zombie girlfriend

Chapter 357 Taking the Orient Express

The three of Zhang Jingjiang found Jiang Yiling in the basement of the barn.As soon as Jiang Yiling woke up, she threw herself into Zhang Jingjiang's arms and cried loudly.And aggrieved: "A Jiang." This made Zhang Jingjiang think that her intermittent amnesia seemed to be cured.But Jiang Yiling said that he was Jiang Xue in the first place.This made Zhang Jingjiang feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Ah Jiang, don't worry. In fact, Jiang Xue is me. I am also Jiang Yiling. I don't know exactly what happened. I just feel that after a while, all Jiang Xue's memories will overwhelm my original memories. Cover. Makes me not know you. But sometimes she is gone. And I can remember that I am Jiang Yiling. I also remember everything with you. This...what the hell is going on. I I don't know." Jiang Yiling saw Zhang Jingjiang startled.Hastily explained.

"You mean you have all the memories of that Jiang Xue. You can't control this situation, can you?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"Yeah." Jiang Yiling nodded: "Sometimes the conversion changes quickly, and sometimes it changes very slowly. This time it happened again. Otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen for their tricks. I was in a trance in the hotel for a while. Fortunately, you came in time. Otherwise, they wanted to take me to the West."

"Who are these people. Where are they taking you."

"They didn't say where. They are people from the Holy See. I remember a woman kept asking me questions. But I can't remember. My mind is very confused." Jiang Yiling said.

"It's the Holy See again." Zhang Jingjiang gritted his teeth.

"You know the Holy See." Jiang Yiling said strangely.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded.Thinking about these questions in my mind.It seems that the people in the Holy See are very energetic.First, the Jiuju faction who lured Dongying planned to take Jiang Yiling away.But this matter is tantamount to being inserted horizontally by oneself.This made Jiuju's faction almost wiped out.Later, it was discovered that Jiang Yiling had run away alone.They actually followed.And he turned her over with a gun and prepared to take her away.Fortunately, I arrived in time.Otherwise, I don't know where to find Jiang Yiling.

For now.The Holy See must have an inseparable relationship with these vampires.This is a more evil opponent.Because of the generals, they can be considered a formidable opponent.If the generals didn't have the support of the demon world behind them.Zhang Jingjiang still doesn't take him seriously.But because of the relationship between the devil world.Zhang Jingjiang still felt a little tricky.

But he thought.The general has been sent to nowhere by Jiang Yiling's death light.This is still good news.If you keep the minister in the original world.Then these vampires in the New Territories represent the power of the Holy See.Although it poses a threat to him.But it didn't scare him.

"Ah Ling. Let's go back. Do you know that? You sneaked out by yourself and everyone is worried about you. Let's go home now." Zhang Jingjiang patted Jiang Yiling on the shoulder.

"No way. My mission must be completed. Don't be angry, Ajiang. If I don't do this, not only will I lose my memory forever. It will also make me feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching. I did something in my sleep. Ah Jiang. I’m scared sometimes. I don’t know what’s going on. But as long as I get closer to that thing, I’ll be more comfortable. Forgive me for having to do this.” Jiang Yi Ling Ling looked at Zhang Jingjiang pleadingly.

Zhang Jingjiang's heart softened instantly.What Jiang Yiling said.Her complete belief that she was able to knock the nurse out and sneak out was enough of a problem.But what Zhang Jingjiang couldn't figure out was.When Jiang Yiling did this again, she lost her memory, or she didn't.Now it seems that she is completely involuntary.

"Okay." Zhang Jingjiang thought for a while and said: "It's too dangerous for you to go on the road alone. We must accompany you to complete this matter. Anyway, we have already come. You say yes, A Biao." He turned his head away Ask Zhu Fakui.

"That's right. We have traveled such a long distance. And we don't have passports yet. Hehe." Zhu Fakui laughed.

"Thank you, A Biao. And..." Jiang Yiling suddenly saw Kuichen with a dark face sitting on the sofa.I can't help being a little scared.The body shrank behind Zhang Jingjiang.

"Haha. Master Kuichen. Yi Ling has recovered her memory now. Her intermittent amnesia should be a misdiagnosis. Shall we go with her to find the third piece of ore." Zhang Jingjiang asked Kuichen with a smile.

"I've told you about this girl's situation. What she's looking for is very important. We're here to keep her safe. So what do you want me to say?" Kui Chen was as angry as ever.

Zhang Jingjiang is in a good mood now.Immediately began to smile: "That's good. That's good. I'm afraid you have something important to do. I took so much effort to bring so much good wine just to hope that you, the old man, can follow. Without you by my side, we don't care about what we do. Bottom."

The most irresistible thing in the world is flattery.Although Zhang Jingjiang's flattering skills are clumsy.But it still made Queson feel very comfortable.He snorted and said, "Let's go."


after an hour.The four returned to the urban area.The sky was completely bright at this time.The sound of the imam's long prayer and chanting came from the ancient city mosque.Flocks of pigeons are flying "cuckoo" in the sky.

Many cafes are already open at this time.Breakfast is provided for guests.The four of them found a relatively clean cafe.Taste the famous Turkish coffee and grilled garlic sausage.By the way, discuss the next step.

"I plan to take the Orient Express to Paris." Jiang Yiling said.

"What. East...Orient Express." Zhu Fakui stuttered when he heard the words.And Zhang Jingjiang seems to have seen the surprise.She pouted and continued to drink coffee.Anyway, Jiang Yiling can go anywhere.Just be with me all the way.

"But Miss Yi Ling. None of us have passports. How can we buy a ticket? Brother Jiang, right?" Zhu Fakui couldn't care less about the sausage.He turned to ask Zhang Jingjiang.

Zhang Jingjiang ignored that he was chatting with Kuichen: "Master Kuichen, you are always drinking. You don't eat. Come and try this coffee. By the way, it's good to add some wine in it. It tastes very fragrant. Hmm. What did you say, Abio?"

"I said how do we buy a ticket and take the train. Miss Yi Ling is going to take the Orient Express." Zhu Fakui scratched his head anxiously.

"This problem is very simple. It's easy to solve if you have money. By the way, Yiling. Is Paris the end or just one stop." Zhang Jingjiang thought it would be nice to travel with Jiang Yiling.Except that there are two more light bulbs, Zhu Fakui and Kuichen.Everything else is perfect.

"I don't know if Paris is the end. I just have a vague sense of which direction it is. A Jiang. A Biao is right. How do you solve the ticket problem?" Jiang Yiling said.

Zhang Jingjiang smiled strangely at Zhu Fakui.The latter figured it out immediately.Can't help but laugh...

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