zombie girlfriend

Chapter 97 Black Mosquito Cloud

Seeing that the Monster Beast Mountain Range was far away, Zhang Jingjiang was not in a hurry to hurry. He tried to enter the necklace space again that night, hoping to release Granny Yun's seal, but encountered the Fire Bull blocking him here, and Zhang Jingjiang tried his best. Still without success.

This made him very frustrated. Granny Yun's help is very important to him now. Without the assistance of Kui Chen, when he faced Ziyang Mountain, he obviously felt that his own ability was insufficient. He needed to understand the entire spirit body Important information about a family's body training, so that he can improve his own strength more quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, the white tiger felt thirsty, and it whined twice at Zhang Jingjiang. Zhang Jingjiang saw that the water bottle in the storage belt was indeed empty, so he stood up and looked around. There is a valley in the due west direction, so I released my soul perception to detect that direction, and sure enough, I rushed to a large amount of water vapor.

So he led the white tiger to the valley, turned around the valley, there was indeed a pool in front of it, and there was a small stream flowing out, it must be a spring, Zhang Jingjiang looked at it, the water was sweet and sweet It can be drunk, so I took out a few water bottles and filled them with clean water, and then led the white tiger over to drink water!

After the evolution of the white tiger, the amount of food and water has increased greatly. Zhang Jingjiang is considering whether to help him find some prey to eat, but the white tiger ate a lot last night, and the whole wild sheep was eaten by it. No more food for three days.

"Xiaobai, let's hurry back today, and you will be able to meet your hostess. She may prepare something you like to eat! You have to work hard today!" Zhang Jingjiang said, patting Baihu's head .

But suddenly, the white tiger's reaction was extremely anxious, with a fearful expression in his eyes, it is the king of beasts, and now it has grown wings like a tiger, it can be said that the white tiger can basically look down on many kinds of beasts in the world With the monster, his reaction is too abnormal!

"Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Do you feel something is wrong?" Zhang Jingjiang believed in the feelings of animals, and the feeling of ignorant things is much stronger than that of humans!If he is not sure about something, he would rather trust the animal's reaction.

Baihu's reaction immediately attracted Zhang Jingjiang's attention. He immediately climbed up the hillside and looked around. At the junction of heaven and earth in the southeast direction, a faint black cloud was gathering. The momentum of the black cloud was not strong at first, but Soon, like a sandstorm, it began to sweep across the southeast line of the Disappointed Grassland, but it got darker and darker!

The white tiger became more and more anxious. Longde's hooves could be heard in the distance. Zhang Jingjiang's eyesight is very good now. Looking from a distance, under the dark clouds, there are a large number of grassland animals, such as huge bison and wild horses. , all kinds of strange-looking prairie herbivores, and countless small muntjac deer and jumping sheep!

Zhang Jingjiang was still hesitating, but the white tiger had already started howling. Zhang Jingjiang signaled the white tiger to be safe and calm. It has the ability to fly. If there is any danger, it can fly away, so don't worry so much!When he looked back again, a scene appeared that surprised him. Among the large group of beasts and animals, there were many prairie wolves, tigers, leopards, lions and other ferocious beasts mixed in!

The ferocious beast and the herbivore were entangled together and running. They were obviously running for their lives. At the same time, the billowing black cloud was getting closer, and Zhang Jingjiang finally saw what the black cloud was!That turned out to be a super large group of black mosquitoes!At the same time, a deep "hum...!" sound came from a very low frequency!

The mosquitoes are about the size of a dragonfly, they look ferocious, and they are covered in pitch black. They are a large piece of black, like a black cloud. These mosquitoes fly extremely fast. Once some running animals are a little slower, once they are caught up by the black mosquitoes, they will be tens of thousands at once Thousands of mosquitoes can immediately bury those animals, and in a moment, a mummy that has been sucked dry of blood appears tragically on the spot!

Zhang Jingjiang panicked now, where did such a large black mosquito come from, it was simply too scary!He jumped on the back of the white tiger, and began to join the fleeing army. Facing such a blood-sucking mosquito, no one could calm down!

The white tiger was also frightened. It folded its wings and carried Zhang Jingjiang on its back. However, he was huge, and some beasts and animals with smaller bodies and better running quickly overtook it. Looking at the animals, "whoosh!" Zhang Jingjiang was also a little anxious as he ran past him. It is easy for people to forget some original skills at the moment of unexpected events!

The white tiger has a huge body, and the fleshy wings it was born with made it concentrate many of the muscles that used to control its limbs to its two ribs to support it to fly with the fleshy wings, but it also nervously forgot!Thousands of large animals and beasts behind them have basically become the prey of black mosquitoes!

The figure of the white tiger immediately attracted the attention of the black mosquitoes. They separated some of the extremely fast mosquitoes and approached the white tiger in an instant. It wasn't until this time that Zhang Jingjiang remembered that he could fly too, and the speed was not slow!A pat on the white tiger's neck!

"Xiaobai! Fly—!"

As soon as the white tiger was excited, the huge fleshy wings stretched out immediately, his limbs kicked on the ground fiercely, and his body rushed into the air, a gust of wind blew up, and the mosquitoes chasing behind were immediately swept away, and the white tiger turned into a A white shadow flew towards the distance, and his huge fleshy wings flapped his body to advance more than 100 meters in the air. At the same time, there was a strong wind behind him, which instantly widened the distance from the mosquitoes!

But these black mosquitoes flew extremely fast. After losing their prey, they seemed to become angry from embarrassment, and once again chased Zhang Jingjiang in groups. The current direction of the white tiger was northwest. Although the mosquitoes were not small, they seemed to rely on some kind of wind , Gradually chasing closer and closer, Zhang Jingjiang could hear the "buzzing" sound getting closer behind him.

A mountain bump suddenly appeared in front of him. Zhang Jingjiang patted the white tiger's neck: "Xiaobai, go up." He pointed to the sky, which meant to fly high. In his opinion, no matter how much mosquitoes wreak havoc at low altitudes, it seems impossible Flying at high altitude, the white tiger rushed towards the hillside, and the downward airflow immediately pushed it up to the vertical altitude.

The huge fleshy wings whipped violently a few times, and the white tiger pierced straight into the sky like a sharp arrow, followed by "buzzing" mosquitoes, but disturbed by the airflow, some smaller black mosquitoes It was swept away, but the slightly larger mosquitoes seemed to be able to maintain high-speed flight at high altitudes, and gradually caught up.

When the white tiger rose to a height of several thousand meters, it turned to level flight, relying on the high-altitude airflow to save energy. Taking advantage of this gap, Zhang Jingjiang turned around and looked back, and found that the mosquitoes were still behind, and the bodies of these mosquitoes had begun to break down. , that is a sign that their lives are about to end. They desperately want to suck blood for the purpose of reproduction. As long as they can suck blood once, they will immediately go to lay eggs, and then their lives will end. This may be why they The reason for chasing after the white tiger.

After Zhang Jingjiang concocted a combat technique, he fired a Vulcan fire at the mosquitoes behind him. The fierce flames were still hot in the sky, and the dozens of mosquitos rushing ahead were immediately sucked into the sea of ​​flames and burned to ashes. This made Zhang Jingjiang feel relieved!He turned his head and looked forward to see the loss and groaned!

A black cloud was gathering under the low clouds ahead, and the black mosquitoes surrounded them, Zhang Jingjiang cursed loudly: "Damn!" and patted Baihu's neck: "Xiaobai went up and then went up into the clouds! "

With a neck like a white tiger, the wings under the ribs slammed twice and flew straight towards the clouds above. At this moment, there was a sudden "woo woo!" sound, and an object flew towards the white tiger's abdomen , the white tiger didn't wait for Zhang Jingjiang's command, made a sharp turn, and then flew straight up with his hands, but while getting rid of the whining sound, Zhang Jingjiang also fell off the white tiger's back!

"Ah!" With a scream, Zhang Jingjiang quickly fell from the sky...

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