zombie girlfriend

Chapter 525 Frozen into an Ice Sculpture

The direction of Huagu changed unexpectedly, and the aura was terrifying. The entire area within a hundred miles was covered by the funnel cloud. An ice dragon soared into the sky, followed by a powerful aura and coercion. Distributed outside.

The dying Guan Yixin's eyes suddenly brightened, and he shouted: "Great, the lady's ice dragon has finally come out."

In fact, Zhang Jingjiang had already seen this scene, and he was shocked. In fact, not only him, but everyone present were stunned by this astonishing scene. Even Duanmu Hongliang looked up, his face His expression was cloudy and uncertain.

However, Zhang Jingjiang felt a powerful coercion moving towards here at a high speed, which forced him to stand up and start his whole body defense. Generally speaking, his body would spontaneously take a defensive posture for unknown coercion.

This coercion came very quickly. With the coercion, the black clouds in the sky rolled, and the world was chilled. It was a bitingly cold feeling. The black clouds gradually lowered the height, and suddenly a huge faucet suddenly emerged from the black Drilled out of the clouds.

This dragon head is really not small, about the size of a truck, with two or three basketball-sized eyes emitting a cold light, the whole dragon head is light blue, and the dragon mane is also blue ice crystals. Feeling the cold air, with light snowflakes drifting backwards, Zhang Jingjiang was so startled that he couldn't help taking a step back.

The huge ice dragon kept its mouth tightly shut, but its eyes were very frightening. Coupled with the huge coercion, and at the same time, it was extremely fast. Its body was wrapped in dark clouds and reached the sky above the battlefield after a while.

The tribal warriors of the Dating clan have never seen such a god of heaven and earth, they all stood there dumbfounded, not daring to move, those bulls and ferocious beasts were all prostrate on the sleeping ground at this moment, trembling all over, including Duanmu The mocking wind beast that Liang was riding on was also squatting on the ground with its head lowered.

Duanmu Hongliang, as the leader of the warriors, naturally has an unruly disposition. Even if the enemy is too strong, he knows in his heart that he is invincible but he will not take the initiative to show weakness. He raised the war hammer in his hand, and the lightning lingered again.

The dragon hovered and lowered its height, but it was too long. The upper half of its body was two or three meters above the ground, but the tail was still in the dark clouds. Only then did Zhang Jingjiang see a person sitting on the neck of the dragon. The person is Luyue, the Saintess of the Snow Clan.

Luyue's long silver hair is as windless and automatic as a dragon's mane, like a nine-day fairy, already fluttering, lowering the dragon's head, staring at everything in front of her eyes, there is no trace of joy or anger between her brows, just a cold glance Looking at everything in front of you.

Guan Yixin's face suddenly turned red, his eyes suddenly turned red, and then dimmed. Zhang Jingjiang noticed the change in him, and immediately lifted him up, and shouted: "Hey! ,Guan Yixin, wake up, you can't die,'

Guan Yixin murmured: "Miss, I tried my best..." Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help showing a very regretful expression when he died after saying a word, his heart was indeed very heavy.

Luyue, who was riding on the ice dragon, suddenly trembled. She saw Guan Yixin's death in her eyes, and couldn't help the tears that seemed to slide down her jade cheeks. Looking at Duanmu Hongliang below, at the same time, the huge dragon head pressed forward and directly pressed in front of Duanmu Hongliang.

Under the huge coercion, Duanmu Hongliang only felt that there was a thousand catties of strength on his shoulders. He gritted his teeth and insisted, but his legs still trembled slightly. At this moment, he knew that if he showed weakness, he would definitely be punished. The pressured seven orifices were bleeding, so he let out a roar in order to use his potential to contend with the coercion of the ice dragon.

"You killed him," Lu Yue said coldly.

"So what if I killed it, you Snow Clan are all monsters, you kill one after the other," Duanmu Hongliang slowly raised his hammer, he knew that he was in danger today, but he would not wait to die, No matter what, I have to fight to the death.

Luyue stopped talking nonsense, she raised a jade-like finger, and suddenly a blue light flashed on her fingertips, Zhang Jingjiang was shocked, and immediately stepped forward and shouted: "No...,"

But it was too late, after the blue light flashed, a crystal stream of ice shot directly at Duanmu Hongliang. Under the pressure of the ice dragon, he had no way to hide, and was directly hit on the forehead by the ice stream, only in the blink of an eye , Duanmu Hongliang was frozen into a popsicle, his whole body was crystal clear, his bones, flesh and blood, even his clothes were turned into ice sculptures!

The Dating warriors around him stared dumbfounded at the leader of his elder warrior being frozen into an ice sculpture. This is not over yet, the ice dragon suddenly snorted heavily, and a burst of cold air shot out, but But it hit Duanmu Hongliang's ice sculpture like a heavy hammer, breaking it apart immediately and turning it into light red ice powder, scattered on the ground.

Zhang Jingjiang shook his head regretfully again, and said, "Why did you kill him, the hatred between your two clans will no longer be resolved in this way?"

"You don't need to worry too much, benefactor," Luyue said on top of the ice dragon, "I'll tell them, let's just say she patted the ice dragon's huge head slightly, and the ice dragon suddenly raised its head to the sky, and with a dull dragon roar issued, and flew towards the south under the flickering of a few crystal lights.

Someone approached behind Zhang Jingjiang, he turned his head and saw that it was Jiang Yiling, Zhu Fakui and others who came later, but everything in front of him was unexplainable, Zhang Jingjiang was depressed, he knew what Luyue was doing, I just don't know if the Dating tribe will be able to reach an understanding with her.

The dead bodies in front of him were lying in disorder, and Guan Yixin's body needed to be dealt with here. Zhang Jingjiang picked up Duanmu Hongliang's war hammer on the ground, and said to the tribal fighters who were still standing there: "You take the dead Bury it, this is the war hammer of your leader, take it back, and leave this place quickly, go back,"

Guan Yixin's body was buried outside Huagu by everyone. This is the place where their ancestors died in battle. It is considered home to be able to bury their bones again. Everyone did not expect that things would turn out like this. Just as everyone sighed and mourned At the same time, the situation in the sky suddenly changed again, and the huge ice dragon controlled by Luyue came back again.

Luyue jumped off the ice dragon, and the ice dragon quickly shrunk, and once again turned into a miniature camel dragon and disappeared into her shoulders, everyone went up to meet her, and Luyue was able to activate the transformation of the ice dragon This made everyone very curious, but Luyue walked to Yixin's tomb and shed tears in a daze.

"Brother Zhang, where are you going next," Luyue asked.

Zhang Jingjiang looked away from Jiang Yiling, and said to Luyue: "Is Jingxue Mountain to the north? Let's go to Jingxue Mountain."

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