zombie girlfriend

Chapter 461 Ultimatum

Although the elder Bu Luo, the protector of the night demon tribe, was defeated by Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui, but everyone only saw Zhu Fakui's astonishing combat skill of the palm of the earth god, and they immediately cheered in unison.

Zhang Jingjiang suddenly found that Zhu Fakui's expression was very unnatural. He poked out his consciousness to look, and was immediately furious. The entire altar was filled with cloudy air and icy cold, and the area where Zhu Fakui stood was basically covered with a layer of hoarfrost. At this time, Zhu Fakui's lips were blue from the cold, and he was trembling. Thinking of the man in white robes before, it was obvious that he was plotting suddenly.

"The sea of ​​fire is raging," a loud roar came from Zhang Jingjiang's mouth.

Flames several meters high suddenly rose around Zhu Fakui, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose. Under the flames, there were several almost transparent small snakes on the ground, which immediately bounced up, "squeak," and were instantly burned Turned into coke, this thing is obviously used by the white-robed man to conspire. Thanks to Zhang Jingjiang who discovered it in time, otherwise, once Zhu Fakui was bitten by a small snake, he would definitely suffer from cold poison.

Zhu Fakui retreated staggeringly, the low temperature just now put a lot of pressure on him, his spiritual power felt a little stagnant, his face turned blue, those little snakes didn't know what it was, they were able to emit such serious The icy cold air, and the body is transparent, if you don't look carefully, you can't detect it at all.

Zhang Jingjiang walked forward with a gloomy face. He was a little angry. The other party used such a vicious method to plot. It was simply despicable and shameless. Although he did not say that such a fight does not allow others to help, besides, he was two against one just now. situation, but this kind of thing is obviously more insidious on one's own side than on the other side.

Besides, there is another point, which is more important, that is, the man in white robe claimed just now that he is from Wan Xuefeng, and that he is also the most fundamental culprit of the cold poison in Huang Yuhuan's body. From this point of view, Zhang Jingjiang did not let go. over the opponent's reasons.

The man in black robe was carried down in a coma by the heavy body of the Earth God Palm, and the rest was this man in white robe, who stood there pretending to be unrestrained, although the icy coldness he released just now The snake did not cause too much harm to Zhu Fakui, but Zhang Jingjiang had to pay more attention to him.

"Why did you poison that girl from Huang Li's family?" Zhang Jingjiang asked him sinisterly.

The white-robed man didn't answer his question, but looked up to the sky, and cast a contemptuous glance at Zhang Jingjiang. Behind him, Lun Qing said, "This is Wan Xuefeng's guardian Ouyang, and he persuaded him that the seven Snow Clan generals in the north should Don't bother with the matter of merging clans any more,"

Zhang Jingjiang ignored Lun Qing's words, but continued to stare at the protector Ouyang, "Answer me, otherwise you will die in an ugly way,"

"Haha..., it's up to you," Ouyang Guardian raised his head and laughed wildly.

"Well, it's up to me if you get the answer right. If you don't answer my question directly, I will not only crush you to death, but also talk about Wan Xuefeng being razed to the ground," Zhang Jingjiang continued in a cold voice.

"Arrogance," Ouyang Guardian scolded: "Even the resurrection of the Witch King will show respect to our Snow Clan in Wan Xuefeng. Do you, a spirit body clan, think that you can treat us as nothing?"

Zhang Jingjiang secretly mobilized the aura in his body, he was wondering how to get the antidote for the cold poison from this guy, so he had to think of a way to capture or trap this guy at the first time.

"Don't think that you can suppress my ice-attributed exercises because you know a little about thunder and fire. To tell you the truth, that girl is the daughter of the patriarch of the Huangli clan, and their patriarch is Oppose if the biggest obstacle of my god religion is not poisoning his daughter, how can he make him follow the orders of the god religion, you must know that the animal repelling ability of the Huang Li clan is exactly what our god religion needs."

Protector Ouyang frankly spoke out about his behavior. He was not afraid of Zhang Jingjiang's retaliation against him. He seemed to be quite conceited about his skills, so he dared to stand there and speak loudly to Zhang Jingjiang. Moreover, this guy was good at manipulating a kind of transparent little poisonous snake. , this is his biggest reliance.

Zhang Jingjiang was even more angry. Over there, Patriarch Huang was calling his daughter Huang Yuhuan to wake up. Although Huang Yuhuan's cold poison was compressed to a less important area of ​​the body by Zhang Jingjiang, it was not expelled. And that Ouyang protector of Wan Xuefeng used some method to make the cold poison in Huang Yuhuan's body recur again.

"Hand over the antidote and spare your life," Zhang Jingjiang said impatiently.

"Hmph, you can try," Ouyang Hufa sneered.

"Crack," there was a crisp sound, Zhang Jingjiang waved his hand, and a purple lightning flashed. The lightning shot towards Ouyang Protector like a poisonous snake. Ouyang Protector did not expect that Zhang Jingjiang would do it right away, without any warning , but he didn't panic, but shook the white robe on his body and swiped his two snow-white palms to the sides, suddenly a transparent layer of ice appeared in front of him.

Zhang Jingjiang's purple lightning struck instantly, but it was reflected back by the ice surface at once. The lightning reflected back and just hit Zhang Jingjiang's body. Drilling in and out, it was the first time that Zhang Jingjiang was struck by his own lightning, and a numb feeling spread all over his body, but since he can send out lightning, he can naturally withdraw it.

Those currents and arcs gradually penetrated into Zhang Jingjiang's body under Zhang Jingjiang's thoughts, and slowly disappeared. He stood there without moving, and the horror in his heart kept rolling. I really underestimated him.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks. It seems that I underestimated you," Zhang Jingjiang said.

"Haha, what you underestimated is still in the back," Ouyang Hufa laughed again, and under the palm of his hand, the blades formed by the ice layer flashed coldly and shot towards Zhang Jingjiang. It was formed by ice. The blade, hard and sharp, is indeed a good thing for killing people.

As soon as these ice blades appeared, Ouyang Guardian's hands kept sliding, and as a result, there were more and more ice blades, densely packed in all directions. As Ouyang Guardian's body circled Zhang Jingjiang's half circle, they swarmed, even Zhang Jingjiang's physical body is extremely strong, but it would be uncomfortable to be hit by these ice blades.

There was a cruel and proud smile on the face of Ouyang Guardian, because he was brewing a bigger and sharper ice blade. He wanted to inflict serious damage on Zhang Jingjiang. The leader of the two giant clans, and it would be best to injure or kill Zhang Jingjiang, a powerful enemy, so that the two clans would have nothing to rely on.

But when he just formed a huge ice blade, he couldn't help but his pupils constricted for a while, because his target disappeared, and the ice blades he fired before all passed through the place where Zhang Jingjiang was at now. In the night sky, they usually intersect each other and then shatter together, while Zhang Jingjiang is completely gone.

The fine hairs immediately stood up from Ouyang's neck, he turned around suddenly, but it was too late, suddenly a fierce force hit the back of his heart, Ouyang's hands suddenly slid back After a few clicks, this was the first reaction within the time of the calcium carbide spark, and two to three layers of ice formed instantly.

"Crack..." sounded, Ouyang Protector's body flew out, his two to three layers of protective ice armor, although blocked Zhang Jingjiang's punch, but could not be smashed, under the tremendous force The agitation went straight to the back of the heart, Ouyang Hufa suddenly felt that his throat was sweet, and he was about to vomit blood.

Zhang Jingjiang's speed was too fast, too weird. Guardian Ouyang really didn't expect it to be like this. He tried his best not to spit out the blood in his throat, and swung his hands in front of him desperately. After putting on several layers of ice armor, he turned around, but Zhang Jingjiang disappeared again behind him, and Ouyang was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split.

He knew that Zhang Jingjiang would show up at any time and attack him. The opponent's strength was obviously much higher than his. If he didn't use special measures, he might be defeated today. He rolled his eyes, and his hands suddenly began to perform tricks. The little transparent snake swam out again.

Zhang Jingjiang was already behind Ouyang Hufa at this time, and clenched his right fist again. This punch was bound to injure Ouyang Hufa, but at this moment, a female voice suddenly came from behind him The screaming sound was Huang Yuhuan's voice.

Zhang Jingjiang was shocked, and took the time to look at Huang Yuhuan's position. The patriarch Huang's expression was extremely flustered. At this time, Huang Yuhuan's face was not only blue, but many parts of his body had begun to freeze, and his whole body was trembling. The cold poison broke out.

Although Huang Yuhuan was suffering from cold poison at this time, she was awake. Zhang Jingjiang flew over, grabbed her arm and quickly injected spiritual power into her body. Having recovered, he stretched out his hand to take Huang Yuhuan's arm, indicating that he would input spiritual power. Zhang Jingjiang had to deal with the white-robed guardian first.

"Haha..., I didn't expect this woman to be very important to you. That's fine. If you don't let go, I will immediately activate the cold poison in her body. After all, even if the true god is alive, he will be gone. How do you think about it?" Let's go," Ouyang Protector said at this time pretending to be leisurely.

"Despicable, do you think that you can threaten me to give in? If you let go of the affairs of the two clans, you Wuling God Sect will succeed," Zhang Jingjiang asked, stepping forward.

Guardian Ouyang stretched out his hand, "Kaka...," several thick ice walls immediately surrounded Zhang Jingjiang, "You have to make this choice, otherwise she will die. No one can stop its footsteps, he gave Zhang Jingjiang an ultimatum,

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