zombie girlfriend

Chapter 400 The Divine Ax Reveals the Power of God

Zhang Jingjiang immediately felt a little troublesome when he saw the other party's soaring monster aura.This Sean is obviously not that simple.But look at the demonic aura of this body.That is obviously not a character in the New Territories and the Original Territories.This kind of evil spirit can only be possessed by giant monsters in the demon world.

The last time was in Zerg Canyon.The demonic energy of the general minister and the demonic energy of the lonely ghost interact.It made Queson feel very difficult to deal with.But what these guys are most afraid of is the power of thunder and lightning.Zhang Jingjiang looked inside with his spiritual sense.own spiritual power reserves.There are less than forty percent left.When Leiyun was mobilized just now.Although Osho was struck by lightning.But the spiritual power he lost was also astonishing.

In fact, in such a dense aura place.He just needs to stop and practice for a while.The lost spiritual power will be replenished.But now in this situation.I'm afraid I won't give him this time.

There is no way, since there is no spiritual power reserve, it seems that he needs to fight hard.I just don't know how much Zhu Fakui can help him.Think here.Zhang Jingjiang secretly mobilized the Poxian Mace.This thing can sneak attack when necessary.Frontal attack is definitely not enough.

"Ah Biao. Today's battle is a matter of life and death. It is the strongest enemy we face. We must do our best." Zhang Jingjiang shouted in the air.

"Brother Jiang, here I come. This time there is no senior Kuichen here. We will also clean him up." Zhu Fakui jumped up and said.

Considering that Zhu Fakui can't fly.Zhang Jingjiang landed.One foot from the ground.The two pushed towards Sean together.Sean also slowly rose up from the deep hole on the ground at this time.At this moment, his appearance changed drastically.

Not only is the body more than half thick.And the hat on top of the head also fell off.And grew two horns.The pointed ears stick to the back of the head.There are also two white whiskers above the lower jaw.A pair of giant claws with sharp and sharp nails.The white fleshy wings behind him kept flapping.A cold gaze stared down at the two people in front of him.

"Be careful. This may be the real body of his white demon." Zhang Jingjiang said.

Zhu Fakui pursed his lips tightly.The palms are full of sweat.to be honest.He just used the God Palm of the Back Earth.It's almost the same as mobilizing one's own spiritual power.The power of Houtu God's Palm is astonishing.Although people with earth attributes have longer spiritual power than people with other attributes.But he used too much spiritual power when he used Houtu Derivative Jue before.So he doesn't have much spiritual power now.

"Hoo." A sound.Xiao En's transformed white demon arrived with lightning.He punched Zhang Jingjiang hard.Zhang Jingjiang was already ready to go.See the opponent attack.Immediately shouted loudly and punched out.He used all his strength for this punch.


The strength of the two fists intersected and spurted outward.A gust of wind blew.Zhang Jingjiang's body was blasted backwards violently.His entire arm was sore and numb from the shock.I couldn't help being shocked.This guy's physical body is actually so tyrannical.

"When." There was a crisp sound of metal intersecting.Zhang Jingjiang's immortal mace.Turning somersaults and shooting back towards him.This sneak attack also failed.Sean's white wings covered his body the moment the Immortal Mace hit him.Those wings were as hard as iron.The Immortal Poisoning Mace couldn't hurt him at all.

"Hahaha..." Sean laughed wildly.His claws jerked outward.The huge fleshy wings behind him spread out violently.A cloud of black smoke rose slowly from behind him.

"The spirit race in the east is nothing more than that. Do you think that the flesh body of our monster race is so easy to deal with? The blood clan that the general minister worked so hard to transform has the supreme blood of our monster race. Now let you taste what is called a giant monster roar."

His arrogance does have capital.On the current momentum.He is the most powerful.He used vampire cannon fodder to consume Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui's strength earlier.And killed the two exorcists Simon and Bruce.Now he is recuperating.Fully capable of holding the final fruit of victory in the palm of your hand.

Zhang Jingjiang's mind was spinning wildly.To deal with this thing, it is impossible to use general attack methods.Secretly use spiritual power to gather at the fingertips of his fingers.Xuanming pointed out that he could cut through the iron plate.I can't believe that this guy's body is really harder than an iron plate.

"Fuck you. The people in the demon world are all defeated by the Spirit Body Clan. Even a monster like you wants to be crazy. Let me deal with you." Zhu Fakui jumped up and cursed.He has a relatively good understanding of the original inheritance and history of the Spirit Body Clan.The arrogance towards Sean is naturally unbearable.

The white demon shrouded in black clouds looks even more dazzlingly white.As he stared at Zhu Fakui, he couldn't help but weigh things up and down.The move by the fat boy just now, the Emperor Penguin of the God of Earth, is very amazing.But it can also be judged that this person's consumption is very high.Can't help but sneer.

"Looking for death." His body turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Zhu Fakui.Zhang Jingjiang watched in shock from behind.With the strength of Sean's attack just now, even Zhu Fakui's Gen Shan Jue Body Armor might not be able to withstand Sean's full blow.

"Ah Biao move quickly. It's dangerous." He shouted from behind.But oddly enough.Zhu Fakui was motionless.There was a slight sneer on his face.Zhang Jing suddenly thought of something.Secretly said: "Why did I forget this. This little fat man."

Sean carried the gust of wind in an instant.The guy didn't throw a punch this time.Instead, he stretched out a pair of sharp claws and grabbed Zhu Fakui's chest fiercely.There was still a bloodthirsty grin on the corner of his mouth.

But as soon as it arrived, a white light flashed like a horse.The sharp wind blade brought a murderous aura soaring to the sky.This sharp sound of breaking the wind.Cut straight down from the right to the left.Sean keenly felt this sharp air that could split everything.The white giant wings behind him fanned wildly as his complexion changed drastically.The body retreated like lightning...

"Brush..." The sharp white light slid across the sky with a strong wind.The sound pierces the eardrums.A deep ravine appeared above the grass.Look at Zhu Fakui again.In his hand was a huge ax that gleamed faintly.It is the ancient artifact of the "Pangu Divine Axe".

This ax has always been Zhu Fakui's treasured weapon.He has been born since he practiced.Instead, he forgot about this ancient artifact for a while.Now the spiritual power in the body is not good.Just remembered to use a weapon.

After Zhang Jingjiang used the Immortal-Breaking Mace.It was also a wake-up call to Zhu Fakui.Leave such a fierce weapon unused.Compete with that Sean.What a pain.

Zhang Jingjiang fell down and laughed loudly: "Ah Biao. It should have been used long ago. What kind of fists are you fighting with this grandson?"

Zhu Fakui also laughed loudly and said, "That's right. Brother Jiang. If you hadn't used the Poxian Mace, I still can't remember that. This time, let's see why this kid is so arrogant."

The two officially stood side by side this time.Looking at Sean in the distance together.On the other hand, Sean.He is a little embarrassed now.Fortunately, he retreated quickly just now.It was not directly hit by Pan Gu's axe.But the sharp ax mark hit his chest.He has been suppressing this violent ax mark entering his body.

But this thing cannot be suppressed. "Crack." Twice.There was a big gash in his chest suddenly.Sean's face changed drastically.The body jumped up violently.Strange things happened.In the eyes of Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui.Sean's body flew up violently.But it is divided into two.A white shadow flew upwards.What fell was a black shadow.

This is very eerie.Zhang Jingjiang has sharp eyes.At a glance, the person who fell down was the Pope Sean that everyone saw as soon as they entered the illusion.But the white shadow that flew up didn't look like an entity.

He took two steps forward and looked up.Although the white shadow is trying to condense its body.But it is gradually fading.Its appearance is still the appearance of that white giant monster.But the "Sean" on the ground returned to the appearance of an ordinary person.

Although this Sean is still a vampire.But now there is a huge bloody gash about two feet long on his chest.Blood is pouring outward.The mouth is also spurting blood.This guy obviously couldn't live anymore.

I see.The body of this vampire was originally occupied by the soul of a troll.Resentment has to be dealt with easily.Now the host is killed.It also had no choice but to abandon the host.The white demon in the sky was extremely embarrassed.Zhang Jingjiang finally felt relieved at this moment.He can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother Jiang. What's going on." Zhu Fakui ran over to see Xiao En on the ground.He looked at the white giant demon soul in the sky again.asked puzzled.

"It's just a monster's soul body occupying this vampire's body." Zhang Jingjiang said: "When I take this soul body, we will completely settle the matter here.

"Haha. Arrogant boy. Do you think it's over like this?" The white demon in the sky opened his mouth suddenly.within the same time period.His body suddenly became solid.The white body was gradually shrouded in a black smoke.Then he pointed at Jiang Yiling, who was far away, and said, "You guys have forgotten about her."

Zhang Jingjiang turned pale with shock.The white demon's fingers were shrouded in black light.That was the precursor to emitting that black light.And Jiang Yiling in the distance still didn't respond.Still standing there in a daze, not knowing what to think.

Zhang Jingjiang knew that there was no delay.The body jumped up violently.When the white demon emitted the black light, it happened to block its body on the black light.Although Wu Guang lost the host's physical support.But still amazingly powerful.Zhang Jingjiang's body seemed to be hit hard.Suddenly fell from the air.Zhu Fakui was shocked.Fly forward to rescue...

"Hmph. Arrogant and ignorant kid. Do you think that's all I have to do?" The white demon stretched out his finger again after finishing speaking.This time the target was still Jiang Yiling in the distance.

Zhang Jingjiang shouted in pain on the ground: "No, don't."

Zhu Fakui stood up and rushed towards Jiang Yiling.But that black light came from behind again.An electric shot shot towards Jiang Yiling's back.Zhu Fakui was obviously too late to catch up.He couldn't bear to see Jiang Yiling being killed by Wu Guang and couldn't help but close his eyes.

There was still Zhang Jingjiang's tragic cry: "No..."

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