pair of pointed ears.After seeing Zhang Jingjiang and the others, there were three of them.The two stuck out their tongues and licked their lips.He also opened his mouth and suddenly exposed the fangs in his mouth.

"Yo ho. Vampire zombie ghost. Is it the masterpiece of the general. Haha." Kuichen laughed suddenly from behind.

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