Zhang Jingjiang suddenly realized that something might be eating the carrion on the dead body, and when he was in great danger, cold sweat came down his forehead!

Leaning his back against the cave's stone wall, he opened his eyes wide and looked around. Under the faint phosphorescent fire, he could roughly see the outline of the bottom of the cave. The surroundings were deadly silent, except for his own breathing, there was no sound at all!But this made Zhang Jingjiang even more nervous.

I don't know how long it took in the darkness. Zhang Jingjiang slowly regained his composure. The most urgent thing now is to escape, not to sit here and wait for death. If he doesn't take the initiative to find a way to escape, he doesn't know when that thing will come out. To face the test of life and death!

Zhang Jingjiang's mind has been depicting that kind of thing that gnaws on dead corpses and carrion. What is that thing, it must be very scary.He shook his head, cast his eyes on all the walls of the cave, got up and began to explore.

The bottom of the cave is an irregular space, which seems to be formed naturally. Zhang Jingjiang did not find any traces of artificial excavation. He has always had some vague thoughts in his heart. If there is no way out from the bottom of the cave, he must find a way to go up. .

While groping with his hands, he also released his soul perception to explore around, which gave him a general understanding of the bottom shape of the cave!The bottom of the cave is not sealed, and there are many gaps, both on the wall and bottom of the cave, and he can clearly feel the yin qi coming from these gaps!

There are gaps on the cave wall, big and small, but not enough for Zhang Jingjiang to slip through, but there is no gap at the bottom of the cave for him to slip through, and Zhang Jingjiang dare not act rashly until the investigation is clear. After all, he didn't know whether the gap could always allow him to get through, and he didn't know what was on the other side after getting through.

When Zhang Jingjiang was thinking about how to detect the gaps at the bottom of the cave, suddenly there was a sound of "Xixisuosuo...!", which was obviously the sound of some kind of animal moving, which made Zhang Jingjiang's heart flutter. The throat is mentioned again!

He pressed his body against the cave wall nervously, trying his best to integrate his breath into the rocks, but he couldn't absorb the stone elements around him, so he had to lower his breath as much as possible and be fully on guard.

After a while, the kind of animals that Zhang Jingjiang conceived that would eat dead and carrion finally appeared, and there were quite a few of them!Amidst the chirping and chirping sounds, a crowd rushed in!One by one, waiting for the blood-red eyes, scurrying around, it turned out to be a group of big black mice!

Zhang Jingjiang suddenly felt a little dumbfounded. The monsters he had been afraid of appearing turned out to be a group of mice. Thinking in the worst direction, Zhang Jingjiang recalled that it is no wonder that something huge and terrifying!

In fact, he only needs to observe carefully to get the answer. Although the carrion was eaten on the bones, it did not fall apart. The pile was a mess, and he could have seen it just by looking at the dent marks, but one would have preferred to believe in that case that the danger was a great unknown monster.

But the danger of this group of rats is not low, if there is only one or two, it will be fine, now it is a group, as the saying goes, a group of rats kills a cat!It is impossible for anyone to be calm when facing a large group of mice, not to mention that the group of mice appeared restless after they entered the cave, and their blood-red eyes made people feel creepy!

Soon the mice found the jerky left by Zhang Jingjiang, and immediately swarmed over it, scrambling for it. After dividing it up, a few big mice who were still unsatisfied began to sniff around again. The mouse's sense of smell is very sensitive, and soon A mouse smelled where Zhang Jingjiang was!

"Squeak...!" The screams continued, and more and more rats gathered at Zhang Jingjiang's feet. Stared at by many blood-red rats, Zhang Jingjiang clearly felt their greed. After eating carrion, they want to eat some fresh flesh and blood!

This idea made Zhang Jingjiang extremely angry. If it was a large beast, he would understand it, but now it turned out to be a group of rats!Anger made Zhang Jingjiang feel murderous, and he stretched out his hand and hit the sky with Vulcan!Flames gushed out from the palm of my hand...

The group of rats was frightened immediately, Zhang Jingjiang set fire to a group of rats, the rat in the middle of the flame was instantly burnt to charcoal, but the rats next to it had their body hair set on fire, and immediately ran away screaming "Squeak!"

A few burning mice ran around at the bottom of the cave, and the rats immediately became a commotion. This kind of commotion must not be good for Zhang Jingjiang. Fortunately, his flames were so fierce that the few mice could not stand the burn and died soon after. Immediately, there was a smell of burnt barbecue, which was very attractive to the rats, and they immediately swarmed over it...

Zhang Jingjiang thought about it. The light from the fire just now allowed him to see the gap where the rats passed through at the bottom of the cave. It was a relatively large crack. If he was half kneeling and half squatting, he should be able to crawl through it. Kill them, or drive them away and escape from there?

Zhang Jingjiang decided to make a decision according to the situation. At this time, he began to use the Vulcan combat skills in a targeted manner. The target was two or three mice gathered together and a single mouse. His combat skills can be sent and received at will. That is to say, it can control the size of its own spiritual power, making the flame thick and thin.

A stream of flames spurted out, instantly burning the rats into coke, and the number of rats was greatly reduced. This made the rats panic, and fled towards the cracks in the mountain where they first came in. In an instant, there was no one left. Zhang Jingjiang heaved a sigh of relief, he felt that he should follow the group of mice and leave through the crack!

When he groped and walked over, just as he was about to squat down and probe into the crack, the group of rats who had escaped just now "chirped...!" ran back again!Zhang Jingjiang was shocked, and quickly backed away, and after backing, she was furious!

"Damn! I will burn you all! Let you run back and forth!"

This group of mice is considered unlucky to meet Zhang Jingjiang, any kind of justice is better than being burned to death!That kind of pain may only be experienced by the former virtual photon!With thick smoke billowing and raging flames, even the mice that ran away desperately turned into coke in the end!When the rats were all wiped out, Zhang Jingjiang's spiritual power also felt exhausted!

Panting heavily, he sat down on the ground to rest, recovering his spiritual power quickly!After a long time, feeling that he had recovered [-]% to [-]% of his power, he walked towards the crack in the mountain.

Half-kneeling and half-squatting did not make Zhang Jingjiang feel relaxed. Moreover, the protruding rocks in the mountain made it necessary for him to climb over to a large extent. Fortunately, this process was not very long, because the cave wall was only a dozen meters thick. He quickly passed through this layer of mountains. Before coming out, he released his soul perception to detect, and found that there were no living creatures!So climb out with confidence!

But as soon as he came out, he was immediately rushed by a violent gust of wind. In shock, he immediately lowered his head and rolled out, and then the gust of gust from his back hit him again, Zhang Jingjiang twisted his body and performed a water wave qigong with his backhand !

"Bang!", the thing that attacked him was repelled, and Zhang Jingjiang felt that the place hit by his hands was very hard, like steel, and his arms were numb from the shock!

And at this moment, there was a sudden burst of strange laughter, which was very harsh but made Zhang Jingjiang excited inexplicably!Because that voice is so familiar to him!That was Queson's laughter!

"Stinky boy, have you also touched this barren bone and skeleton grave?"

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