Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 215 She Has Me in Her Heart

Chapter 215 She Has Me in Her Heart

Wang Ming shook his head, "No, Teacher Ran said that I just rode, so I can't ride too fast."

Zhao Kai laughed and said, "Look at you, you are too timid."

"He's so tall and strong, yet he even rides a bicycle so carefully."

"Are you so afraid?"

Li Feng smiled and said: "I said fat man, don't make things difficult for him."

"No matter how people say that the mental age is equivalent to that of a child, it is normal to be afraid."

Yang Weimin agreed, "Yes, he is still a child."

"It's not easy to learn to ride a bicycle, so don't make things difficult for him."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "It's not that I made things difficult for him, my ten-year-old cousin can already ride a bicycle."

"When I first learned it, it was much faster than him."

"His... is really unreasonable, and he is too timid."

Yang Weimin pretended to be shocked, "Really?"

"He's really too timid to say that."

"But it's understandable. After all, he's mentally handicapped, so he's probably not as good as your cousin."

"It's normal to be scared when riding a bike on the road."

Yu Haitang couldn't bear to listen anymore, and said angrily: "I said, why are you all so weird here?"

"If you think Brother Xiao Ming is riding slowly, then you go first, and we will ride with him."

"Really, it's because this matter can be chattered for so long."

"Is it a big thing to ride a bike fast?"

"What can be compared, it's really childish!"

When she heard Yang Weimin say that Wang Ming was a child, she was a little unhappy.

Wang Ming may be about the same as a child in intelligence.

But in some ways, that's a man's man's man.

In the past few days, she has already learned how powerful Wang Ming is.

But Yang Weimin and the others didn't even hold the girl's hand, so they mocked Wang Ming here.

It's really like a jumping clown.

What is it about riding fast?
What is there to show off?
I have to say that sometimes this Yang Weimin is really too naive and out of place.

Not mature at all.

At the same time, she couldn't help but wonder what would happen to Yang Weimin.

If Wang Ming doesn't even have one-tenth of Wang Ming's ability, will the married life in the future be too happy?
Maybe I have to ask Wang Ming for help from time to time.

Thinking of this, she hesitated about marrying Yang Weimin again.

Seeing that Yu Haitang stood up for Wang Ming, He Yushui was also unwilling to show weakness, fearing that Yu Haitang would compete for favor.

He opened the mouth and said, "That's right, what's the point of comparing this with Brother Xiao Ming?"

"Ability is better than strength, better than fighting."

"Brother Xiao Ming can beat all three of you to the ground with one hand."

She knew how powerful Wang Ming was.

Wang Ming can easily lift her up with one hand, and he can also lift Yu Haitang up with the other hand.

And she also knew that Wang Ming fought very well.

Originally, she thought that her brother Shazhu was the peak combat power in the courtyard.

But later she discovered that when Xu Damao occasionally urged Wang Ming to clean up her brother, the first thing her brother did was to persuade Wang Ming.

If it were someone else, her brother would not be afraid at all.

Therefore, Wang Ming's combat effectiveness is definitely higher than her brother's.

When she thought that such a fierce Wang Ming was also her man now, she felt a burst of happiness in her heart.

If possible, she would like to remarry later and spend a few more years with Wang Ming.

But at this time she saw Li Feng a little unhappy.

In order to avoid Li Feng feeling uncomfortable, she said to Li Feng in a good voice: "Everyone has their own strengths, what's the point of comparing each other?"

"We are all friends, we came out to play together, don't make trouble."

Li Feng was a little upset at first, but he felt a little more comfortable after hearing what He Yushui said later.

And He Yushui is obviously taking care of his emotions, which shows that He Yushui has him in his heart.

Thinking of this, he was even more happy.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, then let's ride slower."

At this time, Liu Shengnan glanced at Wang Ming, and said with a smile, "Wang Ming is quite stable."

"If you were an ordinary person, I'm afraid you will fall into your aggressive method and start to speed up."

"Wang Ming, just ride slowly, don't listen to them."

"If you ride fast, maybe something will happen."

Wang Ming didn't care about Yang Weimin's ridicule at all.

There is nothing to argue about how fast or slow a bike is.

No matter how they mocked him, he didn't care.

If there is something unhappy in your heart, how comfortable it is to go back and find Yu Haitang and the others to vent.

Isn't it more interesting than this kid's house-like fight?
But Liu Shengnan's sudden overture surprised him a bit.

Ever since he mistook Liu Shengnan for a boy last time, he hasn't apologized yet.

Logically speaking, this Liu Shengnan should hate him very much, why would he speak up for him and care about him?

Does Liu Shengnan have any purpose, or do he have any thoughts about him?
Isn't this tomboy dating fat Zhao Kai?
Could it be that you want Hongxing to get out of the wall?
He has no interest in Liu Shengnan, but he feels that he can try his tricks.

Let's see what Liu Shengnan's plan is.

He pretended to be happy and said with a smile: "Hey, Katsuo, you are right, I am not timid, but prudent."

"I don't listen to them, I just ride slowly."

"By the way, Katsuo, I haven't apologized to you yet."

"I was really embarrassed to recognize you as a man last time."

Liu Shengnan laughed, "It's okay, I am often mistaken by others."

"It's nothing, I've forgotten about it a long time ago."

Fatty Zhao Kai watched the two talking and laughing, feeling uncomfortable.

What is this?

In order to help Liu Shengnan stand out, he took the lead in mocking Wang Ming.

Why is Liu Shengnan speaking for Wang Ming instead?
What the hell does she mean?
He looked for an opportunity to drive with Liu Shengnan, and asked in a low voice, puzzled: "Shengnan, how can you help him speak?"

"Didn't you agree to make him look ugly?"

Liu Shengnan explained: "Hey, if you teach him to ride too fast, he may have an accident."

"What if someone dies?"

"You won't be able to run away then."

"Zhao Kai, I understand what you mean."

"But if you are really implicated because of this, I don't think it's worth it."

"He also apologized to me just now, so let's take it as a thing of the past, it's nothing."

Zhao Kai was secretly moved, it turned out that Liu Shengnan was caring about him.

It's really nice to have such a sensible girlfriend.

Several people continued to drive, while Yang Weimin pretended to be aggressive quietly.

He deliberately rode with both hands off the handlebars to show off his driving skills in front of Yu Haitang.

Wang Ming was very cooperative, and pretended to be surprised: "My God, for the people, he can ride a bicycle without using his hands."

Yang Weimin smiled triumphantly, "How about it, can't you come here?"

Wang Ming shook his head again and again, "It's too difficult, I'm afraid to look at it, I can't learn it."

Yang Weimin looked at Yu Haitang, wanting to be praised by the goddess.

Unexpectedly, Yu Haitang lectured angrily: "Do you think you are handsome? You are a fool!"

"Riding like you, something will happen sooner or later."

"It's not as stable as Brother Xiao Ming."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Yang Weimin also looked embarrassed, but he put his hands down immediately.

It seems that Yu Haitang likes to be more stable, he secretly made a note of this.

And Yu Haitang seemed to be concerned about him, and only reminded him in case something happened to him.

If you think about it this way, Yu Haitang seems to be thinking about him and has him in her heart.

Thinking of this, he was much happier.

(End of this chapter)

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