zombie girlfriend

Chapter 480 Throwing Into The Lake

On the pier, a group of men surrounded Mrs. Bao's cruise ship.There must be something wrong with the noise.Thinking of people who are orphans and widows are so trustworthy.Said to wait there.It really has been waiting for everyone there.Zhang Jingjiang turned to look at his companion.Everyone's face suddenly fell down.

come closer.Only then did they realize that those men had actually tied the cables of Mrs. Bao's cruise ship to the stakes on the pier.Don't let people leave.They were cursing at Mrs. Bao with cold eyes.Mrs. Bao's daughter hid behind her mother in fright.He stared at the menacing men in front of him with terrified eyes.

"Auntie Bao. We are old acquaintances too. It turns out that you should have paid the island cruise fee. We all looked at you pitifully. It has been so long. You should be reduced or exempted a lot. Don't be flattering. "The current big man said.

"That's right. Our master Zhao has repeatedly told us not to bully the widow. All the brothers are taking care of you. Otherwise, how could you take such a long time." Another big man said.

A skinny man next to him twitched his whiskers and said, "Let's talk. Mrs. Bao. The island entrance fee owed last time. Add this time. I'll give you a little less. Whether you pay it today or not."

"Gentlemen, raise your hands high. This time it's because some guests want to visit the island. Because it's not the end of the month. So we're just helping out. We didn't take any money from them at all." Mrs. Bao bowed to the group.

"You have to pay the island fee if you go to the island before the end of the month. Don't you know that this island is currently owned by Mr. Zhao?" said the skinny man.

"It's within a hundred miles nearby. Who doesn't know that Henggong Island has wonderful scenery to see. How can you not pay the ferry fee if you carry people to the island? Sister Bao, what kind of lie are you trying to deceive our brothers. If this is the case, then you Don't blame us for being rude to you." The big man in front turned his head and said to others: "Brothers, capture her daughter here. When will this stinky bitch bring the money over and let her go."

The brawny man next to him promised to go forward and drag the sister-in-law's daughter.Mrs. Bao suddenly panicked.He dodged to block his daughter's body.I begged the big man: "Master. Master. I really didn't deceive you. The guests once asked for money. I didn't ask for it. They finally said to give me some rice. Please. Please let me go." Let go of my daughter."

But Mrs. Bao cried and begged.Obviously can't impress these big guys.Several people looked at each other with lewd smiles.His eyes wandered back and forth on Mrs. Bao's 14-year-old daughter.That looks like a bad wolf.

"Don't talk about it. We won't see the money you sent today. We won't let it go. Brothers, I'm idle anyway. Pull this little girl up to me." The big man in the lead yelled loudly .The men under him applauded loudly.Go forward and do it.

Mrs. Bao cried and begged.Desperately blocking the person stretched out his daughter's big hand.And her daughter was already crying in fright.Everyone laughed and pushed Mrs. Bao aside.Two or three jumped into the boat.Sister Bao's daughter is about to be taken ashore.At this moment, an angry shout was suddenly heard.

"Stop. Let go of the mother and daughter."

This angry shout immediately stunned all the big men.This is their territory.Who is so brave.Even at the end of the month.Anyone who comes to this island.These people sometimes cheat a bit.Overcharge other people's money.No one ever dared to speak loudly to them.Foreigners dare not be so local.

The leading man looked back.I saw Zhang Jingjiang and the six of them approaching.Zhang Jingjiang is tall and thin.Zhu Fakui beside him was dark and fat.But the rest are a few beautiful young girls.Could it be that these people want to meddle in their own business.

"In broad daylight. Expropriation and expropriation and robbery of civilian women. What do you want to do?"

It was Zhu Fakui who scolded them angrily.Zhang Jingjiang doesn't like to stand out very much recently.Such a show of one's face.Zhu Fakui was so willing to do it.So he pouted.Zhu Fakui roared furiously.

"Friends. It's none of your business here. I advise you not to meddle in your own business." The leading man said with a gloomy face.At the same time all of them gathered together.These people have been having a hard time recently.Otherwise, I wouldn't come out to embarrass my sister-in-law, mother and daughter.I saw someone coming out looking for trouble.Naturally, it is impossible to ask for it.Slowly come up just want to fight.

"We are tourists on this sister-in-law's boat. We have chartered her boat. If you have anything to do, feel free to come to us." Zhang Jingjiang said lightly.

"Brother Jiang, what are you talking to them about?" Zhu Fakui asked.

"Good boys. You are very arrogant. Do you know whose territory this is. Since you are on the island, you need to call us the island fee. If not. I see how many girls you have. Keep the girls. When will the fee for going to the island be made up? When will the person receive it? " said the big man.It relies on the number of people and the power of the crowd.Don't take Zhang Jingjiang and others seriously.Suddenly burst into laughter.

Jiang Yiling said angrily, "These people are so hateful."

"Kill them all or throw them all in the lake." Zhu Fakui also said.He was asking Zhang Jingjiang.He also rolled up his sleeves.

Zhang Jingjiang said: "Then throw it all into the lake." After speaking, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the leading man.There was still a distance of four or five steps between him and the big man.But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he had already reached the chest of the big man.Then the big man flew out into the distant lake like a stone.

This scene immediately stunned the men present.Listening to the screams of the leading man getting farther and farther in the air.Finally, it fell into the lake with a "plop".At least two miles away from Henggong Island.Immediately afterwards, the big men one by one were thrown up and fell into the lake outside.Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui fought together.Three times, five divisions and two times threw all the men on the shore into the lake.

Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui only used moderate amounts of force.But even so.This group of people was also thrown far into the lake.The farthest is two or three miles away. "Plop. Plop." Water splashed everywhere.These people don't know what's going on yet.As soon as he opened his mouth to shout, he fell into the lake.

Qingqingchuchu applauded.Blame Zhu Fakui for throwing too fast.Why not leave them two.Zhang Jingjiang clapped her hands and said to Sister Bao who was still in shock, "Sister Bao. It's all right. Let's go back."

"You...you have offended these people. You will definitely trouble us in the future. And their Master Zhao will not let you go." Mrs. Bao said in shock.

"Sister Bao, you don't have to worry. I guarantee that these people will never trouble you again. And we have something to discuss with you." Zhang Jingjiang comforted her.

Everyone boarded the boat and returned to the shore.Qingqing and Chuchu are the fastest.I told Mrs. Bao in advance.From now on, there will be no spectacle of Pisces fighting on Henggong Island.Because a big fish has been killed by them.Mrs. Bao became even more sad when she heard these words.

"Sister Bao. We want to discuss something with you. We just want to buy your ship. We will give you twice the price. You can use the money to go to the town to join relatives. If you don't want to go, you can use it again. With this money, I will hire a carpenter to build a new boat. But that, Henggong Island will indeed have no wonders in the future. It is impossible to rely on carrying passengers to visit the island." Zhang Jingjiang said to her calmly.

Mrs. Bao thought for a while.Nodding in agreement.She had long planned to join relatives.It is because the family really has no money.It turned out that Mr. Zhao's people wanted to buy her cruise ship.But the price is too low.She did not agree.All around are poor fishermen.Even if people buy a boat, they will buy a fishing boat.But her boat was not really a fishing boat.

Seeing Mrs. Bao agreed to sell the boat.Everyone is very happy.The price was negotiated now.Zhang Jingjiang insisted on paying more than double the negotiated price.There is still a lot of money in his belt from the last time.He simply gave Mrs. Bao some more.Then the ship belonged to them.

After going ashore.Zhang Jingjiang went to find Old Man Fang.The carpenter happened to be still around.He needs to add four flat planks to the bottom of the boat.I was going to have four wheels.But the idea surprised Carpenter too much.So put four planks instead.It is to consider that it can be stable when landing in the future.Otherwise the bottom of the boat is pointed.

Mrs. Bao's family packed up their things and prepared to go to the town to seek refuge with relatives.Her hut has nothing of value.What should be discarded is also discarded.Her cruise ship needs to be towed to land for refit.This may take a day or two.Take advantage of this time.Zhang Jingjiang flew to Pingshan Town with Zhu Fakui that night.They are going to solve the last trouble.

before leaving.Zhang Jingjiang asked Mrs. Bao about it.I learned that Mr. Zhao in Pingshan Town is the biggest powerful force.That's because there are several immortal disciples in his family.With the magic of the children of the fairy family.No one in Ping'an Town dared to provoke Mr. Zhao.This was what Mrs. Bao was most worried about.But now her boat is sold.I will no longer eat rice on the lake.It doesn't matter anymore.

Just a few disciples of the sect of cultivating immortals and practicing qi.Zhang Jingjiang didn't pay attention at all.That night, he and Zhu Fakui flew straight to Pingshan Town with wings spread.Didn't come back until the next morning.

"How is it?" Jiang Yiling knew what he was going to do.stepped forward and asked.

"It has been burnt to a white ground. From then on, there will be no more Mr. Zhao's house in the world." Zhang Jingjiang replied calmly.

"Then what is the sect of cultivating immortals and practicing Qi?"

"Kill them all." Zhu Fakui said happily.

"Okay. Why don't you take us to such a wonderful event." Qingqing jumped up and asked.

"Yes. Brother Jingjiang, you are biased." Chuchu said dissatisfied.

"Can you fly?" Zhu Fakui asked.

"Okay, okay. Stop arguing. We got something good for you." After speaking, Zhang Jingjiang took out a string of golden bells and gave them to Qingqing and Chuchu.That was the magic weapon used by the disciples of the two cultivating immortal sects.

The string of bells is extremely finely crafted.Very beautiful.Qingqing Chuchu is very fond of it.She happily put it away.

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