Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 150 The Aggrieved Yan Jiecheng

Chapter 150 The Aggrieved Yan Jiecheng
Yan Jiecheng hugged the child excitedly.

Although it was a girl, it was his first time becoming a father after all, so he was still very excited.

The smile on the face is also from the heart.

However, as soon as the child was in his hands, he burst into tears.

This made Yan Jiecheng a little embarrassed, and the smile on his face froze.

This child was obviously very peaceful in Wang Ming's arms, why did he start crying when he was in his arms?

Is my real father really inferior to Wang Ming's godfather?
This girl's film is also real, she doesn't give her Lao Tzu face at all.

To cover up his embarrassment, he smiled and cursed, "Why are you crying?"

"You don't even know your own father?"

But the child continued to cry.

Wang Ming asked anxiously: "Did you hurt her?"

"Come and let me hug you."

As he spoke, he hugged the child from Yan Jiecheng's arms, and coaxed: "Oh, don't cry, don't cry, let godfather hug you."

After a while, the child stopped crying and laughed.

The third mother said in surprise: "Oh, this child also knows that his godfather treats her better than her own father."

"As soon as Xiao Ming coaxed her, she stopped crying immediately."

Yan Jiefang also echoed with a smile: "Why don't you say that Brother Xiaoming's godfather is closer than his own father, isn't it?"

Yan Bugui and the others laughed, and Wang Ming and Yu Li also laughed.

Only Yan Jiecheng kept his face dark the whole time.

He felt extremely embarrassed, and was extremely disappointed in the child.

Suddenly there is an unwanted thought.

He said angrily: "What kind of girl is this, she doesn't even know her own father."

Wang Ming and Yu Li laughed secretly, thinking that she knew each other too well.

Yu Li taught him a lesson: "What you said, how can you be as knowledgeable as a child?"

"What can she know?"

"Maybe it's because you smell like sweat, and she doesn't like it."

"Xiao Ming has no smell on him, the child must like to be hugged by him."

Yan Bugui also criticized: "That's right, you look like you have a small stomach, you don't have any capacity at all."

"You can be angry with a newborn child."

"You are really not as good as Xiao Ming when you are a father."

Yan Jiecheng cursed secretly in his heart, and there was no end to it, so he had to belittle him to praise Wang Ming, right?
It was a very happy day, but in an instant, I was not in a good mood.

Yan Pugui, Yan Jiefang and others also went to tease the children together.

At the same time, he praised Wang Ming vigorously and thanked Wang Ming.

He told Wang Ming to love this girl well and treat her as his own daughter.

And Wang Ming agreed very cooperatively.

The Yan family was proud, thinking that they could make good use of their children to suck Wang Ming's blood in the future.

Yan Bugui took advantage of Wang Ming to tease the children in the house, so he brought Yan Xiecheng out and criticized him for a while.

"You said that you are really serious. What kind of temper were you playing just now? Isn't it good to cooperate at all?"

"Wang Ming likes your daughter, isn't this in our favor?"

"The more we praise him, the more he wants to treat the child well."

"It's good for you, you have to fight with him, what are you trying to do?"

"Really, if the rest of us didn't react quickly, you would have destroyed our family's plan."

Yan Jiecheng lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

But in his heart he scolded Yan Bugui hundreds of times.

This old man only thinks of his own interests and doesn't care about him at all.

Sooner or later he had to figure out this old thing.

Back in the house, when Wang Ming and others gathered around to coax the children.

Seeing that she had a chance to be alone with Yan Jiecheng, Yu Li called him over.

It was also a complaint.

"You said what happened to you just now?"

"What are you doing jealousy with a fool like him?"

"Forgot about our plan?"

"It's really petite, not manly at all."

Yan Jiecheng couldn't help but said, "I was very happy when I first became a father."

"Who knew that this stinky boy Wang Ming would make such an outrageous remark. I must have been unhappy at the time."

"It wouldn't be happy for another man, would it?"

Yu Li rolled her eyes at him, "What does he know as a fool? He didn't mean to tease you."

"And no matter how you say it, he is just a godfather. What can you argue with your own father?"

"Besides, he is a fool, what's the point of coaxing him?"

"You have to compete with a fool?"

"Will you be proud of winning him?"

"I have never seen such a useless man like you."

"I don't have the ability to fart, but I have a big temper."

"Especially because I'm having a baby today."

"It's fine if you weren't there at the time, but now you don't even have a word of concern, just care about this trivial matter."

"This... I can't live through this day!"

At the end, he choked up and shed tears.

Yan Jiecheng was a little embarrassed by what he said, and quickly held his hand to comfort him.

"Daughter-in-law, don't do this, I was wrong."

"Didn't I just get interrupted by them?"

"I was going to greet you when I came in."

"How do you feel now? Are you still uncomfortable?"

"I heard from my mother that your childbirth went well."

Yu Li shook off his hand and said angrily, "Get out, what's the point of talking now?"

Then he sighed again, and said: "You fight for your breath in the future, and don't upset me any more."

"I don't even think about how much I have been wronged since I married you."

Yan Jiecheng said sincerely: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, this will not happen again in the future."

"And haven't I been working hard to give you a good life?"

"Don't worry, if I work hard for a few more months, I'm sure I will be admitted to the fourth grade worker."

Now he is a third-level fitter, with a salary of 40 yuan a month.

In the past nine months or so, he has worked hard and usually does not get off work on time.

I always have to stay in the factory to study for a while before leaving, which is why I have made such rapid progress.

Yu Li showed a relieved smile, "That's good."

Yan Bugui then asked the doctor Yu Li if she could be discharged from the hospital.

But the doctor's suggestion is to stay until tomorrow afternoon, and it's better to observe.

Avoid unexpected problems.

Yan Bugui thought it was Wang Ming's money anyway, so it would be nice to stay for one more day.

However, those who should go to work in their family will go to work tomorrow, and those who should go to school will go to school.

Only the third mother can stay and take care of her.

But Wang Ming volunteered to stay, saying that he wanted to take care of Yu Li's sister-in-law and children.

Yan Bugui gave a thumbs up and boasted: "Xiao Ming, you are really righteous."

"This child is so lucky to have a godfather like you!"

Wang Ming said happily: "Hey, my own daughter, I will definitely take good care of her."

"Don't worry, I promise to take good care of my sister-in-law and children."

Yan Bugui nodded in satisfaction, then thought for a while and said, "By the way, isn't our child a name yet?"

"Xiao Ming, you happen to have read a lot of words recently."

"Third Master intends to entrust you with the glorious task of naming the child."

"At the same time, it is also a test of how you have studied recently and whether you have made any progress."

 Please recommend a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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