zombie girlfriend

Chapter 512 Two Gods

The patriarch of the Dating clan was an old man with a long white beard, and the elders were not young. When Zhang Jingjiang asked his age, he was surprised that the other party was already two hundred years old.

You must know that in the original world, apart from the people of the spirit body clan who can live forever after reaching a certain level of conjoined bodies, Zhang Jingjiang really didn't know that there were people in the original world who could live so long.

For the elders, Zhang Jingjiang showed due respect. After careful questioning, it turns out that the hall is the camp of the tribes who have lived here for hundreds of years. Zhang Jingjiang is very strange. Hasn't an active volcano ever erupted?

The patriarch told him that this active volcano had actually erupted several times, and one of the eruptions was extremely violent. That time, the Dating clan almost gave up the camp here, but in the end an elder in the clan thought of A solution was found to enable the tribes to successfully survive the crisis.

The volcanic eruption created a peculiar geographical environment. Not only did the volcanic ash provide a nutrient-rich land that grew all kinds of exotic vegetation and fruit trees, but it also brought geothermal springs rich in various minerals. The tribes here, I have always drank the spring water here and bathed in the hot spring here. Not only is my body strong and free from all diseases, but it has also contributed to many long-lived people.

Tribal people who often use hot springs are not afraid of the severe cold. In this wild Xiuyuan wasteland plain, outside the camp where severe cold and snowstorms often rage, stray animals often freeze to death, but those who have lived in this area for a long time The animals were very happy, and they multiplied quickly, and they were gradually domesticated by the people of the Dating tribe.

"This is really a magical place," Zhang Jingjiang sighed.

"Master patriarch, but how did you solve the crisis of the volcanic eruption? You must know that the volcanic eruption is irregular. I can see that there is still black smoke coming out of the mountain pass," Zhang Jingjiang asked.

The old patriarch stroked his beard and looked at the volcanic peak from a distance, smiled apologetically at Zhang Jingjiang and said, "I'm sorry, but this is the supreme secret of our clan. Although you are our distinguished guests, this matter is not trivial. Please Forgive me for not being able to speak clearly.”

Zhang Jingjiang said: "Since it is a confidential matter within the clan, please forgive me for talking too much. I can understand the concern of the patriarch, so I just don't ask about it."

The old patriarch laughed and said: "Our Dating clan is originally a branch descendant of the ancient Gonggong clan. At the beginning, the ancestors of your spirit body clan, Youchao clan and Gonggong clan, were brothers tribes under the witch god. Although thousands of years have passed Yes, but there are still good tribes among us. We also know about the battle between the spirits and the immortals for the hundreds of tribes in the original world. Mind you, you are our VIPs for as long as you are here a day,"

Zhang Jingjiang Lianman stood up and thanked him. He just violated other people's privacy, and the other party didn't take it seriously. After all, these people are guests, so they should abide by the way of being guests, but after all, he can't stay here for a long time Waiting for a long time, thinking about how to say goodbye to the old patriarch in his mind, this is obviously not something that can be said now, because he is too enthusiastic now.

The old patriarch, the extreme elders, and the leaders of the Dating tribe all warmly invited them to stay in the tribe for a few more days. As for the map to the northern polar ice field, they will prepare a copy and give it to Zhang Jingjiang and others tomorrow. Zhang Jingjiang is naturally grateful for this.

"Ah Jiang, it seems that we need to stay here for two more days," Jiang Yiling secretly said to Zhang Jingjiang.

"Do you have that feeling in the past few days? If so, we can't delay any longer," Zhang Jingjiang naturally didn't want anything to happen to Jiang Yiling.

"It's not so strong now, it's just a feeling of summoning. It's no problem for us to stay for two days," Jiang Yiling said, so that Zhang Jingjiang can rest assured.

For the next two days, under the warm hospitality of the Dating clan, a group of four soaked in hot springs, visited orchards and crop fields, and their animal taming farm. In the evening, there was a celebration banquet as usual. They will have a long celebration banquet.

Only at this time did Zhang Jingjiang discover some clues. This tribe still maintains a team of fighters with strong combat effectiveness in such a quiet and harmonious environment. Go to the outside environment to hone, you have to kill the most ferocious beasts, you have to survive the most severe blizzard before you can return to the tribe and become a warrior of the tribe.

The warriors produced by this method are very brave and good at fighting. To put it bluntly, the Dating clan will go out to fight every once in a while these years, robbing the surrounding weak tribes, and have frictions and fights with the two big forces in Heishui City many times. At first Zhang Jingjiang didn't understand why, but later he realized it when he visited their temple.

There are two gods enshrined in this temple, one of which has a python head and a human body, with two black dragons on its feet, a blue python body wrapped around its hands, and black scales on its body. This is the legendary water god Gonggong, who is good at manipulating flood water , it is Gonggong, the northern water witch god among the twelve witch gods. In addition, there is another statue. This statue is covered in fire red, with three heads and six arms and a golden dragon. This is the Juejia, the witch god who is in charge of war among the witch gods.

The nature of the Gonggong witch god is a witch god who likes to fight late at night. The Dating tribe enshrines these two gods, which makes the whole tribe very belligerent. Zhang Jingjiang has never understood why the Dating tribe can be in such a good environment camp. Life, but the population is not large. It turns out that their young and strong often die in battle, and young tribal fighters often die when they go out to hone.

At this time, Zhang Jingjiang knew why Ling Lan and Zhu Fakui were always wary of this tribe, so Zhang Jingjiang made up his mind that he must bid farewell to the old patriarch after tonight's banquet, and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

In the evening, a banquet was held to celebrate the victory as usual. As the main hero this time, Duanmu Hongliang was naturally proud of being treated like a tribal hero in the past few days. He came up to toast Zhang Jingjiang, and laughed proudly on his face.

At this moment, there was a sudden tremor in the whole place. This kind of tremor was almost sudden. There was no warning before. The tremor was like an earthquake. The ground was shaking. Second only to the disaster of volcanic eruptions,

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