zombie girlfriend

Chapter 378 The Gate of the Temple

There is a wall tens of meters below the cliff, and a steel bridge is protruding from the middle of it, and the exposed part of the wall is actually a camouflaged wall. Now this part of the wall has disappeared. A door in a semicircle of a black hole.

Zhang Jingjiang pulled Lailier very fast, and when the car passed the steel bridge, and the steel bridge inside was about to retract, it rushed into the semicircular door.

There was a sound of "Zhaza" from above the head, and an iron gate was about to fall, Zhang Jingjiang and Lai Lier hid inside in a flash, and then the iron gate slowly fell down.

The whole space is very dark, only a few dark red light bulbs emit a strange and ambiguous light on the wall. Zhang Jingjiang only looked at the place after entering, and found that it seemed to be a simple passage extending inward. I don’t know. Where does it lead.

When Lailier got here, she became more courageous and rushed in, but she was grabbed by Zhang Jingjiang. Zhang Jingjiang shook her head at him: "Don't move rashly, there are cameras in front," she said and turned to the front He pointed at the high place.

There was indeed a camera where he was pointing, and now he was turning to the angle where the two were. Zhang Jingjiang took Lailier's hand and quickly avoided the camera's detection.

"Come on, there seems to be another door inside," Zhang Jingjiang said.

The two people are like mice, sprinting along the corner of the wall, not stopping to avoid the surveillance of the camera. In fact, this distance is not long, but there are three cameras. If the swing is reasonable, there is basically no dead angle, but maybe it is the middle of the night. The person on duty was too sleepy, or the camera settings were unreasonable, which caused several large dead spots when the three cameras were swinging and monitoring.

Zhang Jingjiang and Lai Lier took advantage of these blind spots to quickly rush in, because there is a rather large space inside the passage, but it is a garage, and the garage is full of various vehicles, most of which are world famous cars.

Zhang Jingjiang smacked his lips: "These people are really rich,"

"In order to pursue people's inner desires, the Holy See condones the congregants to obtain money through various illegal means, but if they want to get asylum, they must hand over [-]% of the money they have to the Holy See, and the Holy See will take action against those who hinder the congregation from obtaining money. The money police station, and the troubles of the secular church," Lailier explained.

"Pure, a real cult," Zhang Jingjiang sneered.

Lailier felt a little depressed for a moment: "I also did things to help them deal with their troubles,"

"Forget it, that's all in the past, this time we are saving people, let's do the right thing first," Zhang Jingjiang comforted her, "Don't blame yourself too much, where should we go now,"

Lailier nodded her head and said vigorously: "As far as I know, this ancient castle is actually only the outer part of the Holy See. The real inner part can only be entered through the temple. Xue Weier must be in the dungeon inside."

"But this is a garage, how can we get to the temple?" Zhang Jingjiang asked, looking around.

"I've never been here before, so I don't know how to get up. I remember that the temple is underground, and it seems to be underground now." Lailier was also a little bit blind, but her analysis was correct. The underground garage is obviously the same as that underground garage. The location of the shrine is the same.

Zhang Jingjiang began to look around the entire garage for an exit. Since this is a garage, there must be an entrance, and he quickly found it. It was an elevator, and the people in the ancient castle entered the garage through the elevator.

Zhang Jingjiang looked at the elevator, stretched out his hand and pressed the up button, and the elevator began to descend slowly. Zhang Jingjiang wondered if he needed to catch someone alive to ask questions after going up. I hoped that Lailier would be familiar with this place. Who knew she was also a blind person.

"Ding," with a crisp sound, the elevator stopped at the garage floor. The moment the elevator door opened, Zhang Jingjiang was about to enter, but unexpectedly a man came out of it.

The two looked at each other and they were all startled. The visitor never expected that there would be someone waiting under the elevator at this time, and Zhang Jingjiang also did not expect that someone would come out of the elevator.

That person was a tall young man. He was in a daze, but Zhang Jingjiang made a move. This is his territory. He and Lailier sneaked in again. At this time, they were discovered , it is very troublesome.

So he rushed over abruptly, moved both hands together, covered his mouth with one hand, clenched his fist with the other hand to dig out his heart, and hit the man's left chest heavily, only to hear a muffled "bang," and then The person collapsed limply.

Zhang Jingjiang picked up the man and dragged him outside, put him on the ground beside him, looked at Lailier and said, "Is there any tape, he must be tied up."

But Lailier stepped forward, stretched out her sharp claws, and grabbed the man's throat to pieces. The man who was already in a coma immediately gave up. Zhang Jingjiang was shocked. He was not surprised that Lailier would kill someone. Instead, she was surprised by Lailier's ruthlessness.

"You can't keep alive, otherwise it will be very troublesome," Lailier became unusually calm after killing the man.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded. He knew that Lailier did the right thing. In fact, it is normal to think about it. Lailier can be the core figure of the entire Holy See and be entrusted with important tasks. She should be a capable person. She is cruel and cruel. It's just the principle of doing things.

Then the two of them got on the elevator. Inside the elevator, both of them put on black cloaks to cover their faces, which also made it easier for them to hide their bodies.

The elevator was going up, and soon reached the top. As soon as the elevator door opened, Zhang Jingjiang flashed out first. This was a separate porch, and there was no one around. of light and shadow.

After Lailier got out of the elevator, she recognized it, and suddenly said to Zhang Jingjiang in a low voice: "I know you here, come with me." After speaking, she walked forward along a shadow in the porch, and Zhang Jingjiang followed immediately thereafter.

After passing through several stairs, the two stopped outside a hall. Lailier lightly stepped forward and turned the door lock of the hall. Surprisingly, the door was not locked at all, and after gently opening the door, there was no light. The shot came out, indicating that there was no one there. After entering the hall, Zhang Jingjiang found that there was a staircase in the middle of the hall, going up to both sides, while Lailier walked behind the stairs.

It turns out that the mystery is here. There is another passage hidden behind the stairs, and that passage is obliquely downward. Lailier told Zhang Jingjiang in a low voice: "The entrance of the temple is at the end of the passage."

Sure enough, as she said, the end of the passage is indeed a metal door of a large hall. The door of this temple is very simple, and it is relatively old at a glance. There are many patterns and decorations on it, some of which are similar to murals. The bas-relief is engraved on that door.

Zhang Jingjiang stepped forward to look, but because the light was very dim, she couldn't see what was on it. At this moment, Lailier turned on the light switch on the wall, and the pale light shrouded the door. When Zhang Jingjiang took a closer look, his face turned pale with shock.

It turns out that the front of the relief on the door is a very vivid mission. Zhang Jingjiang is very familiar with this character, that is, the general. The difference is that the general looks very old, but Zhang Jingjiang can tell from his appearance Recognize him, the huge black bat wings behind him are the same as what I saw in the original world.

At the same time, there was a person standing behind the general. Due to the cover of the general, that person could only see roughly, but the corners on the guy's head showed that he was not human at all. He was a very obvious devil. .

It seems that Kuichen guessed correctly about the inheritance of this vampire zombie ghost. The chief culprit of this special race is undoubtedly the general, and the general cooperates with the demon world, so it is not surprising that a demon appears behind him.

This temple has been built for hundreds of years, so this door is obviously also hundreds of years old. The rumors that the generals left the West thousands of years ago and transformed the Rakshas and ghosts have obviously been verified here. Vampire zombies The appearance of the clan is obviously inseparable from the generals, so who is Cain in Western legends.

Zhang Jingjiang stared at this door for a long time. The general and the devil in the relief are at the top, and a group of people are kneeling and worshiping at the bottom. There is a bright moon in the sky. Under the moonlight, there are a large group of bats in the sky. Feiwu, this door basically has these contents. This is probably the inheritance story of the fundamental religion.

"What do you see," Lailier asked.

Zhang Jingjiang shook his head: "It's nothing, the key you mentioned should be placed there to open the door,"

"I don't know," Lailier shook her head, "I came here blindfolded last time, and I only learned from their conversation that a disc key is needed to open the temple, but I didn't see it with my own eyes. Let's look for it."

So the two people began to search up, down, left, and right on the door. The size of the whole door was not small. It was nearly five meters high and more than three meters wide, and there was a gap in the middle of the door, which indicated that the door The door is composed of two leaves.

From the relief, the positions of the general and the devil are on the right, while the kneeling crowd is on the left. The whole door does not have any shrinkage holes or other lock-like things, and the disc key in Zhang Jingjiang's hand is unknown. How should it be used.

After searching for a long time, the two found nothing. Suddenly, Zhang Jingjiang fixed his eyes on the upper left corner of the door. That was where the moon was located. It was at a height of about two meters. After touching it, he really felt that there was a depression there. He moved it with his hand and found that it could move inside. With a slight turn, the crescent moon suddenly turned into a full moon.

"Here it is, bring that disc," Zhang Jingjiang said,

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