Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 152 I'm Hungry

Chapter 152 I'm Hungry
Yan Bugui turned to look at Yan Jiecheng, and said with a smile, "Hey, how could Xie Cheng not agree?"

"Isn't it, Xie Cheng?"

While speaking, he blinked his eyes, making Yan Jiecheng agree quickly.

Yan Jiecheng had 1 reluctances in his heart.

And he could also see Yu Li's anxious face, apparently unwilling to give the child the same surname as Wang Ming.

Just waiting for him to reject his dad's suggestion.

But now there is no way, he can't refuse.

Because according to his plan, the relationship between him and Wang Ming must be good.

If his relationship with Wang Ming is not as good as his father's relationship with Wang Ming, then the plan will be implemented in a legal way.

So, even though he and Yu Li had 1 reluctances in their hearts, they had to agree to it.

He even had to apologize to Wang Ming in order to avoid making Wang Ming feel bad about him.

He immediately made a smile and said, "Oh, I was a little ignorant just now."

"Since Xiao Ming treats the child well, the child should be named Wang with Xiao Ming."

"Xiao Ming, brother Xie Cheng didn't think about it just now."

"Don't think too much, I am very supportive of having your child with your surname now."

"You've got to give her a good name, you know?"

Wang Ming smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely take it for her."

"I saw that you were a little unhappy just now, and thought you were unwilling."

Yan Jiecheng smiled and waved his hands, "Why, I'm thinking about something."

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of Yu Li's look of disdain.

Although he didn't say anything, he also knew that Yu Li must be secretly calling him a wimp, and he couldn't even decide on such a thing.

The child in my own family took an outsider's surname.

But he had no intention of resisting at all.

He shook his head secretly. After all, Yu Li is a woman, so she must not have thought of his good intentions.

If the relationship between the couple and Wang Ming deteriorated, then their long-term humiliation would be in vain.

So he can only agree.

He planned to explain to Yu Li when he had a chance in the future.

However, he never expected that Yu Li's heart was already full of happiness.

She never dreamed that the child could be named Wang in an aboveboard manner.

Wang Ming is really a genius, he made fun of the Yan family.

She put on a forced smile again, expressing her support for Wang Ming's naming of the child.

Later, Yan Bugui borrowed a notebook and a pen from Wang Ming, allowing him to write down the names he had in mind when he had time.

Compare and choose the most suitable one at the end.

After finishing these, Yan Bugui, Yan Jiecheng and others left, leaving only Wang Mingyu Li and the third mother.

At the beginning, with the three mothers on the side, Wang Ming and Yu Li didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

While taking care of the child, he pretended to be discussing names.

At 01:30 in the evening, Yu Li and the child fell asleep.

The big mother also played hutch. She was sleepy for a long time, but she dared not sleep for fear of what would happen to Yu Li and the child.

And Wang Ming was sitting by the bed at this time, holding a pen and writing on the notebook, pretending to be trying to think about the name.

The third mother glanced at him and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Ming, are you still sleepy?"

Wang Ming shook his head, "I'm not sleepy now."

"And I can't sleep, what if my daughter wakes up and cries for milk, and Yu Li's sister-in-law is too sleepy to know what to do?"

"I have to keep an eye on her, I can't let her go hungry."

"And I have to think of a name for her. It's fine if I don't need to sleep."

The third mother couldn't help laughing to herself, thinking that Wang Ming was working hard enough as a godfather.

In order to take care of the children for their family, they dare not even sleep.

This is also very good, Wang Ming is willing to be a nanny for free, and the family can save some effort in taking care of the children.

However, she didn't know that it didn't matter if Wang Ming didn't sleep.

Staying up all night is already commonplace for Wang Ming.

He is also willing to take care of Yu Li and the child, willingly.

The third mother was already too sleepy at this time, so she said: "Then Xiao Ming, you stay here and watch, and the third mother will sleep for a while."

Wang Ming pretended to be surprised, "Third Mom, are you going to sleep?"

"You don't take care of sister-in-law Yu Li and the child?"

The third mom sighed and said, "Oh, I'm so sleepy, let's go to sleep first."

"And isn't there you here?"

"Stay here and watch carefully, remember to call me if you need anything."

"For the sake of the child, you persevere and don't sleep, do you understand?"

"You are young after all, and you have nothing to do tomorrow."

"It's never too late to sleep tomorrow."

Wang Ming nodded, "Okay, then you go to bed first, I'll watch them here."

The third mother then fell asleep on the bed beside her, and started snoring not long after.

Wang Ming heard that she had fallen asleep, so he took out a book from his portable space and read it.

He wanted the third mother to sleep a long time ago, otherwise he would be tired of acting all the time.

If you read a book, you can still pass the time.

But he didn't dare to be careless, and kept his back to the third mother, covering the book with his body to prevent her from seeing it.

After all, he didn't dare to make sure that the third mother would wake up suddenly.

If there is any movement, he will immediately put the book back in the portable space.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, the child suddenly began to cry.

Yu Li gradually woke up when she heard the movement.

Wang Ming immediately put the book into his portable space.

He glanced back at the third mother who was still asleep, and then directly hugged the child to Yu Li.

The child didn't pee or pull, obviously he woke up because he was hungry.

Yu Li breastfeeds the baby directly.

She glanced at the third mother, and then asked Wang Ming in a low voice: "Is she asleep?"

Obviously, she had something to say to Wang Ming.

But before the three mothers were there, it was always inconvenient.

Wang Ming nodded, but pointed to the pen and notebook in his hand.

It is safer to indicate that communication is in writing.

After all, the third mom might wake up, but she might pretend to be asleep.

If she heard the conversation between the two, then all the good things about the two of them would be exposed.

Yu Li immediately understood, took the notebook and pen, and began to communicate with Wang Ming in writing.

"It's really you, let the child take your surname openly."

Wang Ming took the notebook and replied: "You are not bad, you are quite good at acting."

"Go back and scold Yan Jiecheng again, he still has to coax you."

"That way he won't doubt anything."

Yu Li replied: "I know, don't worry."

"But what are you going to name the baby?"

Wang Ming replied: "Yesterday afternoon, the clouds were very beautiful. I noticed it on the way to the hospital."

"And our daughter is well-behaved and obedient, she doesn't cry or make trouble, and she is pretty."

"The word 'wan' means gentle and soft."

"I think it's good to be called Wang Wanyun, what do you think?"

Yu Li was pleasantly surprised when she saw the name, and thought it sounded good.

At the same time, he couldn't help being curious, and asked: "You idiot is quite knowledgeable, you are so particular about naming names."

"Is this something you only learned recently?"

Wang Ming replied: "Of course, I learned a little more when I have nothing to do."

"You know I'm smart."

"Remember, the name should be said to be created by the two of us together."

"I originally called it 'Wang Yun', but you didn't like it, so you added the word 'Wan'."

Yu Li nodded, indicating that she understood.

Wang Ming wrote on the paper again: "By the way, sister-in-law, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

Yu Li didn't realize it at first, but when she saw Wang Ming's smirk, she knew what his plan was.

She blushed and gave him a blank look, but she didn't refuse either.

 Please recommend a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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