Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 145 Ran Qiuye's Reward

Chapter 145 Ran Qiuye's Reward
This weekend, Wang Ming continued to follow Ran Qiuye to the small courtyard to make up lessons in the morning.

When it came to the final dictation session, he felt that it was almost time, so he simply wrote down all the correct answers.

After Ran Qiuye's inspection, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Xiao Ming, you seem to have written everything correctly."

Wang Ming was also pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

"Teacher Ran, does that mean I have learned Pinyin?"

Ran Qiuye said with satisfaction: "It should be counted."

"Although there may be mistakes in the future, I will just correct you when the time comes."

"You can really start learning to read now."

In fact, Wang Ming has already learned a lot of characters. After all, he can listen to some of them in class at night.

Writing your own name is no longer a problem now.

What Ran Qiuye meant was that he could start learning to read and write when he made up lessons in the future.

Wang Ming looked pleasantly surprised, excitedly held Ran Qiuye's hand and said, "Teacher Ran, can I kiss you now?"

Ran Qiuye's face turned red, she almost forgot the original agreement with Wang Ming.

She was also on a whim at the time, but now thinking about it, she is still a little shy.

If you really kissed Wang Ming, what would happen?

She has not established a relationship with Wang Ming yet.

If the news of the kiss gets out, not only will it be laughed at, but it may also be considered as messing with the relationship between men and women.

At that time, not only will she lose face, but her parents' face will also have no place to put it.

The two elders are both educated and reasonable people, so they can't bear this kind of thing.

"This...Xiao Ming, why do you still remember this?"

"At that time, the teacher just said it casually, in order to encourage you to study."

"Now that the goal has been achieved, then..."

Wang Ming suddenly frowned, "Teacher, how can you not count your words?"

"I studied so hard just to kiss you."

Ran Qiuye couldn't bear to see him so disappointed.

She thought about it carefully, and felt that since Wang Ming could learn pinyin, it would be a matter of time before he became a normal person.

It is not impossible to be with Wang Ming.

Sooner or later, the relationship must be confirmed, and it's okay to kiss now.

What's more, after getting along for such a long time, she has already fallen in love with Wang Ming.

Although Wang Ming is stupid, he is kind-hearted, handsome, and exudes masculine charm.

After getting along with him for a long time, there is really no way not to like him.

To be honest, she actually wanted to further her relationship with Wang Ming.

Want to enjoy the taste of love.

After thinking about it, she nodded and said, "Well, the teacher should lead by example after all, and can't do things to deceive students."

"The teacher promises you."

"But you can't tell others about this, or the teacher will be in trouble, understand?"

Wang Ming was delighted, "Don't worry, teacher, I will never tell others."

After speaking, the two faced each other. Wang Ming picked up the shy Ran Qiuye and kissed her impatiently.


Half an hour later, Ran Qiuye pushed Wang Ming away, blushing.

She couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ming, why are you so proficient?"

"Is this your first time kissing a girl?"

Wang Ming said as a matter of course: "Yes, I have never kissed anyone before."

Ran Qiuye asked again: "Then why are you so proficient?"

"Who taught you this?"

Wang Ming said with a smile: "My dad kissed my mom before, I saw it on the side."

"So I just tried to learn my dad's method."

Ran Qiuye was silent, and thought it was a little funny. He didn't expect Wang Ming to learn it like this.

It seems that his father is also very skilled...

Thinking of this, Ran Qiuye blushed again.

Wang Ming asked excitedly: "Teacher, we kissed, can we get married after that?"

Ran Qiuye paused and did not speak.

She thought that she could not establish a relationship with Wang Ming yet.

On the one hand, she felt that things with Wang Ming might not be possible.

Whether or not they will get married is still unknown.

And if the relationship was confirmed early and her parents found out, they would definitely be broken up.

Let's wait for Wang Ming to basically become a normal person before we talk about confirming the relationship.

Then no one else can say anything.

So she shook her head, "No, teacher, this is just to reward you."

Wang Ming looked sad after hearing this.

Ran Qiuye patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Why, do you like Teacher?"

"Want to marry the teacher?"

"En!" Wang Ming nodded with tears in his eyes.

Ran Qiuye shook his head and sighed, "Oh, the teacher's vision is really high."

"But if you study hard, you can become a normal person in the future."

"The teacher promised to marry you, how about it?"

She thought that since Wang Ming liked her, she would use this as a reward to encourage him to study and let him improve quickly.

Wang Ming looked excited, held Ran Qiuye's hand and said, "Really?"

"Teacher Ran, you must keep your word."

Ran Qiuye nodded, "Of course the teacher meant what he said, so I'll give you the reward this time?"

Wang Ming scratched his head and smiled, "Teacher, can we still have this kind of reward in the future?"

Ran Qiuye blushed, enjoying the wonderful feeling just now, but she couldn't forget it.

Even if Wang Ming doesn't want it, I'm afraid she has to find a way to reward Wang Ming.

"It depends on your performance. If you perform well, there will still be rewards."

"But you must never tell anyone, you know?"

Wang Ming patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, Teacher Ran, I will definitely keep it a secret."

Then he took out two watch tickets and said, "Teacher, this thing should be a good thing, right?"

"I want to buy you a watch with this."

When Ran Qiuye saw this thing, he couldn't help but smile.

She had wanted a watch for a long time, but unfortunately she couldn't get a ticket at all.

"Where did this come from?"

Wang Ming told about Li Huaide giving him a watch ticket that day.

After hearing this, Ran Qiuye hesitated. The watch ticket was obviously for Wang Ming's wedding.

If she really accepted it, it would be equivalent to accepting the token of love, and she would not be able to go back on her word in the future.

"Isn't this thing reserved for you to marry a wife?"

"Are you really willing to use it for the teacher?"

Wang Ming smiled and said, "Teacher, I just plan to let you be my wife in the future."

"And you are so kind to me, even if you don't become my wife in the future, I would still buy you a watch."

"Teacher, let's go to the department store in a while, and I'll buy you a watch."

Ran Qiuye was secretly moved, Wang Ming is indeed a good man worthy of entrustment.

She also wanted this watch, but asking Wang Ming to buy it for her would make people gossip.

She then said: "Xiao Ming, the teacher took your heart, but the teacher can't let you pay for it."

"How about this, after a while you will issue the tickets, and the teacher will pay for it. Let's buy two watches, one for each person."

Wang Ming smiled and said, "Teacher, I have money, so I can buy it for you."

"And it's useless for me to ask for a watch, and I can't read it."

Ran Qiuye shook his head, "If you don't understand, you can learn. The teacher will teach you later."

"And the teacher can't take your watch for nothing, he must buy it for you."

"Otherwise, the teacher can't use this ticket."

Wang Ming thought for a while, nodded and said, "Alright then, just the two of us are together."

"After we buy the watch, let's go eat roast duck."

"It just so happens that the uncle gave me 60 yuan, and I can use it to treat you."

Ran Qiuye was also a little hungry, and when he heard about eating roast duck, he also got a little greedy.

She knew Wang Ming's appetite, and since it was Yi Zhonghai's treat, she didn't have to refuse.

Then she packed up her things and rode Wang Ming towards the courtyard.

Wang Ming was going to inform Sha Zhu that he would not go home for lunch.

When I arrived at the gate of the courtyard, I happened to meet Qin Huairu coming out.

Wang Ming said, "Sister-in-law Huairu, I'll go out to eat with Teacher Ran later."

"You told Brother Zhu not to cook for me."

Seeing Wang Ming hugging Ran Qiuye's waist, Qin Huairu felt a little jealous.

She naturally knew that Wang Ming was going to have sex with Ran Qiuye.

Although she also knew that she couldn't be with Wang Ming anymore, it was understandable for Wang Ming to find another woman.

But seeing her man with other women always made her a little unhappy.

But there was no way, in order to conceal Wang Ming's identity, she couldn't say anything more.

She smiled and said, "Well, then you go."

"Remember not to let Teacher Ran pay for it, you have to treat Teacher Ran to eat."

Ran Qiuye said with some embarrassment: "It's actually okay for me to invite him."

Qin Huairu smiled and said, "Hey, it's not that you don't know how much he eats, it's thanks to you to invite him to eat."

"Don't worry, he has the money and ticket that the old man gave him."

Ran Qiuye didn't say anything more, and left with Wang Ming.

On the way, I took some money from the bank, and then went to the department store.

When I came to the shop selling watches, the price of watches was rising now, and the price of 17-diamond semi-steel watches was 180 yuan each.

Ran Qiuye didn't know if the price would be lowered in the future, so she had to grit her teeth and bought two watches.

Wang Ming's is for men, and hers is for women.

Putting the watch on his hand, Ran Qiuye looked happily and looked left and right.

People passing by saw their watches and couldn't help showing envious expressions.

Then the two went to Quanjude again.

As soon as he entered the store, Wang Ming saw two male customers chatting with Zhou Hei at a table not far away.

The fat-faced guest in the front seat asked Zhou Hei, "Comrade, do you really know Yi Zhonghai?"

"Her wife was really killed by him?"

With his back to the door, Zhou Hei smiled at the guest and said, "I can't say that clearly."

"I can only say that he fed his wife Chinese medicine during her heart attack, and had sex with her to have a child."

"Why do you think he did this?"

The fat-faced guest looked solemn, "Then he must have really killed him."

"What kind of person is this? It's simply sanctimonious."

"Our leader even called on us to learn from him."

"This is a fart!"

The guest on the opposite side echoed: "That's right, a hypocrite, now he has a bad reputation."

Wang Ming laughed secretly, it seems that Zhou Hei has been saying bad things about Yi Zhonghai during this time.

Yi Zhonghai is now notorious, and his efforts are indispensable.

Wang Ming didn't say much, just waved and greeted him loudly.

Zhou Hei turned around to see Wang Ming coming, and found that Wang Ming hadn't noticed that he had said bad things about Yi Zhonghai, so he didn't say anything more, and warmly entertained Wang Ming and them.

Ran Qiuye knew a little about Yi Zhonghai's affairs, and had a vague feeling that there was something wrong with him.

But she didn't say much in front of Wang Ming, after all, Wang Ming respected Yi Zhonghai very much.

The two returned to the courtyard after a hearty meal.

Ran Qiuye explained the watch to Qin Huairu, so as not to be misunderstood that she took advantage of Wang Ming.

Qin Huairu said that it's okay, even if the ticket was really given to her, it should be, not to mention that she still bought it with money.

Ran Qiuye returned home with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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