zombie girlfriend

Chapter 482 The Lost Companion

There is a strange beast Fei Lian at the stern.Zhang Jingjiang jumped out of the flying boat.want to block it.At that time, he didn't think the other party was so powerful.But he also regretted it afterwards.Fei Lian is known as an ancient strange beast.Nature has its extremely domineering places.

Zhang Jingjiang didn't know until he jumped out of the flying boat.Why did Fei Lian follow behind their flying boat.It turned out to be not far from the flying boat.The group of Zhu Yanniao was hiding under the flying boat.They seemed to know that they couldn't fly at Fei Lian's speed.I hope that Zhang Jingjiang's flying boat can block Fei Lian.This is how to escape the catastrophe.

In this way.Fei Lian would naturally regard the flying boat as an obstacle.Now Zhang Jingjiang jumped out again to block its way.This is tantamount to being directly hostile to Fei Lian.

Fei Lian stopped flying immediately.A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Jingjiang coldly.All the feathers on the back of the neck stood up.Its three red feathers are particularly eye-catching.Fei Lian opened his mouth and screamed at Zhang Jingjiang.The four claws have entered the fighting state in the air.

From the point of view of body size.After Zhang Jingjiang spread his wings.It's basically about the same size as that Feilian.But Fei Lian's wings were more than twice that of Zhang Jingjiang's bone wings.Plus it has a straight body.Four huge claws.Although Zhang Jingjiang didn't care.But deep down I am more cautious.After all, such a flying beast in the air.It was his first time facing an enemy.

And for Fei Lian.Zhang Jingjiang could only say that Linglan would breathe a strong gust of wind.Others don't know what they can do.For opponents with wind attributes.To deal with it, it is definitely necessary to use the water attribute that can restrain the wind attribute.Zhang Jingjiang wondered if he should lead Fei Lian to the ground to find a larger water source to deal with it.

But between Li Ke.Fei Lian let Zhang Jingjiang understand what it means: "Think beautifully." Fei Lian's two huge wings flapped violently.A strong gust of wind rushed towards him.The blow made Zhang Jingjiang spin around in the air.

He struggled to control his balance.And began to reduce the vibration frequency of the bone wings.Then face one of Fei Lian's wings.A fierce palm of ice.Because of the clouds in the sky.Moisture is not lacking.So Zhang Jingjiang was able to absorb a lot of water elements from the clouds.

The cold air formed by the ice palm hit Fei Lian's wings.But there are countless rotating small wind blades wrapped around this guy's wings.The cold couldn't get close at all.This only angered Fei Lian even more.The guy flicked the feathers on his neck.Suddenly opened his mouth and screamed.

A mighty force suddenly radiated out.A billowing yellow wind suddenly spewed out from Fei Lian's mouth.Get the gust of wind and it's near in a blink of an eye.Zhang Jingjiang suddenly felt a huge coercion.The bone wings behind him were actually blown with a "crack..." sound. "This is something that has never happened before. Zhang Jingjiang's complexion changed drastically.

His body was scraped and turned around in place again.But for a moment his eyes couldn't be opened.When turning around.He saw that the flying boat driven by Zhu Fakui was like a small boat in the vast ocean at this moment.Almost rolled up and down.Although Zhu Fakui tried his best to control the flying boat and flew down.But now the flying boat is completely out of control.

And those Zhu Yanniao under the flying boat had long been blown away by the strong wind.not only.Even the clouds around them disappeared.It was blown away by the strong wind.

The gust of wind in Fei Lian's mouth didn't mean to stop at all.It's getting bigger and bigger.Zhang Jingjiang watched the flying boat being blown away quickly.That speed is just a blink of an eye.It just turned into a little black spot in his eye.

Look at the directions.The flying boat was heading southeast.And it is gradually descending downward.Zhang Jingjiang felt a little relieved.But at this time he wanted to face Fei Lian again.It has been very difficult.Not only can't open the eyes.Even breathing is very difficult now.Zhang Jingjiang was terrified.

It wasn't just Zhang Jingjiang who was horrified.Fei Lian on the opposite side was also inexplicably horrified.Because it knows the strength of the gust of wind in its mouth best.That is not only able to urge up trees.It can blow away the mountains.On the other hand, Zhang Jingjiang was spinning in the gust of wind in its mouth.Doesn't seem to be blown away either.What's going on here.

Fei Lian shook the feathers on his neck again.Increased the speed of the gust of wind in the mouth.I saw white marks appearing in the air around Zhang Jingjiang.As if it was about to be torn apart.The wind blew on Zhang Jingjiang's body and face.It also began to sharpen like a knife.

Now Zhang Jingjiang is no longer spinning.He is hunched over.head down.The bony wings are retracted to reduce the area exposed to the wind.But he felt that all his strength was basically useless.It was getting harder and harder to breathe.The clothes on his body were gradually torn apart by the strong wind.

It was the strongest leather jacket that Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui bought.Made entirely of cowhide.But now it was torn apart by strong winds.They even flew backwards one by one.It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Jingjiang's leather jacket was torn apart by the strong wind from Fei Lian.In an instant, it became one by one.The strong wind blew across his body like a blade.But a layer of scales immediately appeared on the surface of Zhang Jingjiang's body.Withstood the strong wind.His physical body was basically able to cope with this danger.But after the clothes were broken.Something fell out of his arms.

It was a hollow iron box.There is also a bead in the iron box.Emit a white mist of light.One fell out of his arms.Just suspended in front of him.The hazy white light gradually enlarged.It enveloped Zhang Jingjiang's body.

This iron box is Zhang Jingjiang and others under the lake on Henggong Island.Under the covetousness of two big fish.The iron box containing the beads snatched from the inside of the big clam shell.And the beads inside are very peculiar.Never knew what it was.Zhang Jingjiang took it out of the storage belt for research in the past two days.It is precisely because of this.It was only in this crisis that he was saved.

As soon as the white hazy light appeared.Immediately, Fei Lian on the opposite side was startled.This guy doesn't know anything else.It knows this bead.It was a calming bead.It is a rare treasure in the sea of ​​tears.Able to hold the body in the wind and waves and not drift with the current.In the wind is not afraid.That is a very important thing in the hands of a certain great god.

Fei Lian was startled when he saw it.With this "spiritual concentration bead", Zhang Jingjiang is not only not afraid of his strong wind.You can also attack it after stabilizing your figure.This is what he cares most about.Because Fei Lian is not only able to breathe the wind.The body is extremely fragile.Except for some small rotating wind blades that can be produced outside its wind attribute body.There are no more safeguards.

The gust of wind was immediately sucked from its mouth without a trace left.Fei Lian flapped its huge wings.Turn around and leave.Under the vigorous waving of the two wings.With a whoosh, his body leaped far away.And there was a wind trail behind him.Zhang Jingjiang was resisting the strong wind with his head sullen.At this moment, the gust of wind stopped.look up.Fei Lian was only a small black shadow in the distance.Immediately surprised.

After the wind stopped.The hollow iron box on his chest suddenly dissipated white light.Fall down.Zhang Jingjiang was startled.Reach out and grab it.Just picked it up.Although he didn't know what it was.But the reason why I was standing still in the strong wind was probably the reason for this thing.

"Could it be Dingfengzhu?" Zhang Jingjiang questioned.

Never mind.Since he was able to resist such a violent gust of wind, this "Stable Wind Orb" is really a treasure.Zhang Jingjiang was a little angry and depressed.Immediately became better.

But turn around and look.I have completely lost contact with Feizhou.The surrounding space is empty.Not a trace of cloud.He was alone in the blue sky.And also wearing tattered clothes.Almost shirtless.Even the jeans are full of rips.

Zhang Jingjiang put the tin box into the storage belt first.Then shake off the bone wings and fly down.First, he found a higher mountain and dropped his body.Then he pulled out another leather jacket from the storage belt and put it on.He really prepared several sets of such clothes.There is no shortage of clothes and pants.It's just that there is no opening on the back of the new clothes.Need to tear the opening to let the wings out.

After changing clothes.Zhang Jingjiang thought about it.Take out the tin box again.Squeeze hard with your hands.Break the iron box.Take out the beads inside.He looked up, down, left, and right again for a while.But the bead remained unremarkable.The surface is still uneven.Zhang Jingjiang thought about it and put him in the leather pocket on his chest.Zip up.

The flying boat was blown away by the wind towards the southeast.Zhang Jingjiang thought which direction to look for.He shook his wings and flew into the sky again.facing southeast.Fly away quickly.I hope the flying boat will not be blown too far by the wind.Who knows that after he flew hundreds of miles.Feeling bad in my heart.Because he still has not found the trace of the flying boat.

Accelerate and fly forward again.At the same time, pay close attention to the scenery on the ground.In this way, I flew more than 1000 miles.Still no sign of the flying boat.Zhang Jingjiang murmured inwardly that something was wrong.Could it be that he flew too fast and missed the appearance of the flying boat landing on the ground.It was the gust of wind that actually blew the flying boat farther.More than 1000 miles.

My heart began to panic.Zhang Jingjiang turned back and searched more carefully along the way.He spent half the day flying.When returning to the place of departure.Still no trace of any airship. .Zhang Jingjiang suddenly became more anxious.Fly again towards the southeast.

Until night falls.Zhang Jingjiang still hasn't found Feizhou.He had to stop.The anxiety that was burning in his heart was forcibly suppressed by him at this time.He needs to calm down and think about it.

What would they think if they were Zhu Fakui.Zhang Jingjiang pondered for a while.The airship was apparently undamaged.That means they can still fly.After a momentary separation.Everyone knows that Zhang Jingjiang knows that the destination is the north.Will definitely keep flying north.But they will definitely slow down and wait for Zhang Jingjiang.So he should go north to find it.

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