Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 130 Zhou Hei's Visit

Chapter 130 Zhou Hei's Visit
Jia Zhang was hit on the head again by the deaf old lady.

But she didn't dare to resist, firstly because the deaf old lady had a high seniority.

Secondly, even if he wins the battle, he may be blackmailed by the deaf old lady.

At that time, not only will she have to serve her, but she will also have to pay for her coffin.

So I had to run around, and finally hid behind a policeman.

Yi Zhonghai quickly stopped the deaf old lady, and said, "Old lady, don't make any trouble."

"It's impossible for the old sister-in-law to commit murder."

"They've been neighbors for such a long time, don't you know who she is?"

"Does she have the guts?"

"And my wife died of a heart attack after all. No one else hurt her."

"Everyone, don't speculate on others at will. I don't want to see everyone making trouble because of this incident."

The deaf old lady patted Yi Zhonghai's hand with tears streaming down her face, and said, "Zhong Hai, I'm also sad."

"And I can't get used to Jia Zhang's hypocritical look."

"She is crying on the surface, but she may be happy in her heart."

"I just don't want you to help her. She is not a good person."

Yi Zhonghai patted her hand and said, "Old lady, you can't say that."

"Everyone makes mistakes, and the old sister-in-law and her family are indeed in difficulties."

"I can't help."

Jia Zhang also defended: "Even if I'm not a thing, I can't hurt a big mother."

"And their family is so kind to our family. I heard that it's not normal for her to come and cry?"

"Our stickler Xiaodang is still sad all the time."

"They got close to the first mother a while ago, and when they heard that she was gone, they cried so much that they couldn't even eat."

"Why do you suspect that I killed her?"

As he spoke, he almost cried with grievance.

Yi Zhonghai comforted: "Old sister-in-law, don't listen to their nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Then he looked at Officer Wu again and sighed, "Comrade police, it is impossible for our hospital to have a murderer."

"I think this matter should be settled quickly. I don't want to cause problems in our neighborhood relations because of this matter."

"I also want to let my wife rest in peace earlier."

He deliberately showed a haggard look, so that people around him couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic.

Officer Wu stroked his beard in embarrassment, and sighed, "But this case is indeed somewhat suspicious."

"I can't close the case in such a muddle."

"I have to give the masses an explanation."

Yi Zhonghai and Director Hou were secretly nervous again.

This matter is really endless, and it won't be investigated, will it?

At this time, Wang Ming and Qin Huairu suddenly walked in with a young man whom the people in the courtyard had never seen before.

But Yi Zhonghai recognized him, he was Zhou Hei, the waiter of the roast duck restaurant.

Yi Zhonghai frowned secretly, wondering why this guy came here.

Seeing him, Yi Zhonghai always felt a little flustered.

Wang Ming pointed to Zhou Hei beside him and said to Yi Zhonghai, "Master, Brother Zhou Hei is here."

"He heard that you have done a lot of good things recently, so he wanted to visit you."

"In the end, I suddenly found out that Big Mom was gone, so I wanted to take a look."

Wang Ming also saw Zhou Hei coming when he was staying at home just now.

This kid seemed to have heard that Yi Zhonghai had done a lot of good things recently, so he wanted to come and ask.

So I asked him if it was true or not, thinking of breaking through Yi Zhonghai's disguise.

In the end, I just found out about the death of the eldest mother.

Zhou Hei felt that there was something strange about it, so he thought of coming over to join in the fun.

And since the aunt is dead, Yi Zhonghai can't use the illness of the aunt as an excuse not to give him money for eating out.

So Zhou Hei definitely wanted to talk to Yi Zhonghai about whether he would continue to pay him for restaurants like before.

If Yi Zhonghai wanted to continue to maintain his personality, he might have to continue to give him money.

Maybe because of the need to help the Jia family, they won't give as much as before.

But Yi Zhonghai must still bleed profusely.

Wang Ming welcomed Zhou Hei very much.

When he proposed to visit Yi Zhonghai, Wang Ming immediately agreed.

Then brought him over.

Zhou Hei stepped forward and said with a sad face, "Comrade Yi Zhonghai."

"I wanted to come here today to apologize to you."

"Because I heard recently that you have done a lot of good people and good deeds."

"I realized that you are indeed a great kind person, a true gentleman."

"I regret very much the things I doubted you before."

"So I wanted to come to the door to apologize, and stop by to visit you, talk to you, and learn from you."

"I didn't expect to hear Xiao Ming talk about your wife's death as soon as I came to the door."

"I really don't know what to say."

"Thank you for your condolences."

After speaking, he bowed deeply.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't figure out what he wanted to do for a while.

Did he really come to apologize to himself?

Didn't he always suspect that he was a hypocrite?

Yi Zhonghai stepped forward to shake hands with him, then sighed, "Comrade Zhou Hei, these are trivial matters, I don't care."

"Since you are here, you are a guest."

"I want to invite you to my wife's funeral in a while. I don't know if you are free."

Zhou Hei shook hands excitedly, and said, "Of course I'm free, I just have a rest today."

"I heard that you and First Mother have no children. In this case, I hope to carry First Mother's coffin at the funeral."

"I don't know if you mind?"

Yi Zhonghai patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Of course I don't mind, I welcome it very much."

"If my wife finds out, she will definitely be very happy."

Zhou Hei turned his head and glanced at Police Officer Wu, and then asked, "Comrade Yi Zhonghai, what's going on now?"

"Have the police comrades not determined the cause of Big Mom's death yet?"

Officer Wu cleared his throat and said, "The cause of death is basically determined now. The deceased died of a heart attack."

"It's just that there are still some doubts that haven't been clarified."

"After all, the deceased just missed a meal of medicine and had a heart attack."

"Maybe there is a problem with the medicine, or it may be caused by other factors."

"We still need to investigate carefully."

Zhou Hei's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Does an autopsy still need to be done?"

He vaguely felt that Yi Zhonghai's death might have something to do with Yi Zhonghai.

Maybe it was Yi Zhonghai who wanted to kick Big Mom, but was worried about losing his reputation.

So I wanted to kill Big Mom.

If this is the case, then he will be able to expose Yi Zhonghai's true face for everyone to see clearly.

Officer Wu nodded and said, "Yes, I think it is necessary to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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