The sound of the wind was strong, strong air currents and gravel rushed towards our faces. A huge object jumped down and hit the back of the entire flying boat. If Zhang Jingjiang hadn't evaded in time, it would be inevitable that he would be crushed into a pulp. Everyone Looking back, I was taken aback.

What fell behind turned out to be a huge monster. After the flying boat slid around the ridge and circled quickly, everyone saw the whole picture of that guy clearly. It turned out to be a huge snow ape with silver shoulders and iron back. There is also a unicorn on its head, and now the monster is waiting for the small flying boat in front of it with wide eyes.

Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui could no longer be in the flying boat. They had the responsibility to protect the girls, so they immediately shook out the black queen's bone wings, flew out of the flying boat, and told Qingqing and Chuchu, who were manipulating the flying boat, to hurry up. Leaving quickly, Zhu Fakui even reached out and grabbed the Wuling Divine Axe in his hand.

The two of them stood in line, staring at the snow ape next to them, that guy was really too big, standing in front of it was like a hill, the snow ape saw two people coming out of the flying boat, so it became even more angry Angry, he slammed his fists on his chest twice, making a dull bang, followed by another roar.

The situation is a bit critical, the flying boat is still within the range of the giant ape's attack, and Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui obviously can't block this giant immediately. Obviously not facing the snow ape, but to attract the opponent's attention, so as to buy time for the flying boat to evacuate.

Zhu Fakui also took action at this time. He knew that such a huge monster would be useless if it used a normal attack. Fortunately, he had the experience of chopping a giant rhino by himself, so he took the Wuling ax in his hand without thinking. It swayed against the wind to a very huge appearance, the ax exuded a trace of black air, and a tyrannical aura soared into the sky.

The huge snow ape was attracted by the red flames in front of him at first, and was about to take action, but when Zhu Fakui's giant ax came out, he immediately felt a huge threat, so he turned his head to look at Zhu Fakui, and the huge sharp teeth in his mouth suddenly appeared When it came out, a thunderous grunt came out of its throat, and it was about to attack.

There was no time for the confrontation between the two sides, but suddenly a sharp whistle sounded again. The snow ape was stunned when he heard the whistle, then looked at the place where the sound came from, tilted his head, and then put away his fangs , shaking the silver hair all over his body, suddenly stepped back a few steps, and climbed down. This is a state of rest without danger. Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

The two turned their heads to look at the direction from which the whistle sounded, only to find that the sound came from their own flying boat. There was a person standing on the bow of the boat. It was Luyue, the Saintess of the Snow Clan. It was she who blew it out.

"This is our Snow Clan Jingxue Mountain Guardian Beast, Zhu Yan, when the flying boat passed by just now, the breath was not the breath of the Snow Clan, so it jumped out to attack, but when I heard the whistle of the Snow Clan calling it, I understood It's one of our own, so I won't attack anymore, you just misunderstood it just now," Lu Yue said to the two.

The two of them suddenly realized, and the girls in the flying boat were still in shock. After hearing Luyue's explanation, they became very curious and came out one after another to look at the giant beast "Zhu Yan," who was lying there. It's too big, the yellow scarf warrior was also huge when he fought Hei Wuwei in Ziyang Mountain, but the two can't be compared at all, the animal in front of him is too imposing.

"The rest of the way, we can let it take us," Lu Yue suddenly laughed.

"Then how do we go, let us sit on its shoulders? What about the flying boat?" Jiang Yiling asked.

Zhang Jingjiang shook his head and said: "This big guy has a lot of coercion, it will cause harm to Linglan's physique, let's go by flying boat," Zhang Jingjiang did have some concerns about that Zhu Yan.

"That's okay. Actually, when we were young, we often sat on its shoulders and played around. Its temperament is very docile. This is the first time I've seen it get angry," Luyue said.

"This must be a special individual that appeared in the guardian branch of your Snow Clan," Zhang Jingjiang said: "I don't know how many years such a huge individual has survived, and I don't know what it usually eats."

"Haha, there are many kinds of melons and fruits in the Cold Wind Valley under Jingxue Mountain, and Zhu Yan's home is there." Luyue said with a smile: "However, I really don't know how long it has lived. When I was very young , it is here, I heard that it has been hundreds of years, "

Everyone boarded the flying boat and continued to move forward. This time, it took less than an hour to arrive at the halfway up the Jingxue Mountain, which is the real residence of the Baihuang Clan Snow Clan. Because of Luyue, many Snow Clan members were very happy to see her come back. , and also warmly entertained Zhang Jingjiang and the spirit body tribe.

The patriarch of the Snow Clan is Guan Yixin's father, Guan Yeqi. After he learned of the death of his son Guan Yixin, he was very sad. Zhang Jingjiang and others never saw him. Luyue inherited Binglong's After the inheritance, she seemed to be the only saint priest in the clan. The grand coronation sacrificial ceremony was held for her within the Xue clan, and she became the center of belief of the whole clan except the patriarch.

But because of Guan Yixin's relationship, Luyue respects her adoptive father Guan Yeqi very much. The current form of the Snow Clan is very united. On the third day of the family's stay, when everyone was about to say goodbye and head north, a person suddenly came to see them.

The visitor is a woman, she is a very ugly woman, not only the facial muscles are distorted, but also blind, with messy hair, leaning on a cane, she can't tell how old she is, she seems to be six or seventy years old but Luyue, who helped her up, called her "sister,"

It turned out that this woman was the priest of the Snow Clan that Luyue had mentioned, Kuyue. Because she persuaded Luyue to voluntarily go to the Dating Clan to make a sacrifice to the volcano, she was resented by the clan members, so she jumped off Mount Baitou for the first time. The poisonous snake valley, but survived a catastrophe, but a face and eyes were destroyed.

Luyue was grateful for the prophecy she gave herself, found her after she came back, and paid her a lot of respect, but this Kuyue came to see the spirit body clansman, she didn't say anything to Zhang Jingjiang and others when she entered the door, but Looking at Lily of the Valley with a pair of shriveled eyes, he made a "ho ho," sound from his mouth.

Ling Lan was not frightened, and said, "You know who I am,"

"I know," Bitter Moon said hoarsely, "I also know that they are going to the polar cliff, but why don't you stop them?"

"Why stop them," Ling Lan wondered.

Kuyue did not answer, but raised her head and sighed: "Thousands of years, she has been waiting for her people to come to her...,"

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