Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 123 Too Painful!

Chapter 123 Too Painful!

Qin Huairu made a look of embarrassment, "This... can this be done?"

"To be honest, I really want to keep the child."

"I'm just worried that he will suffer with our family when he is born."

Jia Zhang insisted: "It can be done, raising a child is not too difficult."

"The main reason is that you and Wang Ming have a good relationship and let him help our family raise our children."

"Don't worry, Mom will never spoil your business again."

A flash of determination flashed in Qin Huairu's eyes, he nodded and said, "Okay, for our family, I will give birth to this child."

"After all, this is what Dongxu told me before."

"I don't want to disappoint him either."

Jia Zhang held Qin Huairu's hand excitedly, and said happily: "Huairu, you are indeed a good daughter-in-law of our Jia family!"

When Jia Dongxu heard this, he almost went crazy with anger.

His mother is simply a pig!

Originally, Qin Huairu didn't want a child anymore, but she insisted on keeping the child.

Let yourself wear such a green hat, and ask the Jia family to help others raise children.

No, Qin Huairu is obviously playing hard to get.

She told the story on purpose to force his mother to let her give birth to the child.

The purpose is to prevent people from suspecting that the child in her stomach is a wild species.

If she gave birth to a boy, he would definitely be more favored than sticks.

At that time, his own son may be squeezed out by his family instead.

Maybe in the future they won't even be able to marry a daughter-in-law, and their Jia family may lose their children and grandchildren.

Thinking of this, Jia Dongxu immediately hated Qin Huairu to the bone.

This bitch's scheming is so deep, he really can't wait to stand up and strangle her to death immediately.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control his body.

He couldn't even make an emoji to imply Jia Zhang.

This feeling of being in a hurry, but powerless, made him extremely painful.

too painful!too painful!
Qin Huairu continued to complain to Jia Zhang: "Mom, I'm already a member of this family."

"Even if something happens to Dongxu, I don't have the slightest intention of leaving him."

"How can you doubt that I have the intention of remarrying?"

"Don't say that kind of thing again."

Jia Zhang took Qin Huairu's hand, choked up and said, "Huairu, it's my mother's fault."

"Mom still thought about your hard work before, so I will treat you well in the future."

"But I'm always worried that if you leave, how can I live with the child and Dongxu alone?"

"That's why it's easy for me to think blindly. Don't blame Mom."

"Mom will never doubt you again."

"Oh." Qin Huairu held her hand and sighed, "I can understand your worry."

"But you don't have to worry about it in the future. I never do things that offend my conscience."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you, and I will give birth to the child."

Jiazhang was grateful, and then put his hands together and prayed: "God bless, I hope to give birth to a boy."

"In this way, even if the stick is worthless in the future, it won't make the Jia family lose their incense."

Qin Huairu secretly scolded Jia Zhang's patriarchy, it's really not a thing.

To her, boys are as good as girls.

No matter male or female, she can accept it.

Presumably Wang Ming thought so too.

But after thinking about it, she could only give Wang Ming one child.

Another one cannot be explained.

She wished she could have both sons and daughters with Wang Ming, but for the sake of Wang Ming's descendants, it would be better to have a boy.

So she can only pray for a boy to come out.

After hearing this, Jia Dongxu cursed secretly, and prayed that no boy would be born.

At the same time, he began to wonder whose bastard Qin Huairu had in his belly.

Is it stupid?
The two have been together at Wang Ming's house for so long, something must have gone wrong.

Jia Dongxu secretly scolded Shazhu in his heart as a beast for poaching his corner.

If he can wake up, he will definitely deal with this adulterer and adulterer severely.

After a while, the doctor came and informed Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang that Jia Dongxu could be discharged from the hospital.

Qin Huairu then went back to the courtyard to find Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu to help carry Jia Dongxu to the hospital.

As soon as they entered the front yard, many neighbors came out to watch Jia Dongxu on the stretcher.

And Qin Huairu had discussed it with Jia Zhang a long time ago, and the two of them and their two children cried all the way, showing a very pitiful look.

The neighbors saw that their house was like this, so they couldn't ridicule them.

Wang Ming sat at the door, just watching with cold eyes, without saying anything.

After several people left the front yard and went to the middle yard, the neighbors started talking.

Lao Yang shook his head and sighed, "Jia Dongxu is also very unlucky."

"After this incident, I think their family will have a very difficult life in the future."

Yan Jiecheng, who was sitting beside him, smiled and said, "Uncle Yang, there is nothing to be pitiful about this person."

"You don't know what he was going to do before the car accident."

Yan Bugui on the side asked curiously: "Didn't he go to a worker's house for a drink?"

Yan Jiecheng shook his head, then smiled strangely, "How can any of the workers he knows live so far away?"

"I heard from Li Qiang in our workshop that this kid might be looking for a lover."

The other neighbors were a little surprised and came over curiously to inquire.

"Xie Cheng, is this true or false?"

Yan Jiecheng smiled and said, "I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I'm sure there must be a woman outside this kid."

"He has become like this now, and it is all his own fault."

"There's no sympathy at all."

The neighbors also felt that what Yan Jiecheng said made sense.

Originally, some people felt a little sympathetic when they saw the tragic situation of the Jia family just now.

But now it seems that their family deserved what happened.

After hearing this, Yu Li was also secretly surprised. She didn't expect Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu to have a good time as a couple.

Perhaps Qin Huairu was willing to give birth to Wang Ming when he found out about Jia Dongxu's cheating.

But now Qin Huairu is also her own to her, after all, they are all Wang Ming's women, and they are all pregnant with Wang Ming's children.

In the future, we can refer to each other.

Of course, it can't be too conspicuous, lest the Yan family suspects it.

In the evening, Yi Zhonghai held a meeting of the whole hospital.

The main topic of discussion is naturally to help the Jia family through difficult things.

Yi Zhonghai sat in the middle of the field and said: "Everyone in the neighborhood, everyone has seen the current situation of the Jia family."

"Dong Xu has become a vegetable, and it may be very difficult to wake up."

"Their family is orphaned and widowed, I'm afraid they will have a very difficult life in the future."

"Everyone has to find a way to help their families more."

"Don't dishonor our reputation of 'Loving Siheyuan'."

Most of the people in the courtyard did not speak.

The life of my own family is not good these days, how can I care about taking care of others?
And this Jia's family is not a good family, always thinking of calculating others, everyone can see this.

Whoever helps their family will be unlucky.

As for Jia Dongxu's derailment, it was also spread in the courtyard, and he deserved what happened.

The neighbors have no reason to sympathize with their family.

(End of this chapter)

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