The stone deer real person from Xiaocang Mountain floats in the air.Zhang Jingjiang opposite him was sneering at him.This made Master Shilu suddenly feel something was wrong.The other party seemed to be looking for trouble.In view of the strong strength of the opponent.He had no choice but to laugh along with him.But in my heart I secretly complained.And ready to escape at any time.

Speaking of running away.Master Shilu still has a little self-confidence.Don't say anything else.His pair of shoes is his best tool for escape.These are a pair of half-waist boots.The sole is made of high driftwood.Outer Mongolia cloud silk leopard skin.In fact, it is an aircraft itself.Aircraft made of high driftwood are famous for their fast speed and dexterous handling in Xiaocang Mountain.

"Fellow Daoist dislikes the smallness of the temple of the Bizongmen. I don't want to go. But I don't know what to order." Master Shilu asked with a smile on his face.

"Send a group of disciples to track down the flying boat in the sky today. It was you who ordered it. Do you want to snatch the woman on the boat so that you can practice your sinister double cultivation method?" Zhang Jingjiang suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

Immortal Shilu's complexion changed drastically.He finally knew what happened today.Watching the Zongmen house on Xiaocang Mountain collapsed at the foot.Many disciples looked ashamed.Master Shilu couldn't help feeling somewhat regretful.But this person is old and cunning after all.Turning his eyes, he explained to Zhang Jingjiang.

"There may be some misunderstandings. I have practiced in seclusion for the past two days. I don't know what happened today. I don't know what you said. Since the people from Xiaocangshan offended two fellow Taoists, let me investigate carefully. We must find the person responsible. Give the two of you an explanation." After speaking, he turned around and slipped away.What he said was polite and polite.I believe that Zhang Jingjiang is hindered by face.He will also come up with an explanation.But he was wrong.

The wind blows in my ears.Zhang Jingjiang appeared next to Master Shilu.Zhang Jingjiang still had that chilling sneer on his face: "If you dare to do it, you don't dare to be it. You became greedy at the beginning. You should know that you need to bear the consequences. If you don't have this awareness, you are still worthy of being the head of the sect."

Immortal Shilu is already terrified at this moment.Zhang Jingjiang's spiritual consciousness completely enveloped him.And exert a strong coercion.He stomped on his feet.The boots aircraft suddenly turned deftly.Although the castration is downward, it slides in another direction.It just passed the top of the main peak in the blink of an eye, ready to flee.But he still couldn't escape.

Zhang Jingjiang stood in front of him almost instantly.Master Shilu couldn't hold back his momentum.It almost hit Zhang Jingjiang.Zhang Jingjiang pointed a finger at him and said, "People who cultivate immortals are all scum. Go to hell."

"Chi." A sound.Xuanming pointed to penetrate the brain.Immortal Shilu's face suddenly turned ashen.The body stopped abruptly.Then he fell headlong down the mountain.The corpse collided on the rock.Broken to pieces.

This scene.The disciples of Xiaocang Mountain below looked very green.The moment Shilu Daoist died and fell. "Boom." All these people fled in all directions.Zhang Jingjiang's figure flickered and stopped a disciple of Xiaocangshan who was wearing a dark red robe.That person was following Master Shilu.At this time, he was running away.Unexpectedly, after a gust of wind.A figure was blocked in front of him.The silvery wings behind the figure gleamed in the moonlight.

This time scared the guy out of his wits.In his eyes, Zhang Jingjiang was like a god of death.The insidious spiritual majesty all over his body immediately weighed down his whole body, making him unable to lift his head.And then the wind picked up again.Another person also blocked behind him with a huge axe.

"Great Immortal, spare your life. Great Immortal, spare your life. Everything is done by the sect master. I don't care about my business." Seeing the danger, the man immediately knelt down on the ground.And yelled for mercy.

"What kind of master will naturally teach what kind of shrunken disciple. This guy must have done bad things. Brother Jiang. Kill him." Zhu Fakui asked.

"I'm wronged. Everything is done by my teacher. It's really none of my business." At this time, the man was scared out of his wits.Straight shit.

Zhang Jingjiang looked at him in disgust.Still with a blank face, he said: "Where is the buoyant driftwood on Xiaocang Mountain? Take us there!"

"I'll lead the way. I know. I'll lead you there." The guy was deft, too.Don't care about the wet and hot in the crotch.Get up and go.The direction he leads is the back mountain of the main peak.The road is not far.The houses here are connected together.There is a high wall blocking the way.Energy fluctuations can be felt from a distance.Obviously blocked by the array.

"The high driftwood unique to Xiaocang Mountain is just above the canyon waterfall behind the wall. There is a pool there. But this wall is protected by a formation arranged by our master. We ordinary disciples cannot enter it." The man stood Said helplessly there.

"I'm coming." Zhu Fakui shouted.Go forward and face the high wall covered by the formation.The Wuling God Ax is two axes when it is rounded.

"Shua Shua." Twice.The formation outside the entire high wall suddenly burst into pieces.With a flash of light and shadow.The formation instantly disintegrated.This kind of low-level protective formation cannot resist the ax marks of the witch spirit axe.The high wall that came with it also collapsed with a "boom."

go further.It is a waterfall flowing down from the cliff of the back mountain.A pool of water formed at the low point.Zhang Jingjiang saw the tall driftwood from a long distance away.Said it was wood.But it is actually a big tree.This tree is very strange in that it is completely floating in the air.The branches all over the sky are flying in the air with their teeth and claws.Especially the roots.

Its roots are like a big tumor.Countless roots hang down from the middle.These roots were directly inserted into the pool below from the air.High driftwood is literally floating in the air.He uses the roots to absorb water and nutrients.

"This spiritual spring in the back of my Xiaocang Mountain. It contains a very strong spiritual energy. For hundreds of years, this strange tree floated here from outside. Since then, the roots have been inserted in the water. It is also called the unique specialty of my Xiaocang Mountain. It is." The disciple explained from the side.

Zhang Jingjiang glanced at him and shouted: "Go away. If you want to do evil again, think about the disaster of destroying your family today."

The Xiaocangshan disciple heard about it.Such as amnesty.He ran away after rolling and crawling.Zhu Fakui didn't pay attention to it when he swung his big axe.And Zhang Jingjiang stepped forward to investigate which pool.The pool is not very big.The water mist splashed by the waterfall next to it shrouded it.But it is not the source of water in the pool.This pool is distinct from the pool formed by the waterfall.A spring is "gurgling." Spring water is bubbling out.

Zhang Jingjiang knelt down and looked carefully.Then he took a handful of spring water and tasted it.Immediately overjoyed.Shouted to Zhu Fakui: "Ah Biao, come quickly. Fill the bottle with water to your heart's content. As much as it can hold. This water is not easy."

Zhu Fakui heard it.Immediately stepped forward and took the water bottle from the storage belt.Water bags or something.He asked, "Brother Jiang. What did you find?"

"The aura contained in this spring water is several times more than that in the air. It is definitely a spiritual spring. This is a good thing. It's a pity that we can't take it away. Let's take as much water as we can." Zhang Jing loves that too Take a water container from the storage belt.

"I think. This strange tree came here because of this spring. This thing seems to be alive." Zhang Jingjiang sighed.

The two continued to draw water from the pool.Bump into all the water bottle water pockets it can hold.But this is just a drop in the bucket for spring water.Looking at so many springs, Zhang Jingjiang felt it was a pity.Suddenly he had an idea: "Ah go down into the water. I'll show you."

"What. Brother Jiang. Do you want me to take a shower?" Zhu Fakui asked curiously.

"Take a fart bath. You idiot. The aura in this water is many times that in the air. The progress of cultivation inside must be several times that of cultivation outside. You don't hurry up and use it. It won't be so good then This is my chance." Zhang Jingjiang scolded.

Zhu Fakui was overjoyed when he heard this.Zhang Jingjiang was right.The spring water here contains a very rich aura.If you practice in it.I don't know how fast the results of cultivation will be.He immediately put the clothes on his body down.In three steps and two steps, he jumped into the spring water.

The pool formed by the whole spring is not big.The middle area is completely occupied by the roots of high driftwood.After Zhu Fakui entered.I found that the water was only waist deep.But the water is icy cool.Very comfortable.Zhu Fakui couldn't help but groaned.

"Brother Jiang. It's so comfortable in here. Why don't you come in too."

"You have come across this today. Don't miss this opportunity. As soon as possible, practice Houtu Derivation Judgment to Consummation. Strive to break through the metal nature. Consummation of the Five Elements as soon as possible. I don't need spiritual energy now. We Spirit Body Clan will go to prove it after the Consummation of the Five Elements The Great Way of Yin and Yang. Absorb the qi of heaven and earth. I seem to have figured out the way now. Hurry up and practice." After speaking, Zhang Jingjiang sat down cross-legged by the pool.

Now Zhu Fakui didn't talk nonsense anymore.Choose the most comfortable position directly in the water.Then he began to run his Houtu Derivative Jue silently.The whole person suddenly fell silent.Since he followed Zhang Jingjiang's practice advice.Xiu Yuan, your speed is very fast among the same kind.This time, the practice was even more advanced by leaps and bounds.

Zhang Jingjiang sat by the pool.Restored the lost spiritual power.It was done in a moment.He looked up at the tall driftwood.Very curious about this tree.Under the next calm look.He felt that there was something flowing in the tree that made him very comfortable.

It was a feeling of yin and yang blending.He can only feel it when he is next to this tree.Dashu's body was seen by Zhang Jingjiang.It is nothing more than two kinds of lines, one black and one white, flowing.That is obviously the juice of yin and yang attributes.Slowly he found out.At the junction of every black and white line there is a tiny swirl.

The black line and the white line are unified into the vortex here.Constantly spinning.Yin and Yang also blend here.A puff of pure gray gas is produced.Then it continued to disperse to all parts of the whole tree.That seems to be what motivates the tree to float in the air.

Zhang Jingjiang suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment....

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