Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 195 Handsome and Fierce Idiot

Chapter 195 Handsome and Fierce Idiot

Yi Zhonghai explained: "Isn't it because your Auntie Meng and I are of the same generation?"

"She is naturally your elder."

"This matter of seniority does not depend on age."

"Haven't you heard that some people still call people younger than themselves uncles?"

Meng Xilian waved her hands with a smile and said, "Hi, no need."

"Xiao Ming and I are considered equals, how can I let him call me auntie?"

"And Uncle Yi, you are really my elder, how can I be your equal?"

"It's embarrassing."

After hearing that Wang Ming was a fool, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

At first, I thought that I finally met a man who was pleasing to the eye, and maybe I could entrust the rest of my life to it.

But if it's a fool, let alone support their family, they can't even support themselves.

But if she wasn't a fool, she wouldn't have taken a liking to a widow like her.

It was just her fantasy just now, and it was actually very difficult for her to find a suitable man.

After Wang Ming heard what she said, he nodded with a smile and said, "Then I will call you Sister Meng."

Meng Xilian nodded with a smile, "Okay, you can call me Sister Meng, or you can call me Sister."

"I'm only 28 this year, not much older than you."

Yi Zhonghai was secretly annoyed.

After being disturbed by Wang Ming, he and Meng Xilian might not be able to call themselves equals in the future.

If he wanted to marry Meng Xilian in the future, he might be criticized by others.

At this time, a family of four came in from the gate of the courtyard.

A middle-aged couple with two children, a boy and a girl.

The man in this family is gentle, thin, and wears a pair of glasses, like a teacher.

The woman is obese, with a fleshy face, looks like Hong Jinbao, with piercing eyes.

The couple seemed very mismatched.

The man with glasses saw a stranger coming in the yard, and even talked to Meng Xilian.

Then he stepped forward and asked, "Sister-in-law, what do these two comrades do?"

"Are they here for you?"

Meng Xilian said with a smile: "Xiao Liu and his siblings are back?"

"Hehe, they are my friends, they are here today to help me move the furniture."

Xiao Liu, the man with glasses, said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, just say hello to me about moving the furniture."

"They are all neighbors. If you have any difficulties, please come to us first."

"Otherwise, if it gets out, it will be thought that our neighbor relationship is not good."

His wife glared at him and said, "Do I need your help?"

"Look at the bodies of these two comrades, and then look at yours."

"How can you help?"

"Hurry up and get back to clean up the house, it's none of your business."

Meng Xilian showed an embarrassed yet polite smile, and didn't say much.

Xiao Liu is a strict wife, she was afraid that Xiao Liu's wife would misunderstand, so she didn't mention this matter to him.

Moreover, Xiao Liu is a teacher, so he is powerless.

He can't even do the heavy work of moving things.

Xiao Liu secretly thought it was a pity that his parents had taken a fancy to the conditions of his wife's family and forced him to get married.

But now his wife is getting taller and crooked, not to mention fat, with a faint black beard around her mouth, she is more masculine than a man.

Facing such a woman all day long, he really lost the joy of being a man.

But the neighbor is still a pretty widow, which makes him even more itchy.

However, due to his wife's aggressiveness and the help from his father-in-law's family, he dared not mention the divorce at all.

He could only look at the pretty widow helplessly, but he couldn't do anything.

And when he saw Wang Ming, he felt a little sense of crisis.

She thought this would be the matchmaker's matchmaker for Meng Xilian on a blind date, right?

When he thought that he might not be able to get Meng Xilian, he couldn't help feeling sad.

After Xiao Liu's family returned home, Meng Xilian took Yi Zhonghai and Wang Ming to her mother-in-law's house to move things.

Her mother-in-law's house is only one street away from her house.

And there are carts in the yard over there, so moving furniture is relatively easy.

When I came to the courtyard of her mother-in-law's house, this side was also a small courtyard.

Meng Xilian opened the door of her mother-in-law's house, and then Yi Zhonghai led Wang Ming to start moving things on the cart.

Other things are okay, but there is a large wooden bed that is not easy to pull with a cart.

The bed is well made and heavy.

And it's big enough to sleep three adults.

Meng Xilian didn't want this bed at first, it's not very useful.

But when she shared the inheritance with her husband's two younger brothers, she also got some furniture.

If you don't take it, it will be cheap for the second child.

So she still wants to move back.

And in the future, when the children grow up, they will also sleep in separate beds.

The small bed in their house was not enough at all.

Yi Zhonghai studied it and said, "This bed can only be carried alone."

"Xiao Ming, let's push the other furniture over and talk about it first."

"After moving the rest, let's carry this bed over together."

Wang Ming smiled and said, "I can move this bed by myself."

"Master, if you push the cart, I'll move the bed by myself."

Meng Xilian smiled and said, "Xiao Ming, this bed weighs three to four hundred catties, how can you lift it by yourself?"

Wang Ming said with a smile: "I have great strength, if you don't believe me, you can ask the uncle."

"Otherwise he wouldn't ask me to move things."

When Yi Zhonghai thought that the bed was too heavy, it must be very difficult for him to lift it.

At that time, I will be tired in front of Meng Xilian, and it will not look good.

It's better to let Wang Ming move it alone, and he will support it by the side.

"Okay, then I will let you carry it, and I will support it by the side."

The two first moved the bed upright outside the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai's face was already blushing after just moving this one trip, while Wang Ming still had a calm demeanor.

After the bed was outside, Wang Ming directly lifted the bed upright, steadily.

The old neighbors who were watching were dumbfounded.

An old man was surprised and said: "Hey, this young man is really strong."

"The old Zhou's bed weighs at least three or four hundred catties?"

"Can he lift it all by himself?"

Another old man echoed: "It seems quite relaxed, you can see that his face is not red and he is not out of breath."

"The bed is also very secure in his hands."

For Wang Ming, the bed was still very light.

It's like an ordinary person lifts an object that is ten kilograms and has such a large volume.

He can throw it in his hand and play with it.

However, he didn't act too shocking, he just lifted the bed steadily.

Meng Xilian, who was watching from the side, was already stunned.

This strength is really big enough.

And looking at Wang Ming's bulging muscles and his robust body, she became even more obsessed for a moment.

Although this Wang Ming is said to be a fool, he is handsome and fierce.

She has been lonely for such a long time, how can she withstand such a temptation?
All of a sudden, I felt a little itchy, but also a little shy.

Yi Zhonghai was secretly annoyed, thinking that Wang Ming just stole his limelight?

(End of this chapter)

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