zombie girlfriend

Chapter 71 Smoke Tactics

... I wish all book lovers a happy May Day! ...

Hearing that the giants also had problems with bugs, Zhang Jingjiang had to be concerned, so he asked what kind of bugs they were!

Ye Shan looked at Shi Lang: "You tell me, your team is the first to meet!"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "That's a group of black hornets!"

"Wasp!" Zhang Jingjiang was surprised. From the perspective of zoology, wasps are no better than wasps and bees. They seldom act in groups, and they basically act alone. How can there be a group when they appear?

"These wasps are not small, about the size of sparrows. They blocked our way to the hunting ground, and we were also attacked by them when we drove them away. The sting of these wasps is very painful and has a strong sting. The wound is easy to fester, and this is not the most troublesome thing, the trouble is that any liquid produced by the injured person is poisonous, including tears and saliva, and all people who come into contact with it will be poisoned, have a fever and go into a coma...!" Shi Lang looks very sad!

From Shi Lang's face, Zhang Jingjiang already felt that this matter was already very serious. It is indeed a bad thing that the bee venom of this kind of wasp can be transmitted. If the infected people are not quarantined, everyone will be in danger. Especially a group like the giants, who are very casual and have no common sense of hygiene. Once an outbreak occurs, the entire group will suffer!

"Have the infected people been quarantined?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"It has been quarantined, but people in the clan are still being infected." Shi Lang was quite helpless. Their bodies are generally immune to any diseases, so there is no specialized doctor in the clan. The priest, the high priest was originally the great shaman of the tribe, but due to old age and blindness, he was only responsible for important sacrificial activities, and had no way to heal the sick.

But the high priest knows the cure for the whole infection, that is, you need to get wasp honey. Only that thing can detoxify the bee poison and stop the infection. However, Shi Lang and the others tried to find the hive several times, but they were defeated by the wasp. And back.

Seeing more and more infected people in the clan, Ye Shan was also very anxious. He personally led the team to the hunting ground, but the result was still a failure. The source of food has become a problem. If the problem cannot be solved quickly, the whole tribe will soon face the problem of famine.

"But is this the reason why you went to the Huangli Tribe to ask for copper ore?" Zhang Jingjiang asked puzzled.

Ye Shan nodded and said: "The ore used by our family to make weapons is very scarce. If we use weapons such as wooden sticks and axes, it will not only be difficult to deal with wild animals, but also can't deal with this group of wasps, and arrowheads made of stones can't kill those wasps at all! So We have no choice but to seek the copper mines of the Huangli Tribe!"

Zhang Jingjiang seemed to understand, he nodded and said: "Do you know that hornets are afraid of smoke?"

Ye Shan, Shi Lang and the others looked at each other, then shook their heads together. The giant race has been hunting for a living for thousands of years. Their bodies are huge and they are not afraid of those powerful beasts and monsters, but they lack experience in dealing with such poisonous insects. So I have never heard of the fact that wasps are afraid of fireworks.

For thousands of years, due to the lack of resources, coupled with the closed world and traffic congestion, the entire original world has been in the original ecological mode of development, and this world is too big, and the races living on it seem to maintain their own originality intentionally. Survival mode is rarely going to break this look!Even the original reserve of the spirit body race is isolated from the world.

Zhang Jingjiang feels helpless about this situation, but right now he has to solve the problems encountered by the giants. The entire giants can use weapons for a while, but they can't if they don't have real objects, so he decided to do it now. Go to the hunting ground and meet the wasps.

Just take it away, Ye Shan and others originally wanted to stop it, but this matter is really important, and they can feel at ease if they can solve it as soon as possible, so they arranged for people to take Zhang Jingjiang to the hunting ground.

Everyone cheered and went along, even Huang Yuhuan and the orc warriors went together. They had seen Zhang Jingjiang's methods with their own eyes, and wanted to open their eyes again this time, and they were full of confidence in Zhang Jingjiang.

The hunting ground is a half-hillside, where there is a natural stone pond, surrounded by shrubs and swamps, and many streams and rivers flow into it. Many wild animals and monsters will drink water here, and this has become a giant race. There is only one hunting ground, and there is only one such hunting ground, which can provide 60.00% of the giants' food sources.

On the small road leading to the hunting ground, there is a place that must be passed. There are not many shrubs and trees there, but there are a lot of stones. There will be a swarm of wasps rushing out!"

Zhang Jingjiang nodded and asked Ye Shan, "Have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?"

Shi Lang said: "Everything is ready, my men can throw the burning firewood into it!"

"Don't light it yet, and don't throw it, wait for my signal, and you have those wet firewood ready in three directions! If this method works, we will be able to find their hives, and then we can get honey Already!" Zhang Jingjiang said.

Everyone nodded at this, and they all felt that what Zhang Jingjiang said was reasonable!So under Ye Shan's order, they all dispersed with firewood, Zhang Jingjiang turned around and smiled at Huang Yuhuan, but Huang Yuhuan became a little nervous instead.

"Be careful!"

Nodded, Zhang Jingjiang stood up and walked in alone. Everyone looked at his back, and their hearts were raised. Seeing Zhang Jingjiang walked into the path inside the stone pile, those black hornets did not come out. When I let out a sigh of relief, there was a sudden "hum!" sound!

The face of the giant who had encountered the wasp immediately changed. They knew that the wasp was coming, and backed away in panic. The crowd suddenly panicked, but Zhang Jingjiang, who was in the situation, did not panic. The wasp is gone!

These wasps are not only huge in size, but also very ferocious in appearance. Apart from being completely black, there are a few dark yellow stripes on their bodies, and their stingers are used to sting people under their slender stomachs!Hundreds of these wasps came out at a time, because each one was like a little sparrow, the momentum was very amazing!

They flapped their wings first, hovered in the air for a while and then confirmed the target, then rushed towards Zhang Jingjiang suddenly, the sound of "buzzing!" made people feel overwhelming! , Zhang Jingjiang saw that the situation was not good, and it was too late to turn around and want to run. Besides, the wasp was so fast that it was impossible to run away!

In desperation, Zhang Jingjiang immediately used the thick soil gun. The soil under his feet quickly covered his whole body, and it was still thickening. After a while, this layer of soil was surrounded by hornets, densely packed and impenetrable. !At this time, Zhang Jingjiang could only use his soul power to understand the movements of the hornets.

Those wasps surrounded the soil shell, and the stingers on their buttocks stabbed upwards unceremoniously, but they encountered difficulties this time, thinking that their fleshy stingers couldn't pierce the thick soil shell at all!This made them more helpless. When the attack was fruitless, they had to circle around the soil crust formed by Zhang Jingjiang.

After finding that they were unable to attack, these hornets began to leave Zhang Jingjiang and hover in mid-air. At this moment, Zhang Jingjiang showed his face and shouted loudly at the place where Shi Lang and the others were: "Start setting off the smoke!"

As soon as the shout fell, the staff arranged by Shi Lang quickly lit the damp firewood, and a puff of thick smoke came out from all around. Since the smoke was coming from three sides, the black hornet was soon surrounded by the smoke!

The appearance of the smoke caused the wasps to panic immediately. After being smoked by the smoke, several of them fell to the ground, and were snatched up by the wild mountain and trampled into meat paste!After circling around, the rest of the hornets found that there was no smoke on one side and fled. At this time, Zhang Jingjiang got out of the dirt crust and shouted at the stunned crowd.

"What are you doing? Take the firewood and chase after him!"

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