zombie girlfriend

Chapter 49 The One-Horned Flying Bear

In the following two days, relying on Zhang Jingjiang's excellent perception ability, they escaped an ambush again, and successfully became the orioles again!Not only the sneak attack is successful, but also the income is quite good!The ore points of the two have exceeded [-] points!

This time Zhang Jingjiang discovered again that the two of them stopped in a dense forest of rocks. The concentration of aura in this area was very dense. There was a ferocious and violent monster aura, so he motioned to Zhu Fakui, and the two lurked and approached slowly.

"Ah Biao! Don't stay too far away from me for a while, I feel that this monster is not weak, it should not just look like a first-level monster!" Zhang Jingjiang ordered.

Zhu Fakui nodded. The closer he got, the more uneasy he felt. This was the spontaneous feeling of the monster being nearby. On the other hand, Zhang Jingjiang seemed calmer than him. This was a sign of strong confidence in his physical ability. Zhu Fakui couldn't help admiring it he.

The terrain in the dense forest of mountains and rocks suddenly subsided. On a pile of rocks, Zhang Jingjiang saw an independent plant. Usually plants grow on the ground, but this plant is wrapped like a vine man. The rocks below are so slender that three orange-yellow fruits hang down from the branches!

From a distance, the two of them smelled a strange fragrance. This kind of fragrance smelled of iron rust, but it made people feel hot all over. The two looked at each other, both feeling a little incredible!The whole body of the fruit is bright yellow, about the size of a walnut. If you look closely, you will find that there are some tiny scales on the peel!

"Good thing! Don't let this thing go!" Kuichen's voice suddenly came out of his head!

Zhang Jingjiang responded immediately: "What the hell is this, Master Kuichen?"

"Copper-skinned fire scale fruit! It's really rare! I think I managed to get one of these things back then, but I didn't expect there to be three here! You are really lucky!" Kui Chen said enviously.

"Can you explain in detail? Master Kuichen!"

"Don't you want to evolve your own attributes? This thing is an indispensable auxiliary material for the evolution of your own attributes! With it, you can save a lot of hardships on the road of evolution! Think about it, the guardian here is A third-level monster, I feel that he is watching from the side, if you want to get this copper-skinned fire scale fruit, you must move quickly!" Kuichen warned him.

Zhang Jingjiang took a deep breath. He knew the level of monsters. The first level monsters are equivalent to the seven to eight levels of water-based skill of fleshy, and the second-level monsters will soar to the level of fleshy earth. The strength of the peak, as for the third-level monster, it is equivalent to the strength of the fleshy fire, and the strength of the monster will become stronger as the body grows longer!

Among the people Zhang Jingjiang has seen with the deepest skills, only the Great Elder is the only one, but the Great Elder is a wood-type second-level skill. I really don't know what it will be like to reach the fire-type stage!But what he was about to face was a third-level monster that was equivalent to the fire stage of flesh and blood!Zhang Jingjiang really didn't know what to do.

But thinking of the temptation of being able to become a thunder attribute through attribute upgrades, he couldn't help it. After thinking for a while, he turned to look at Zhu Fakui, and said with a serious expression: "Ah Biao! It's troublesome now, Elder Ji once said , all the high-level monsters in this area have been expelled, but there are still three-level monsters hidden around here!"

"Level three monster! No way?" Zhu Fakui's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Believe me, I won't lie to you." Zhang Jingjiang nodded and said, "The fruit in front is a very important medicinal plant! I must get it, and I will use my speed to attract that monster in a while. Quickly pick off those three fruits, and then retreat to the top of the mountain to the east to wait for me!"

"No! Brother Jiang, let me attract the monster, my body is faster than yours!" Zhu Fakui patted his chest and said, "Believe me, I will definitely be able to shake it off!"

Zhang Jingjiang thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, you will be very dangerous. If you advance to the soil, I will promise you. This time I will do it. Don't fight! It’s not for the ore, it’s the fruit that’s guarding, listen to me, don’t miss it, hide and wait for me after reaching the top of the mountain!”

Zhu Fakui still wanted to fight, but Zhang Jingjiang stopped him, then stood up and walked towards the three fruits alone, Zhu Fakui had no choice but to hide his figure again, Zhang Jingjiang walked very slowly, fully alert with every step, while looking everywhere Glance, magnify all the perception of the whole body to the maximum, always be on guard and prepare to escape.

When he was just a few steps away from the fruit tree, a gust of wind suddenly struck!At the same time, an angry roar came: "Roar!" The huge white bear suddenly jumped out. This bear had a bone spur on its head, huge claws with ten toes, and fleshy wings under its ribs!

This giant bear is called the One-horned Flying Bear. Although it can't fly, it is extremely fast. After it jumped out, it hit Zhang Jingjiang with a bear paw, and its sharp claws made the sound of tearing the air!If you are hit by it, your bones will be broken, your skin will be torn and your flesh will be rotten!

Zhang Jingjiang was already on full alert, but as soon as the giant bear appeared, he immediately wanted to dodge. At the same time, he retracted his fists and lowered his ribs to mobilize his spiritual power to prepare for the water wave qigong. The monster was furious, and rushed up again with a loud roar. At this time, Zhang Jingjiang jumped up violently, and aimed at the bear's head with a move of Shuibo Qigong!

The huge impact made the giant bear roll over, but it was not injured at all. It shook its head and roared again, and it moved behind Zhang Jingjiang in an instant. The huge bear paw flew towards his head with a strong wind. Take a picture!After Zhang Jingjiang's water wave qigong was released, he saw that there was no effect at all, so he knew it was broken!Transported all the strength of the whole body to his feet, and rushed out.

The speed of the giant bear's paws was not much faster than his own. Although Zhang Jingjiang jumped out, he was still scratched by the bear's claws behind him. Looking at the rags on his paws, the giant bear became even more furious. A series of tangible sound waves have been formed, and hit Zhang Jingjiang's fleeing back fiercely!

Zhang Jingjiang already sensed the danger, and changed direction again at a critical moment, dodging to one side, a big rock in front of him was hit by the sound wave, and was smashed to pieces with a "bang!"The gravel slid across Zhang Jingjiang's face, terrified him, and ran towards the dense forest again.

The giant bear's second attack failed, and it became furious immediately. It grabbed the ground with its huge bear claws, kicked hard, and chased Zhang Jingjiang like a hurricane!Zhang Jingjiang heard the constant roar behind him, and knew that the guy was chasing him, so he ran away with all his might.

He turned left and right through the dense forest, trying to slow down the giant bear's pursuit speed, but the guy was strong, with rough skin and thick flesh, and he didn't dodge some small trees at all, and directly bumped into them, with a thick bowl mouth The trees were suddenly smashed and flew around!

Zhang Jingjiang was even more anxious in his eyes. In desperation, he mobilized his whole body's spiritual power and began to absorb a large amount of wood elements from the surrounding trees, and then his body quickly floated to the middle branch of a big tree that was hugged by five people, and then moved his body Leaning on a tree trunk, maintaining balance.

But he forgot one thing, that is, bears can climb trees!When he thought of this, the giant bear had already chased under the tree. It squatted on the ground and looked at Zhang Jingjiang who was hiding on the tree by absorbing wood elements. There was a mocking look in his small eyes, and then a cruel look. He fiercely jumped up and rushed towards Zhang Jingjiang fiercely!It doesn't need to climb a tree at all, it can jump directly to Zhang Jingjiang!

"My God!" Zhang Jingjiang was terrified. Seeing the giant bear's bloody mouth rushing towards his eyes in an instant, he jumped back directly, and with a roar, the guy jumped into space again. Zhang Jingjiang jumped off the tree and continued to run away, but the cries of the giant bear in his ears got farther and farther away, apparently not catching up, which made Zhang Jingjiang very surprised.

After thinking about it, he turned around and walked back slowly, and the roar of the giant bear didn't stop, so Zhang Jingjiang could only approach quietly. Laughed!

"Haha! This guy, you're out of luck!"

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