zombie girlfriend

Chapter 76 Fairy Screen Mountains

Kuichen looked at the white tiger, and said enviously, "You are such a good big cat! It is much better than the Lilong in the past!"

Zhang Jingjiang asked: "Did you ever have a pet?"

"Of course, it's not a pet but a mount!" Kuchen said proudly.

"Master Kuichen, can you tell me about your deeds back then?" Zhang Jingjiang suddenly said with great interest.

Kuichen suddenly put on a straight face and said, "Why do I have to tell you this? I'm not interested. Let's talk about it later when I'm happy!" After finishing speaking, he let out a cold snort.

"Okay!" Zhang Jingjiang was a little frustrated, and said to herself: "At the beginning, he said he knew about Ziyang Mountain, but now he said he wasn't sure where it was, so I guessed it! So it was all bragging!"

Kui Chen was furious when he heard this: "Damn it! I have heard that the Ziyang Mountain group is a branch of the Qi training lineage, and they once set up a special organization for corpse hunters. Does this mean that I must know where their lair is?" ? If you talk to Pili Yangqiu again, you brat, you go to Ziyang Mountain by yourself, I don’t care about it!”

After saying that, he turned into a ray of black light and got into the jade pendant, leaving Zhang Jingjiang alone in a daze outside!He didn't expect Kui Chen's temper to be so fucked up that if he said something wrong, he would be so angry!If I really want to ignore the trip to Ziyang Mountain, I really have no idea!

"Master Kuichen! Master!" Zhang Jingjiang grabbed the jade pendant and shouted: "I was wrong, I was just worried about Yi Ling's safety, and I was anxious, just afraid of delaying time, don't be angry!"

But Kuchen didn't pay any attention to it!It seemed that he was really angry, Zhang Jingjiang was helpless, it was getting late, let's hurry up and rest, when Kuichen calmed down tomorrow, he was apologizing, so he approached the white tiger and lay down to sleep.

But because of something on his mind, Zhang Jingjiang tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He turned over and sat up casually, and began to practice exercises. This is his way to relax himself, and he can quickly fall into tranquility. In fact, the process of his practice is also a process of rest. , On the contrary, it is more comfortable than sleeping.

After Zhang Jingjiang entered the wood-nature stage, his power has not increased, and he has always been in the primary stage. He judged that he may not have even reached the first level. This is actually caused by his upgrading too fast. Cultivation is laying the foundation for oneself, and correctly laying a solid foundation for one's own skills.

With the help of the necklace, Zhang Jingjiang absorbed the surrounding aura very quickly. Soon after, a vortex of aura formed around his body, and a large amount of aura was absorbed by his body like a whale, and passed through Jiuyang The action lines of the Dragon Armor Jue were transformed into abundant spiritual power and spread to all parts of the body.

The vision around his body alarmed the white tiger beside him at the same time. It opened its eyes and looked at the scene in front of it in amazement. As a first-order monster, the white tiger has actually become a spirit beast. He also likes to absorb a lot of spiritual energy. Zhang The spiritual vortex brought by Jingjiang would also feel very comfortable, so it leaned against Zhang Jingjiang, snorted, and lay down to continue sleeping.

This kind of practice continued until the early morning of the next day. After the sky turned white, a faint mist rose under the morning sun, and then a hundred birds sang together. Zhang Jingjiang slowly retreated from the cultivation state and stretched his waist Feel refreshed afterwards!The bonfire next to him had already been extinguished, but he felt warm in his body.

Looking left and right, the white tiger was not there. He stood up and looked around, and found that the white tiger was walking back with a big fat pheasant in its mouth. It was his breakfast. It preferred meat to jerky. Live food, Zhang Jingjiang smiled, and re-lit the bonfire by himself to prepare some hot water!Have some breakfast too.

In the astrolabe, there were water bottles and other things he had stored. Seeing these things, he couldn't help but think of fat Zhu Fakui. He wondered how this fat guy was studying in the spiritual training hall!

After eating something, Zhang Jingjiang continued on his way. The white tiger ran as fast as before. It was he who saw a black line on the edge of the grassland in the distance at noon. It might be the mountains in the south of the Central Plains. Zhang Jingjiang was very excited when he saw it, and couldn't help clamping his legs. Baihu seemed to feel Zhang Jingjiang's urgency, and the speed was even faster.

But Wangshan ran a dead horse, and the white tiger was not a horse, but it was also a physical body. In the evening, the white tiger finally got tired and slowed down, but the black line in front of him was still far away. Zhang Jingjiang had no choice but to I had to stop to rest. After feeding the white tiger with water, the white tiger was tired and immediately lay down and fell asleep.

But Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help but wanted to rest, so he continued to practice, and went on the road again the next morning. By the afternoon, the grass on the ground had gradually thinned out, and a patchwork of mountain ranges finally appeared in front of his eyes. It seemed that this time it was true We have come to the southern border of the Central Plains!

Zhang Jingjiang doesn't know where Ziyang Mountain is, but there must be people from the Qi training line here, and villages have appeared in the mountainous area to the south, so Zhang Jingjiang has to be very careful. After observing, I finally chose a mountain pass to officially enter this mountain range.

After passing through the mountain pass, there is a large mountainous area. Zhang Jingjiang found that the scenery here is very different from the Wuyuan Continent in the south. The scenery of the Wuyuan Continent belongs to the vast primitive scene, while the place located in the Central Plains Continent is a fairyland on earth. The appearance of the mountain, the appearance of the mountain is very beautiful, and there are many rare and exotic animals.

The mist lingering between the peaks is like cigarette smoke. The mountains outside the sea of ​​clouds are stacked, and the canyons are beautiful and deep, and the traces of human activities are obvious. Some woodcutters can be seen in the mountains.

This kind of place naturally makes people have a great impression, and Zhang Jingjiang is no exception. If people who practice Qi come here, they will definitely think that it is the fairyland of the spirit world. Zhang Jingjiang slowed down while riding a white tiger. Walking and watching, on the one hand, the mountain is relatively steep, and the white tiger is too big to walk, and on the other hand, Zhang Jingjiang also wants to observe the environment here by himself.

Because the mountain road is not easy to walk, Zhang Jingjiang stopped riding the tiger, but walked on the ground. Some strange animals appeared in the winding and deep mountains, but they seemed to be very afraid of the white tiger behind Zhang Jingjiang, and they did not dare Running too tight, on the other hand, the white tiger is also very curious, staring around and looking around, the environment here makes such a fierce beast very docile.

Turning around a mountain depression, here is a bamboo forest, the surrounding plants are lush, and a path passes through it. Zhang Jingjiang led the white tiger up the path, and met a person head-on!

The man was dressed in an ancient style, his hair was tied up, a hatchet was stuck in his waist, and a bundle of grass was carried on his back. He was not afraid when he saw Zhang Jingjiang, but walked two steps forward to salute.

"Is the fairy lost?"

Zhang Jingjiang looked at him very strangely. His own attire was already very strange. His hair was very short, and his original jacket was damaged. He was wearing the robe prepared by Huang Yuhuan for him. A huge white tiger, someone is not afraid of him, and even greets him!

"Do you recognize me?" he asked.

"The Immortal Elder is joking, the villain is a local mountain dweller, how can he recognize the Immortal Elder!" the man laughed.

"You seem to recognize me. Have you ever met someone like me?" Zhang Jingjiang continued to ask.

The man put down the firewood behind his back, and said to Zhang Jingjiang: "The Immortal Elder may have misunderstood. This is the Xianping Mountain Range. Immortal Elders who cultivate immortals often pass by here. I have seen many villains, so seeing the Immortal Elder has a strange appearance. There are spirit beasts following him, presumably he must be a master of the sect of cultivating immortals, that's why he said what he said earlier!"

Zhang Jingjiang suddenly realized what he said, so he smiled and said: "So, you are a local mountain dweller, do you know the surrounding geography?"

"My ancestors lived here in the villain's time, and my village is under the mountain. Naturally, I know something about it. The villain knows the roads and places within a radius of three hundred miles!" The man also said with a smile.

Zhang Jingjiang was very happy when he heard the words, so he asked him: "Then let me ask, do you know where Ziyang Mountain is?"

"Of course I know. If the immortal head wants to go to Ziyang Mountain, he really can't reach it from here. Instead, he should go east. After the three peaks in the east is the Ziyang Sect. No one knows, no one knows!" As soon as these words came out, the big stone in Zhang Jingjiang's heart fell to the ground!

"How far is it from here?"

"Less than eighty miles!"

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