Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 133 Jia Zhang's Protection of Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 133 Jia Zhang's Protection of Yi Zhonghai
Under the leadership of Director Hou, the people in the courtyard began to help prepare for the funeral of the aunt.

Some people decorate the mourning hall, some buy filial piety clothes, and some change the shroud for the first mother.

Wang Ming sat on the bench outside Qin Huairu's house and watched leisurely.

He was too lazy to work, so he "accidentally" hit Liu Haizhong's head when he was moving the stool just now, looking clumsy.

Liu Haizhong waved his hand, telling him to stay where he is cool, and don't help him here.

Then he sat on the sidelines and watched others work with peace of mind.

It's just that you have to deliberately think of some sad things, so that your eyes are flushed and tears are rolling in your eyes.

Wipe away a tear from time to time to show sadness.

It can be seen that he is very sad about the death of the big mother.

It's also quite tiring.

At this time, the third mother and the second aunt were sitting not far away cutting paper money and folding ingots.

While chatting quietly.

Because Wang Ming was bored, he listened to the chat between the two.

He could hear very clearly because of his excellent hearing.

"Hey, Second Aunt, what do you think Yi Zhonghai is thinking?"

"At this age, I still want children."

"And knowing that First Mom has a heart attack, he kept torturing her."

"Are you afraid she won't die?"

The three mothers said while cutting paper money.

The Second Aunt was stacking paper ingots in her hand at this moment.

Eyeball glanced left and right, then leaned closer to the third mother's ear and whispered: "I think Yi Zhonghai deliberately wanted the first mother to die."

"This Yi Zhonghai is a hypocrite."

"I didn't notice anything before, but now you can almost see it when you look at what he did to Big Mom."

"He is generous to outsiders, but he doesn't even care about her body."

"He must think that the first mother can't give birth to him, and she has such a serious illness, so she has to spend so much money every month."

"It's better to let the big mother die quickly."

"But he has to pretend to be a gentleman, and he can't just ignore Big Mom."

"So he wanted to let the first mother take medicine, and then let the first mother give him a baby."

"After all, Lou Xiao'e's illness was cured by that medicine, and the medicine obviously works."

"The first mother must have listened to the doctor's advice on what she can't do, and knows that she can't have intercourse when she is sick."

"But Yi Zhonghai must have strongly demanded her, or begged her to come."

"After all, she owed Yi Zhonghai her heart, and finally agreed."

"Yi Zhonghai definitely didn't have much hope at the beginning, he didn't think that a big mother would be able to conceive a child."

"Otherwise, he would have taken Da Ma to the hospital for an examination to see if she was pregnant."

"What he wants is to torment the big mom so that something will happen to her quickly."

"But he never expected that the first mother was really pregnant with a child."

"Look at the expression on his face after the female forensic doctor told him about it, it was obviously much more uncomfortable than when the big mother died before."

"If he had known that the first mother was pregnant with a child, he would definitely not be willing to let the first mother die."

"Look at it, Yi Zhonghai will definitely get another wife in a few days."

"He can't let himself be extinct."

"Hiss~" The third mom gasped after hearing the second mom's analysis.

"Tsk tsk, from what you said, he seems to really think so."

"This Yi Zhonghai's thoughts are too poisonous."

"Who would have thought that he looks upright, but his heart is so dark?"

The second aunt sneered and said, "Or how can you say that he is a hypocrite."

"Our old Liu told me that this old Yi is not as simple as it seems."

"The good things he did before were all for his own benefit."

"Look at how generous he was before, he gave Wang Ming 50 yuan a week to spend."

"As a result, I became famous later, so I stopped giving money on the grounds that my aunt was sick."

"Although at the beginning we suspected that Da Mama was pretending to be sick, now it seems that the suspicion was wrong."

"But it must be true that he doesn't want to continue to spend money on Wang Ming."

"I really want to give even a little bit, but if I don't give it all at once, what's the matter?"

"It's not that he has no money, his family has a lot of savings."

The third mother asked curiously: "Do you think he did this as intentional murder?"

"Will he go to jail?"

The second aunt shook her head, "Oh, who knows, it probably doesn't count."

"After all, Da Mama mainly died of a heart attack."

Wang Ming couldn't help laughing secretly after hearing the conversation between the two.

One thing to say, it's quite interesting to hear this bad-mouthed woman talking about others behind her back.

But their analysis was wrong. They didn't know that Big Mom was just pretending to be sick at first.

If Yi Zhonghai really knew that Da Ma had heart disease, he would definitely not be busy having a child.

After all, he still has feelings for Da Ma, so it is impossible for Da Ma to die on purpose.

Wang Ming also analyzed it carefully just now.

Apparently, Da Ma was pretending to be sick at the beginning, just to make Yi Zhonghai cut off his money for eating out.

Director Hou and Yi Zhonghai must have had some kind of deal before.

He still remembered that when he was at the roast duck restaurant, Director Hou hinted that Yi Zhonghai would accept the proposal to invite him to dinner every week.

The purpose is to promote Yi Zhonghai's behavior of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

After the goal was achieved, Yi Zhonghai could naturally stop.

The old doctor's Director Hou must have explained something, and the two obviously knew each other.

And just now Director Hou specially went to call the old doctor over in person.

Obviously it was to discuss countermeasures with the old doctor in advance.

They didn't expect that the big mother pretended to be sick and pretended to be real.

The receipts and medical records at that time must have been fake, and the medicines bought may not have been taken.

In this era, it is quite convenient to do some hands and feet in the hospital. In the original plot, Qin Huairu asked a friend to help.

And the big mother was pretending to be sick, so Yi Zhonghai and her naturally wouldn't do anything to prevent it.

So there is today's tragedy, the wife and children are separated, and the family is destroyed.

Moreover, the image of a gentleman has also collapsed. In the future, some people will talk about him behind his back, and he will be completely reduced to a laughing stock.

Wang Ming was very happy, he didn't have a good impression of Yi Zhonghai and his wife at all.

Yi Zhonghai in particular had the idea of ​​encroaching on his parents' pension from the beginning.

Now that he has fallen to this point, it is his own fault.

It's just that Yi Zhonghai won't let himself go completely from now on, and stop pretending to be a gentleman, right?

That was quite uncomfortable.

If he really lets go, he will definitely not continue to do good deeds.

And also continue to find a wife to have children, get rid of the fate of being extinct.

At this time, Jia Zhang suddenly came back with a stick, and she heard the conversation between the second aunt and the third mother when she walked behind them.

In order to protect Yi Zhonghai and please Yi Zhonghai, she cursed: "What are you two talking about?"

"Are you speaking ill of my uncle?"

"I said you are cheap?"

"The old man is so miserable, you still have to chew his tongue behind his back."

 I wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve and a happy new year!
  Thank you for your support all the way!
(End of this chapter)

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