Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 219 The Man Who Sees Through Wang Ming

Chapter 219 The Man Who Sees Through Wang Ming
"Brother Ming, are you joking?" Zhao Kai asked, holding back his embarrassment.

Wang Ming said angrily, "How could I be joking?"

"That's what she said to me just now."

"I thought she was pretty good at first, but I didn't expect her to be such a person."

"That's why I came here to tell you."

Zhao Kai's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but think of the scene where Liu Shengnan showed favor to Wang Ming before.

She didn't care about him at all, but was getting close to Wang Ming.

And just now Wang Ming stole the limelight, she must not be able to suppress her inner liking, so she found a chance to approach Wang Ming alone.

However, she never expected that Wang Ming would look down on her.

Yu Haitang and He Yushui were also secretly angry.

No wonder Liu Shengnan was going to the bathroom just now.

She was just looking for a chance to meet Wang Ming, thinking of kicking Zhao Kai to be with Wang Ming.

This shameless bitch actually wanted to pry their corners.

I don't even piss to take care of my own virtues.

How could Wang Ming have a crush on her?

There is really no self-knowledge at all.

At this time Liu Shengnan ran back crying.

He threw himself into Zhao Kai's arms and cried, "Zhao Kai, Wang Ming took advantage of me just now."

"You have to call the shots for me."

Zhao Kai originally wanted to question her, but he was a little confused by what she said.

Why did Sheng Nan say that Wang Ming took advantage of her?
Could it be said that Wang Ming was lying, and the villain deliberately sued first?
Wang Ming was furious, "What? You actually said that I took advantage of you?"

"Obviously you are taking advantage of me!"

Liu Shengnan trembled with anger, "I thought you were a very nice person, a very simple guy."

"But I didn't expect you to be so shameless. Not only did you take advantage of me, but you even sued the wicked first."

"You just bully me to run faster than you."

"Zhao Kai, don't trust him."

"He's actually not stupid at all. What you see is all his disguise."

"He deliberately pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, just to cover up his evil heart."

"Have you guys forgotten how close he was to Haitang Yushui back then?"

Hiss~ It was actually seen through.

Wang Ming was secretly shocked, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Although he also knew that Liu Shengnan was talking nonsense, in order to frame him and save his face.

But there's something really wrong with this comparison, it's so accurate!

Yu Haitang and He Yushui were also secretly nervous.

Although it is true that Wang Ming is a bit stupid, he is indeed pretending in some places.

And she pretended to be pretty good, never revealing anything in front of Yang Weimin and Li Feng.

And Wang Ming is indeed a bit lustful, is it true that after he molested Liu Shengnan, the villain first complained?
No way, he already has the two of them and the three beauties Ran Qiuye, do he want other women?

And even if you want to look for it, you won't be looking for Liu Shengnan, right?

She is not feminine at all, Wang Ming won't fall in love with her, right?
Could it be that because she is Zhao Kai's girlfriend, Wang Ming thinks it's interesting?
The two couldn't make a decision for a while, and even suspected that Wang Ming was lying.

After hearing this, Li Feng and Yang Weimin looked suspicious.

Could it be that Wang Ming is really pretending to be stupid and deliberately taking advantage of girls?

Zhao Kai asked Wang Ming angrily, "Brother Ming, are you really playing dumb?"

Wang Ming looked anxious, and said incoherently: "She is just talking nonsense."

"Obviously she said she liked me, and took the initiative to hold my hand."

"How can I like her?"

"I already have someone I like in my heart, who is much prettier than her."

"I'm so devoted to the person I like that I can't see her."

"She's lying to you, don't be fooled by her."

Yang Weimin and Li Feng nodded silently after listening.

He thought the same, if Wang Ming wanted to take advantage of girls, he would take advantage of He Yushui and Yu Haitang.

Why do you have to find Liu Shengnan?
Wang Mingming doesn't need to learn to ride a bicycle or know the way.

In this way, he could continue to ride He Yushui and Yu Haitang's car, hug their waists, and hold their hands.

But Wang Ming didn't do that, which showed that he wasn't interested in this kind of thing.

He Yushui didn't care whether what Wang Ming said was true or not, anyway, today's matter cannot be said to be Wang Ming's lying.

Otherwise, the relationship between them and Wang Ming would be very doubtful.

She put her hips on her hips and scolded Liu Shengnan: "Shengnan, what you said just now was too much?"

"What does it mean that we have an intimate relationship with him?"

"We just treat him like a brother."

"The previous contact with him was also because he was mentally deficient and unable to support himself, so we helped him."

"The relationship between us is normal, don't talk nonsense here."

"As for the liar, I think it's you."

"Brother Xiaoming is a very simple person, he will never do bad things to you."

"Don't frame him here."

Yu Haitang also echoed, "That's right, Katsunan, stop pretending here."

"We know better than you what kind of person Xiao Ming is."

"He wouldn't do that to you."

"It's you, why did you just go with Brother Xiao Ming when he went to the bathroom?"

"Don't you just want to get in touch with him alone?"

"You framed brother Xiao Ming because he didn't accept you."

Liu Shengnan made an aggrieved and angry look, "I can't say no to you."

"You all want to believe him, but you don't want to believe me."

"Zhao Kai, do you believe me?"

Zhao Kai looked embarrassed.

Yang Weimin patted him on the shoulder and said to him, "Fatty, brother Ming should not be that kind of person."

"Let me say something harsh, if Brother Ming really wanted to take advantage of others, he wouldn't look for Katsuo."

"Although Brother Ming says he's a fool, he's much more handsome than you."

Zhao Kai felt uncomfortable after hearing this, but he had to say that Liu Shengnan was more likely to lie.

If Wang Ming wasn't a fool, with his handsomeness and ability, what kind of woman wouldn't he be able to get?

Why play dumb to take advantage of women?
He opened his mouth and said to Liu Shengnan: "Shengnan, if you admit your mistakes, I can forgive you."

Liu Shengnan was extremely ashamed and indignant after hearing this, ran away alone, and then left on a bicycle.

Yang Weimin patted Zhao Kai on the shoulder and comforted him, "Fatty, leave her alone."

"Such a woman is not worthy of your love."

Zhao Kai then left desolately, and the others also went home.

A few days later, except for Liu Shengnan, several people got together again and ate noodles at a noodle shop.

After Zhao Kai took a bite, he said, "I found Sheng Nan again later, and she confessed to me."

"It was indeed she who lied and framed Brother Ming."

"She was embarrassed to see you again, so she asked me to apologize to you."

(End of this chapter)

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