zombie girlfriend

Chapter 566: Between Thoughts

Zhang Jingjiang sat on the top of a mountain this day, and once again released his consciousness to cover a range of [-] to [-] miles around, looking for signs of crow soldiers fighting. He has not found any crow soldiers in the past few days There are clues about the battles with the spirit body clan, but several battles between the crow soldiers and the ascetics of the lineage of cultivating immortals have been discovered.

For these cultivators, Zhang Jingjiang has never had a good impression of them. The struggle between these people and the Wuling God Sect has nothing to do with him. The innocent people nearby are often implicated, and the place where they pass is not only filled with black fog, flying sand and walking stones, but also setting fire everywhere.

So once Zhang Jingjiang finds out about this situation, he will basically slaughter all the crow soldiers, but he often ignores those cultivators. Kill him, so his fierce reputation is not only resounding in the Wuling God Sect, but even among those cultivators, mentioning him will turn pale when they hear about him.

This kind of release of his consciousness as much as possible is actually good for Zhang Jingjiang. Every time he releases all his consciousness, he can faintly feel the fluctuation of the heaven and earth. Sometimes the fluctuations are slight, but sometimes they are surging, and at such times, Zhang Jingjiang's perception of the heaven and earth's qi is very profound.

Every time Zhang Jingjiang has a new understanding of the qi of heaven and earth, he finds that the qi of heaven and earth is greatly affected by the law of heaven and earth, but in fact the law of heaven and earth is indistinguishable from the qi of heaven and earth in terms of timing. , when the law of heaven and earth is calm, the fluctuation of the heaven and earth qi will be very small, but if the law of heaven and earth in a certain place is disturbed by the outside world, the fluctuation of the qi of heaven and earth will be very severe.

This kind of stellar energy will generate huge energy to suppress external disturbances, and even forcibly obliterate all disturbances. The laws of heaven and earth are the rules to maintain all normal order, and the heaven and earth stellar energy is the policeman who maintains this order. It has great power And the energy is also huge, any challenger who dares to stand in front of it will be hit mercilessly by it, until it becomes a powder, which is almost irreversible.

But Zhang Jingjiang discovered that this situation is not completely absolute. From his understanding of the law of heaven and earth, he knows that the interface between the laws of heaven and earth is the most standardized structure, and the qi of heaven and earth that maintains this structure is also the most powerful. Yes, but in ancient times, there were great supernatural beings who created another interface by tearing these interface structures. What does this explain?

This shows that the core of maintaining the laws of heaven and earth is "strength," and the core of power is qi. Whoever has the supreme power can control the qi of heaven and earth and ignore the laws of heaven and earth. The law is irreversible, and it is still reversible, which undoubtedly makes Zhang Jingjiang feel that he has cleared the clouds and see the fog.

Practitioners from ancient times to the present, whether it is Qi training or body training, are all pursuing that kind of supreme "strength." They gain power through various methods, but some people, after gaining power, But to bully those who are less powerful than themselves and seek their own self-interest instead of using power to do the right thing, even if such a person has power, it will not last long.

Because power will leave, he will transform according to the balance of yin and yang behind the laws of heaven and earth. You may be extremely powerful at this moment, but you may not be the one who is powerful the next moment. Thinking of this moment, Zhang Jingjiang suddenly has a sense of comprehension I feel that his yin and yang attributes have not been truly perfect since female Jiang forcibly infused him with yang attributes.

And after figuring out the problem just now, he discovered that the core of the law of heaven and earth is the balance of yin and yang, and this balance must be transformed, which makes a bell-like ringing in his body and brain, and the vibration exists In his body, the yang attribute was completely completed, and Zhang Jingjiang looked up to the sky and shouted loudly. From this moment, he finally became a strong man between heaven and earth.

There is a faint golden light flashing on Zhang Jingjiang's body, which is the sign of becoming a god, but he himself does not know that in fact, the attributes of gods are nothing more than those who have mastered the "power", and what they do is only in a single thought. What you want to do is only in one thought, ability and supernatural power are also in one thought, Zhang Jingjiang at this time is still far away from this "one thought".

This distance can be large or small, so some gods have different levels of magic power and supernatural powers. The reason why the gods are not as good as the gods is the gap in this aspect. Naturally, no one told him about Zhang Jingjiang. He just felt that he seemed to have inexhaustible power and endless spiritual consciousness, so he extended his spiritual consciousness outward again.

Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he had noticed something, and then his body shook, and he disappeared into the void...

There is now a low basin between the continuous mountains and canyons. A large winding river flows out of the basin. At this time, a fierce battle is taking place in this Jedi.

The colorful magic weapons in the sky are intertwined with the boundless black mist and the gravel that appeared out of thin air, emitting colorful rays of light, forming flashes of light and darkness, thousands of crow soldiers driving the black mist to constantly besiege those magic weapons composed of defensive circles.

Suddenly, a big black fist suddenly appeared in the midair, and then slammed fiercely on the defensive circle formed by magic weapons, smashing many magic weapons into pieces and flying them into the air. Countless immortal cultivators who were driving magic weapons were seriously injured by blood spurting from their mouths.

"Listen, people of the Zhao family in Golden Goat Valley, I think you have to surrender within half an hour, or my Wuling God Sect will kill you all," a voice came from the crowd of crow soldiers.

"The bastards of the Yin family in Wanhun Villa originally thought you were lackeys of the demon world, but they didn't expect that as soon as the Black Witch Spirit Sect appeared, you would immediately become lackeys and practice in the real spirit world. It seems that who gave you shit to eat, Whoever you think is the master, wanting us to surrender is nothing short of a dream, I, Zhao Wou-ki, will not be as shameless as you even if I am smashed to pieces," the person shouting at the other side was full of anger, this Zhao Wou-ki was obviously not injured!

"Aren't you Jinyanggu the disciples of Dahong? Do you think that the ancestor Daxian you talk about can come back to save you? Don't think about it. The witch god has already led dozens of his strong brothers to attack the fairy world. , When the fairy world is broken, let me see what you cultivators will do."

The one who shouted was a member of the Yin family of Wanhun Villa, but just after he finished shouting, he uttered: "Hey, what is this?"

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