The location of Beidi Tavern is Zhang Jingjiang.I got it from the inn clerk.Many expeditions to the Xiuyuan wasteland will basically come and go in this tavern.This is indeed an excellent place to inquire about information and obtain intelligence.

There is one more thing.The camel meat and fruit wine here are also very famous.Just say roasted camel meat.That's a specialty from here. .Red-nosed camel.This is the best means of transportation in the Xiuyuan wasteland and the western wasteland Gobi and desert.His two humps are huge.Capable of storing food nutrients and water for a month.Long-term walking does not need to eat grass.

Caravans to the west and north.And expeditions other than using horses.The red-nosed camel is the most used means of transportation and transportation.So the tavern invented the dish specifically.Specially grill the hump of the red-nosed camel.Not only delicious.And can provide a lot of energy.

The six found a corner and sat down.Ordered the roast hump and roast beef.There are also some other seasonal fresh vegetables.This is for everyone who has eaten dry biscuits and butcher shops for half a month.It can be regarded as a good meal improvement.Zhang Jingjiang doesn't eat.But he ordered some fruit wine here.Taste slowly.The degree of alcohol is not high.Strong single fruit aroma.Zhang Jingjiang was very satisfied.Consider whether to get some more and put them in the storage belt.

Most of the rough men in the tavern.Gobble up meat.Drink in a big bowl.Loudly talking about some anecdotes and major events in the market.Of course, there are also some missions such as monks.Most of them are in the private seats on the second floor.The purpose of these people is obviously the same as that of Zhang Jingjiang and others.

Everyone did not leave after eating.But according to Zhang Jingjiang's request.Stretch your ears to listen to the news.Then sum it up.See what works.Then make a decision.Anyway, in such a world.There is a lot of information available for free.If you don't listen, you don't listen.But judge which ones are useful.But you need a brain.

Zhang Jingjiang wanted to hear where he could get a map of the Northland.He needs to know that there are mountains.There are plains and valleys.There is forest and there is wasteland.These data will be of great help to their next flight.

And at the beginning.Jiang Yiling and Qingqing Chuchu didn't quite understand this.They think so.Since it is flying over the entire area.Why do you want to get a map of the terrain.

Later Zhang Jingjiang explained to them.That's because they still need to land and rest.If you don't know the terrain.It's easy to be in a dangerous place without knowing it.Not to mention wild beasts.Even the Aboriginal tribes of the Northlands are dangerous.This reason is barely plausible.

Zhang Jingjiang only found out afterwards.I have fallen into a vicious circle.According to his ability.Basically, even if you encounter danger in the wild.It can also ensure everyone's safety.The reason why he has this worry.In fact, I still don't have a precise understanding of my own abilities.And go further north.Zhang Jingjiang felt more and more dangerous.He was a little out of breath.

He is now doing his best to get the preparations ahead.Just in case you are caught off guard.Or because of your own negligence.Any one of several girls was in danger.That's something you can't forgive yourself for.

"Have you heard?" A rough voice came from the table next to him. "This year, the Cui family raised the purchase price of tiger shark oil. It seems that they really want to go deep into the polar ice sheets."

"That's right. Several teams went to catch tiger sharks this year. The oil of that thing can prevent the severe cold. It is indeed the best item for entering the polar ice sheets. But tiger sharks are so easy to catch." said the old voice.

"That's right. Mr. Tie is right. Last year, there were several shark-hunting teams that lost their personnel. There was also a man whose leg was bitten off by a tiger shark. I saw that guy with my own eyes. ’ echoed another young voice.

The conversation between them immediately attracted Zhang Jingjiang's attention.The tiger shark oil mentioned in it can prevent severe cold.It is the best anti-cold item for entering the polar ice sheet.On the contrary, Zhang Jingjiang was very interested.

The next few people drank fruit wine.While continuing to talk.The old man called "Tie Lao" just now continued: "The people from the Cui family and the Wuyun Palace in Wuyun Mountain seem to be planning on that thing. This time, they are all trying to recruit teams. On the one hand, they are buying tiger shark oil. On the one hand, I think it is also preparing to go to the polar ice field."

"Shhh, Mr. Tie, don't say that everywhere. You will cause unnecessary trouble then." A person next to him persuaded.He seems to be afraid of something.when speaking.Don't forget to look around.

"Hehehe..." Old Tie laughed and said, "These things have basically become known to everyone in the Tao. I'm old, so I'll just say it. What are you afraid of. My brother filtered it."

"Yes. Fourth brother, you are just timid. Old Tie is right. Everyone knows about this matter. Tell me what you are afraid of." Another person echoed.

Just now, the rough voice said: "Old Tie. You said that the Cui family and Wuyun Palace are both recruiting teams. This is true."

"That's absolutely true." Tie Lao said: "If you only rely on scattered teams to catch tiger sharks and refine oil, the number is obviously too small. And I think they are more anxious about things. Continue to use huge numbers of tiger shark oil. That's not as good as Organize your own team to capture. This saves both cost and time.”

"Old Tie is right." Nodding in a rough voice, he said: "Our scattered teams are indeed weak points. The Eternal Cold Pool has a radius of a hundred miles. It takes ten and a half months to catch a tiger shark. It's better to go to that place The Cui family and the Wuyun Palace. Follow the gangsters. You don’t have to worry about a wage income. What do you think of my idea.”

"Brother Wang is right. It is indeed a good choice to defect to the two major forces." The fourth child said.

Tie Lao laughed at the side and said, "It's safer if there are more people. You can keep warm if you hold a group. But you have to endure all kinds of rules controlled by others."


Several of them continued to discuss and argue about this topic.Jiang Yiling and the others became a little impatient.Heishui City is so big.Everyone really wants to go shopping again.Now what do I mean inside this tavern.So they all urged Zhang Jingjiang to leave.

It's good for Zhang Jingjiang to think about it.It would be nice to hear the news from another place.The more you check out.The girls want to go shopping.Zhu Fakui also wanted to replenish supplies as soon as possible.I no longer want to eat hard pancakes after buying some rice grains and cooking for myself.Zhang Jingjiang looked at them with a smile and suddenly lowered his voice to discuss with everyone.

"Let's grab some tiger shark oil. What do you think?"

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