zombie girlfriend

Chapter 394 The Beginning of the Melee

Hearing the words "fantasy", Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help but ask, he is a person who has experienced the hallucinations, he is very unclear how these people create the hallucinations, not only can people who are deeply trapped in it, see Unseen scenes can also kick people out of the illusion.

"It probably releases a certain concentration of illusory-type ** in a certain space. The church has some records on this, but I don't know the details. There is too little information on this," Simon said.

Simon's explanation is very pale, and Zhang Jingjiang can't feel any understanding and help for this thing at all. With his perfect practice of the five elements, how could he be raped without knowing it? This is impossible, but the illusion is indeed It put him in the whole illusion, and there may be special key things working in it.

Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help being a little worried about Kui Chen. If Kui Chen accidentally fell into this illusion, what should I do? Can't you join yourself?

In fact, he knew in his heart that such a thing would not happen even with Kuichen's ability and knowledge, but he still thought in his heart, is there such a thing as an emergency in this world? This is just an excuse for himself. The idea made Zhang Jingjiang secretly vigilant, whether he still has a strong dependence mentality.

But when he and Lailier were trapped in the cup trap alone, he never thought that someone would come to rescue him, and he could only rely on his own ability to get out of the trap, but now he hopes to join Quechen as soon as possible where.

To put it bluntly, this is actually caused by his anxiety about the entire unknown environment. In fact, people will have this kind of emotion in an unknown environment. I always hope that there will be someone who understands the environment, or someone who is always capable. Come, so that you will not face the unknown dangers of the whole world alone.

But Zhang Jingjiang knows that the hope of these people is all on her now, and she can't have this kind of mentality. What's more important is that Jiang Yiling is by her side, so she has to make her feel at ease. People will be more frightened.

Zhang Jingjiang doesn't know why I feel so emboldened. It's likely that the power behind the vampire is that he thought of the situation of fighting alone with the general, or the oppressive atmosphere here. The general himself must not be able to fight, so I I hope that Kuchen can join him, his mind is so messed up that he doesn't know what to think.

At this time, someone pulled his sleeve, "Brother Jiang, what are you thinking, you see something is wrong with Miss Yi Ling." It was Zhu Fakui who saw that he kept his head down and kept silent, and couldn't help reminding him.

Zhang Jingjiang hurriedly went to see Jiang Yiling, and found that Jiang Yiling's expression was no longer anxious, but his eyes were fixed, staring at the ceiling blankly. Zhang Jingjiang was very familiar with this expression, that was in the crack of the Zerg Canyon When it was like this, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and turned his head and shouted to Simon and Zhu Fakui.

"Time is running out. Now we are protecting Yi Ling and rushing towards the second floor. We encounter people blocking us on the way. Don't love to fight. Kill as much as you can. If you can't kill them, just let them push away. Personally protect yourself,"

After speaking, he pulled Jiang Yiling, opened the door and rushed out, followed by Zhu Fakui. Seeing the situation, Simon put the structure diagram of the castle in his arms, and followed with three other people. While walking, explaining something to the other three people, that person immediately took out weapons from their arms and backpacks.

Zhang Jingjiang took the time to look back, and found that Bruce and Alex were holding a big revolver in their hands. The difference was that there was a blue medicine canister on the back of the gun, while Elvis was holding a large revolver. Inside were a rosary and a dark cross, and Simon a battered Bible.

I don't know if these weapons of these people will work anymore, Zhang Jingjiang can't care about them anymore, because Jiang Yiling has started to walk on her own, she has completely ignored the reaction of the outside world, and seems to know the way, Zhu Fakui is anxious He wanted to step forward to hold her back, but Zhang Jingjiang stopped him.

"Don't disturb her, we just follow her, try not to make any noise"

Zhu Fakui quickly rushed to the back to make gestures, and everyone followed Jiang Yiling through the dark castle. Everyone basically knew the terrain of Lu Xianhe in the entire castle, especially Zhang Jingjiang and Simon who had seen the results The picture, but Jiang Yiling hadn't seen the picture at all, but she seemed to know the way.

The architectural form of the entire castle is completely in the style of the Middle Ages. The ground floor is full of huge colonnades, and then there are spiral stairs along the colonnades, and there are guardrails between the colonnades and the colonnades. The guardrails form a spacious corridor. In addition to the spiral staircase in the middle of the building, there is also a hidden corridor behind it.

If you want to go up to the second floor, you have to go through some hidden corridors. At this time, it is dead of night, and the whole castle is silent without any sound. Zhang Jingjiang thought as he walked, first of all, where does the electricity in this castle come from? Also, is there really a large number of vampires in this castle?

Judging from the state of everyone sneaking in this castle, it seems that there are not many vampires here, but he still judged wrongly. As the name suggests, vampires are basically active at night. In an instant on the second floor, a fierce siren sounded in the entire castle, followed by lights all over the castle.

The moment the light came on, Zhang Jingjiang knew it was broken. He moved extremely quickly, raised his body, and raised his hand to smash two fluorescent lamps on the wall, but it was obviously useless. Now everyone was exposed to the open in the corridor.

Jiang Yiling walked forward regardless, while the others were all nervously leaning against the wall to follow. They knew that time was running out, because the sound of footsteps had already been heard, the figures at the end of the corridor were shaking, and a large number of vampires has appeared.

Zhang Jingjiang turned around and yelled: "According to the plan we just agreed, don't love to fight, Ah Biao, take care to protect Yi Ling," and then he rushed towards the crowd.

With the howling of "Aww...," the vampires have also transformed one after another. After the vampire transforms, the body will become tyrannical very quickly. This is a surprise attack by a group of monsters. Zhang Jingjiang gritted his teeth and was helpless. Sticking out his fingers, today's overkill is inevitable.

The people behind saw Zhang Jingjiang's figure disappearing in place like a ghost, and the sound of vampires howling suddenly came from not far in front. Simon looked at the other three exorcists, and the faces of the four all changed. That's right, this guy kills as soon as he says he wants to, and he does it when he says he wants to. It seems that he can't be idle anymore.

In fact, it is impossible for them to be idle. Not only did a large number of vampires appear behind them, but also a large number of vampires rushed up from the spiral staircase they came up just now. Some jumped up and grabbed the lamp ring pillars on the wall. Or the handle of the stairs, quickly rushed up to the second floor, looking around with pale faces and blood-red eyes.

After all, Alex was young, and under such pressure, he couldn't help but start to tremble. Many vampires had already rushed up. Although they didn't attack behind them, the splayed claws showed when they roared. The fangs are enough to make people feel extremely nervous and trembling forever.

"Crack..." Alex couldn't help it anymore, he still shot first, the bullet with the blue bullet fired by the huge revolver was a holy water condensation bomb after being exposed to ultraviolet rays. The vampire howled and turned into a pile of fly ash.

This undoubtedly touched the hornet's nest. Instead of being frightened away, many vampires rushed over like crazy, and Bruce's pistol also started to fire. Elvis swept the black wooden cross around, forcing them to retreat. For the vampires who came up, any crossed vampire body they encountered would cause huge damage as if they had been scorched by a branding iron.

But there were too many vampires, and soon a large number of vampires rushed up again, and some even jumped up and fell from mid-air. Simon kept chanting scriptures nervously, causing those vampires who rushed forward to have a splitting headache. Howling and moaning on the ground.

With the sound of "Chi Chi," the white monk robes of Bruce and Elvis were torn by sharp claws, and the situation became more and more dangerous. Suddenly, a few phantom palms appeared in front of many vampires and finally formed With a huge fist, it suddenly looked huge for a hundred years in front of my eyes.

"Boom,,," a loud noise came out.

Many vampires flew upside down, and a large space immediately appeared. Standing there was Zhu Fakui. His evolved combat skills showed their power again, and the vampires were beaten to the ground with broken bones and tendons.

Everyone fights and retreats, protecting Jiang Yiling who is in the middle and keeps moving forward, but the pressure they face is also increasing. The vampires are coming in a steady stream, and those who are killed are almost like a drop in the bucket. Zhang Jingjiang Although it was relatively easy in the front, it was because his methods were too vicious.

Now his hands are all covered with blood, Xuanming ordered "Chi Chi," the sound, and there were vampires being stabbed in the heart to the end, but there were too many people on the other side, Zhang Jingjiang had no choice but to spread his claws to break his chest and pinch his heart, so he In the eyes of many vampires, they look like demons.

And this guy's body was too strong, he didn't respond to being scratched by the vampire's claws a few times, and he didn't even break his skin. At this moment, Jiang Yiling turned and turned into another corridor, which was a spacious long corridor. There is only a double door at the end of the corridor.

This is equivalent to a dead end, the only exit is the door, but the unknown danger may also be there, everyone was forced into this corridor at this time, the vampires immediately sealed the exit, a blood red His eyes fixed on the seven people in front of him.

At this moment, Jiang Yiling shivered suddenly. She woke up suddenly. Looking around, she felt dazed and scared. She couldn't help shrinking into a ball and shouting.

"A Jiang, A Jiang, where is this, I'm afraid,"

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