Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 178 The agreement between the Jia family and Shazhu

Chapter 178 The agreement between the Jia family and Shazhu
Jia Zhang suddenly became unhappy, "Silly Zhu, what are you talking about?"

"Curse our Dongxu to die again?"

Sha Zhu sneered, "I said he won't die, so can he survive?"

"It's not like you don't know about his situation. How thin is he now?"

"I heard from the doctor that the average lifespan of a vegetative person is only three years."

"And that's when the conditions are good."

"Judging from your family's level of care, it is estimated that three years is enough to live."

"After he leaves, it must be very difficult for Sister Qin to support her family alone."

"Auntie, don't just think about the face of our Jia family, you have to think about how to live in the future."

"If Sister Qin follows me, I promise to take good care of your four children."

"I'm still willing to give you a retirement pension, what do you think?"

"I'm quite honest, and I don't know what to say. You should know that."

After hearing this, Jia Zhang thought about it calmly.

Silly Zhu made a lot of sense.

Their family really needs to consider the issue of future survival.

It is estimated that Wang Ming and Yi Zhonghai will not be able to help them for too long.

It is too difficult to raise four children by Qin Huairu alone.

Moreover, Shazhu also promised to give her a retirement pension, which is also very attractive to her.

She didn't want Qin Huairu to remarry because she considered that her status was not suitable for her to go with her.

Shazhu is an honest person, since he said so, it should be credible.

But what she was worried about was that if Sha Zhu had another child with Qin Huairu, he might dislike their four children.

At the same time, out of face, she did not express her opinion immediately.

She had to see what Qin Huairu had to say.

Seeing Qin Huairu's hesitation, Sha Zhu asked again, "Sister Qin, what do you think?"

"I really like you, and I really want to help you."

"You will have to remarry sooner or later, you might as well consider me."

He is really obsessed with Qin Huairu now.

Most of the other women are not as attractive to him as Qin Huairu.

So even though the price of marrying Qin Huairu is a bit high, he is still willing to accept it.

Qin Huairu was secretly annoyed, thinking that this silly Zhu was really sick, so he couldn't let go of her, a woman with a family.

Which unmarried man is like him?
But silly Zhu played in her arms like this.

She just wanted to leave some thoughts for Sha Zhu, so that Sha Zhu could continue to support their family.

She smiled wryly and sighed: "Silly Zhu, why do you think you want to wait for me?"

"What's wrong with me, an old woman with four children and a mother-in-law?"

"And Dongxu won't be able to leave for a while."

"If he can't leave, then I won't remarry either."

"Isn't this delaying you?"

"If one day Dongxu really leaves and you are still interested in me, then let's think about it again."

"I still have a man after all, Dongxu is the only one in my heart."

"Even if you say you like me, I can't give you any answer."

"I think if you go on blind dates a few more times, you might be able to meet someone more suitable."

"Let's be neighbors first."

"If you see that our family is in difficulty, please help our family."

"Especially now that I have to breastfeed two children, I need to eat more good food."

Silly Zhu thought secretly after hearing this, thinking that it is indeed inappropriate to talk to Qin Huairu about this matter now.

Qin Huairu is still a married woman, so it is impossible to just agree to him so openly.

We have to wait until Jia Dongxu dies to talk about it.

However, he also noticed that Qin Huairu needed him very much now.

He needs to continue supporting their family.

He also felt that it was necessary to help, otherwise Qin Huairu's favor for him would decline in the future.

When the time comes to talk about marriage, Qin Huairu may not agree to him.

It's just that he was a little worried that Qin Huairu just wanted his help.

When Jia Dongxu died, she refused to agree to it again and again.

Or Jia Zhang used various reasons to prevaricate.

He didn't want to be taken advantage of anymore, he just wanted to hear what he said.

So he said, "Sister Qin, if you really don't want to, then I'm afraid I can't continue to help you."

"I have done my best to your family. If I continue to help like this, my own wife will probably have to pay for it."

"I have to think about myself too."

"But I think we can make a deal."

"If you are willing to marry me after Dongxu's death, then I am willing to support your family wholeheartedly."

"I can't do anything to you, but I can fulfill my responsibilities as a husband."

"I treat the children as my own, and raise my aunt as my own mother."

"Just to show you my sincerity."

"As soon as Dongxu leaves, I will marry you."

"It's justified in this way, and no one will say anything."

"And your family doesn't have to worry about life in the future, I will take care of you as a family."

Both Wang Ming and Qin Huairu were secretly surprised, they didn't expect Sha Zhu to come up with such an idea.

If you agree, then things will not turn around.

But if you don't agree, you won't be able to benefit from him anymore.

But Sha Zhu was really persistent enough, so he stared at Qin Huairu relentlessly.

And he was sincere enough to give this condition.

If you were an ordinary widow, you would definitely agree.

But Qin Huairu was very annoyed, she didn't expect Shazhu to be so shrewd.

If you don't agree, then there will be no support from Shazhu to their family.

But now she only has Wang Ming in her heart.

It is impossible for her to marry Shazhu.

Just when she was about to refuse, Wang Ming secretly nodded his fingers up and down to express his agreement.

Qin Huairu hesitated for a moment, she didn't know what Wang Ming was thinking.

Is it just to take advantage of Shazhu temporarily, and then regret it after Jia Dongxu dies?
I'm afraid it won't work, right?
The three uncles in the courtyard will definitely uphold justice.

At this time, Jia Zhang's heart was a little moved.

Looking at Sha Zhu, he asked, "Si Zhu, are you serious?"

"What you mean is that if we agree, you will support our family now."

"Take care of us just like Dongxu, you take care of food and clothing."

"But Huai Ru doesn't have to marry you."

"do you mean this?"

Sha Zhu nodded, "Yes, that's what I mean."

"And I will definitely do better than Dongxu."

"But if you are really willing to agree, then we have to make a written proof, and we have to ask the uncle to witness it."

"You can't go back on your word when the time comes."

Jia Zhang thought this was not bad.

If Shazhu is really willing to support their family, then their family will not have to worry about life in the future.

And this also took into account their family's face, after all, they had to wait for Dongxu's death before remarrying.

She nodded and said, "If you say that, you can think about it."

Seeing that she agreed, Silly Zhu showed joy on his face.

Looking at Qin Huairu again, he asked, "Sister Qin, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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