zombie girlfriend

Chapter 475 Pingshan Lake Shipbuilding

Jiang Yiling told everyone that she would continue to go north, because in which direction did the last stone Zheng summon her, and Linglan judged that Jiang Yiling was likely to go to the polar region based on the geographical data she had on the original continent. The ice field, but to go to the polar ice field, you need to pass through the Blackwater City and the territory of the Shui Tribe.

Zhang Jingjiang sat down and analyzed with everyone. Since the last remaining piece of ore is likely to be of water attribute, Jiang Yiling's direction to the north is also correct, because the water in the five elements is still black, and the corresponding direction It is also in the north, so everyone really has to arrive at Heishui City first before making plans.

"It's probably tens of thousands of miles to get to Heishui City, we should start as soon as possible," Ling Lan said.

It is autumn among the four seasons in the original world, and this season is the most suitable for traveling. If everyone wants to go to the north before winter, then they need to seize the time, but tens of thousands of miles is not too short. Go to the original The last time Zhang Jingjiang did his calculations in Zhongtu City in the middle of the mainland, it might not be tens of thousands of miles away. If it is to Heishui City, he does not know how far it will be, maybe 10,000+ miles.

If they want to reach Heishui City in a short time, everyone needs a suitable means of transportation, and the box-shaped flying boat will definitely be finished if it falls into the canyon behind Ziyang Mountain. Difficulties.

"It's such a long journey, I really envy you who can fly," Chu Chu said.

"Forget it, Brother Jingjiang is biased. If there is any good thing, he will give it to that fat man first. Of course, things like flying wings will be given to him first," Qingqing said with her lips pouted.

"Haha, do you still remember, you two little girls are still jealous, don't you put all your luggage in A Biao's belt now, well, anyway, I promise you, if you find any good things, you will give priority to it Give it to you, it's okay for the head office," Zhang Jingjiang said with a smile.

Chu Chu laughed and said: "Brother Jingjiang, we are joking, but what I said is true, without the flying boat, such a long distance is indeed not easy to travel."

"Yeah, I'm also thinking about this issue, but it doesn't bother us, haven't we rebuilt the flying boat before," Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"That's right, that's right, what I mean is to build another flying boat," Qingqing said.

"Then we need to trouble Ah Biao with this matter, because we need to borrow his ax to use it," Zhang Jingjiang said, looking at Zhu Fakui with a smile.

"What are you talking about borrowing or not? Why do you see outsiders like this? If you want to use the ax, just take it. Didn't I take advantage of Brother Jiang?" Zhu Fakui said grandly.

Everyone decided to build a flying boat as a means of transportation first, and then they can go at full speed after resting. As for what the flying boat should look like, everyone gave their opinions, and what kind of functions it should have.

Some said: "At least it can keep out the rain and wind,"

Some people asked whether it is necessary to build four wheels if it lands on the ground. If you can cook and boil water on it, you basically don’t need to land. In short, I want to build a spaceship that is more spacious and convenient for living. Everyone must agree on one point.

If you want to build a flying boat, at least you need to find a suitable site. Everyone walked down the mountain, and finally decided to see if there were any forest farms or villages near the foot of the mountain in Xianping Mountains, because building a flying boat needed to complete some specific functions. Zhu Fakui's ax is obviously not enough, and some specific tools are needed.

Xianping Mountain stretches for thousands of miles, but the more people go to the north, the denser the population, the roads gradually increase, and there are many villages at the foot of the mountain, and there are quite large towns in the plains and hills not far away. After arriving at the foot of the mountain, ask passers-by where they can find a better carpenter.

As for finding a carpenter, it was also the result of everyone's arguments and discussions. The reason is very simple. None of the six people learned to be a carpenter. Get a professional carpenter to do it.

In fact, everyone has not walked out of Ziyang Mountain, and they can see the distant villages and towns clearly from the mountainside, but it is not the case if they really want to go down the mountain and rush to those villages and towns. Zhang Jingjiang calculated that he would have to walk for at least a day The distance, this is called Wangshan running a dead horse, and the longitudinal direction of the Xianping Mountains is at least [-] miles from north to south, that is, after walking out of Ziyang Mountain, you are still in Xianping Mountain.

Fortunately, the terrain behind Ziyang Mountain is relatively flat, and there are indeed several villages. A meandering river flows through here. According to the old people in the village, the upper reaches of this river are a large lake and reed marshes, which are the whole village. It is the lowest place in the Xianping Mountains, and there are many fishermen and villagers living by the lake.

As for good carpenters, they can only be found in Pingshan Town, which is more than 100 miles away. Generally, the carpenters in the villages are hired by Zhang Carpenter here, and the folks in the village are also embarrassed to ask for money. They are all helpful .

Zhang Jingjiang found Carpenter Zhang, only to find out that Carpenter Zhang Jing is actually a farmer. Sometimes he goes to the mountains to collect firewood. He can make a few simple and rough furniture, such as tables, chairs, benches and boxes and cabinets. The carriage and ship-shaped items are obviously difficult for him.

"According to what you said, it seems that we want to build a boat, right? We are all mountainous here, and the shipbuilding industry cannot be used, but there are people in the Pingshan Lake in the upper reaches of the Taohua River who can build boats. You might as well go there to find them. Let's find it," said Carpenter Zhang.

After Zhang Jingjiang thanked Carpenter Zhang, he said to everyone: "I also think what people say makes sense. Since there are rivers and lakes, and there are also fishermen who fish, there must be many people who can build boats. Where should we look for them?" ,"

Everyone nodded in agreement, so the six of them continued on the road and went upstream along the Taohua River. Not long after they walked, it turned dark and camped along the river. Most of the people were modern people from the New Territories with special identities, so it was inconvenient for them Looking for someone to stay overnight, for Zhu Fakui and others, they are more familiar with the freedom of camping in the wild, and they all need to practice at night to consolidate their newly upgraded skills.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone continued on the road until noon, and finally came to the lake. Looking from a distance, the area of ​​a piece of reeds is not small, and there are many birds on the lake. This is a lake with a small area. Surrounded by mountains, it is a lake sandwiched between mountains.

There are two large-scale fishing villages by the lake. Seeing the densely packed fishing nets and dried fish on the shore, it can be seen that the products of this lake are not bad, and there are also small fishing boats floating in the lake.

After everyone entered the fishing village, they began to inquire about who could make fishing boats and other carpentry work, but they obviously dressed as foreigners, which made the people in the village very curious about them, but because of their accents, communication between the two parties was very problematic. It was only when Ling Lan stepped forward that she understood what he meant.

It turns out that the fishing boats in the village come once every six months. The carpenters in Pingshan Town will come to the fishing village, and those fishermen who need to build and repair boats will make reservations. We came at the right time, and there happened to be a master carpenter from Pingshan Town building a fishing boat at the old man Fang's house in the fishing village.

After asking about the location of old man Fang's house, a group of six people went directly to the door. Old man Fang's family is well-off, and it can be seen from the house where old man Fang lives. It turns out that old man Fang's two sons are fishermen. The family was separated, but the old man's family only had one fishing boat. Because of the marriage and separation of his two sons, the old man Fang had to ask someone to build another fishing boat, so that the two sons would have fishing boats.

The back mountain of the fishing village is full of wood, and there is no shortage of raw materials, but to make fishing boats, you must have the kind of compact and light green cedar wood. On the open space beside the lake, the carpenter from Pingshan Town is busy. There is a fresh smell of wood, and a small light fishing boat is about to be completed, just waiting to be exposed to the sun after the last application of tung oil.

The old man Fang and his two sons were also helping, and everyone came forward to communicate with them, meaning that they wanted a carpenter to build a boat for them, but due to the language barrier, they had a misunderstanding together, and the two sons of the old man Fang thought they were It is obviously unacceptable to buy this new ship that has just been built, so the two sides argued.

At this time, Zhang Jingjiang was staring at another boat on the small pier next to it. It was a fishing boat with a very strong roof, but it was not as long as ordinary fishing boats, but it was wider than ordinary fishing boats. But the roof is a very strong reddish brown made of bamboo strips, and the whole boat doesn't look like a fishing boat but like a pleasure boat.

"Excuse me, old man, does that boat over there belong to your family?" Zhang Jingjiang asked suddenly.

The old man Fang could understand Zhang Jingjiang's words. He was explaining to his two sons that he didn't want to buy your boat, but Mr. Zhao Carpenter's. After hearing Zhang Jingjiang's question, he was stunned for a moment and looked After that boat, suddenly sighed heavily.

"That boat doesn't belong to my family, it belongs to Mrs. Bao's family. Speaking of them, it's really pitiful..."

"Ah Jiang, which boat are you talking about?" Jiang Yiling asked.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded, and Jiang Yiling frowned and looked at the boat and said, "Is this like a cruise ship?"

"The girl is right, that is the cruise ship where Mrs. Bao and her mother and daughter take guests on a tour," said old man Fang.

Zhu Fakui wondered: "Is there any scenery in this lake? Is there still people coming here to visit?"

"There is a scenic spot," said old man Fang. As soon as he spoke, his eldest son complained to him: "Father, you are chewing your tongue again, aren't you afraid of causing disaster?"

"Hey, little brother, how do you say that?"

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