zombie girlfriend

Chapter 375 The Castle Ghost

When Zhang Jingjiang asked Lailier if she was a core member of the Holy See, Lailier burst into tears, which made Zhang Jingjiang a little puzzled, and he patted Lailier on the shoulder.

"I didn't say anything, please don't suffer, the environment here is easy to attract people,"

Lailier stopped her grief and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I couldn't help it. After my parents died in a car accident, only my sister, Xue Weier, lived with me. But 40 years ago, the second-level priest of the Holy See Powell turned all of us sisters into vampires... everything I do is for my sister...," she couldn't help sobbing again.

"I'm looking for you, the Holy See should be very powerful, right? They can turn people into vampires at will. Doesn't the Holy See in Rome just ask?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"Fundamentalist sects originally preached and practiced in the way of asceticism, but they have been persecuted by Catholicism for hundreds of years, so they changed their methods later. On the one hand, they concealed their whereabouts and improved their own strength. They spread the power of the Catholic church all over the world, and their method is to infiltrate and hide their identities," Lailier explained.

"Are you saying that Powell is a vampire hiding in your hometown church?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

Lailier nodded: "That's right, he is a third-level priest of the Holy See and has the right to preach. There are hundreds of third-level priests like him in the Holy See,"

"And" Lailier added: "The Holy See is very cautious when choosing believers. Only people with special physiques can be developed into believers. Once people with this special physique are discovered, their way is to attract people through rituals. Go to the Temple of Gas, through the Mass of the fundamental doctrine, let the believers be baptized, and accept a kind of "God's kiss", "

"The kiss of God is to be bitten by them, to suck blood, right?" Zhang Jingjiang interrupted.

"That's right," Lailier nodded and said, "This method is very mysterious. People who become believers of the Holy See will have immortality and the ability to automatically repair their bodies, but they have an infinite desire for blood. If you don't drink blood for a period of time, your body will become very weak...,"

"Well, let's talk about the organizational structure of the entire Holy See, and their capabilities," Zhang Jingjiang said.

"As far as I know, the Holy See has developed rapidly in recent years. Third-level priests can sneak into Catholic churches and churches to perform corresponding tasks. The number has grown to five or sixty. There were third-level priests of the Holy See in Turkey back then. The second-level priests are mainly to support the third-level priests in various places to develop the mission of the Holy See. These people generally have the mission of finding believers, so their perception ability is very strong. As for the first-level priests, they generally will not leave the Holy See. trained bishops,"

"How many people are there?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"There are about thirty second-level priests, twelve first-level priests, five to six bishops in the Holy See, and three archbishops. Except for Rios, the rest are supported by Sean. But these two people are basically not in the Holy See, one is in the Americas and the other is in Eastern Europe. As for the ability, the main reason is that the power of the mind is very strong, which can affect the consciousness of others, and let people suck blood if they become demented. ,"

Lailier thought for a while and added: "The superiors above the bishop have the right to practice black witchcraft, which is a very weird and mysterious spell. I once saw Rios perform black witchcraft. Draw all the blood and water from the whole body in an instant and become like a mummy,"

Zhang Jingjiang pondered for a while, this black witchcraft is a bit like the blood-sucking level of the spiritual body family, which can suck the blood of the surrounding people into his own body without touching the body, but his target is more specific.

Thinking of the generals hiding behind the vampires in the West, Zhang Jingjiang understood that this was nothing more than a special change in the cultivation of the spirit body clan, and because the generals were eroded by the demon world, this black witchcraft also had Some kind of aura and supernatural powers from the devil world, but this is something he doesn't understand.

Regarding the manpower and organizational structure of the branches of the Holy See that Lailier mentioned, although the other party is well-organized, Zhang Jingjiang is not afraid. If there is a clone of two demons, it will be troublesome.

So he urgently needs to know the manpower of the other party. Judging from what Lailier told him, apart from the so-called Pope Sean, there are three archbishops and seven or eight bishops in the entire Holy See. What strength, but the four Pope's servants around Sean are very strange and most dangerous characters.

No one has ever seen the true face of those four servants, but they have seen them execute a bishop who made a mistake. Lailier also saw it with her own eyes at the temple meeting. , the body of the bishop burst into white flames, instantly turning into ashes.

This scene was deeply imprinted in Lailier's mind, lingering like a nightmare. In her impression, that servant was the devil, and the entire Holy See, except Pope Sean, was probably the four The servant's strength is the strongest.

This information is very important to Zhang Jingjiang. He is not afraid of these people, but he is thinking about what countermeasures he should take if he really meets these people face to face. This is the experience he has recently summed up against the enemy. In fact, he suffered a dark loss when he was against Andres.

After understanding the situation, Zhang Jingjiang asked Lailier to hide on the other side of the cableway, and he got the key back as soon as possible, then he stretched out his wings and flew towards the opposite black building in the night, so he would not go That ropeway, that is obviously a dangerous place.

In the dark night, vampires are very active, but at present, when there is nothing to do, many vampires will hide in corresponding dark places to sleep and practice. This is a means for them to improve their skills after absorbing human blood essence .

Zhang Jingjiang had already found out where Physis was hiding, so he went straight to the target. Except for the black rock on the outer wall of the building, most of the buildings in other places were made of wood, which did not hinder Zhang Jingjiang at all. , after he folded his wings, he could easily pass through by relying on the wooden escape technique.

The building is basically full of rooms, and there is a circular staircase leading to the tower, which is set around the cylindrical building in the middle. The main hall where Physis is located is on the bottom floor of the whole building. Zhang Jingjiang hides Xing walked slowly through several rooms and touched there.

In Gothic buildings, the rooms are basically not arranged in the corridor, but distributed around the direction of the building. The general floor is basically a hall. Zhang Jingjiang flew to the top floor of the building and landed. After entering the building , you need to go down, the night is already very dark, and the building is deadly silent.

There seemed to be no breath of living people in the whole building. Zhang Jingjiang counted and found that there were not many rooms here. His spiritual sense detected that most of them were storage rooms. No one lived in them, only a few There was a human breath in the room, but it was the breath of sleep.

Zhang Jingjiang quickly touched the location on the bottom floor. There were dim lights on the walls here, and everything looked like a medieval castle. Because the lights on the walls turned out to be candles, Zhang Jingjiang knew that there must be no electricity in this building. .

The basement floor is a long corridor, there are not many rooms, only a light is shining in the crack of the door, and that door is the entrance to the underground palace, and it is also the place where Physis hides.

Zhang Jingjiang pulled out a cloak from the storage belt and put it on his body, covering his head, and then gently pushed the door. As expected, the door was locked. Zhang Jingjiang smiled and let out a look Consciousness invaded into the wooden door, and then the body slowly melted in, and passed through the door easily.

After he released his consciousness, he immediately noticed the aura of four people in the room behind the door. This was a bit beyond his expectation, but the people had already passed through the door, so he had to raise his eyes to observe.

This room, which is similar to a hall, is near the southwest corner with countless lights. The roof illuminated by the light is bright, and there is a big bed, which is ten square meters in size, with a soft couch. The columns are stacked horizontally, and the columns are decorated with colorful and gilt decorations, and this unsightly scene is being staged on the bed.

A big naked fat man is holding a glass of wine in his right hand, and with his left hand is blocking a blond woman who is also naked. The woman is lying on his lap, sucking and licking hard. There are also two naked beauties under his feet, one with black hair and one with chestnut hair, and the other holds his toes in his mouth, serving attentively.

These four people were completely unaware that someone had sneaked in, and this was exactly where Zhang Jingjiang detected the aura of the four people. The black-haired woman kept pouring wine for the big fat man with a wine bottle, When the fat hand touched her chest, she laughed twice, and when she turned around, she suddenly found Zhang Jingjiang standing not far from the bed.

Suddenly she was stunned on the spot with her mouth gaping open, and the wine bottle in her hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. At the same time, she let out a scream. Zhang Jingjiang stood there quietly in a black cloak, like a The messenger of the night was silent, but at this time the big fat man was awakened and stared at him intently.

"Physis," Zhang Jingjiang called softly.

The big fat man sat up and threw aside the blond woman who was still working on his crotch, and the three women hid behind the bed as if they were frightened.

"Who are you, why did you enter my room without saying hello," the fat Physis looked very angry.

"Chi," Zhang Jingjiang let out a chuckle...,

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