Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 221 Make a mistake

Chapter 221 Make a mistake
Wang Ming was secretly excited after hearing this.

Meng Xilian asked him to stay overnight, and any fool could think of what it meant.

It was originally inconvenient for him to stay.

A fool doesn't come home at night, so it's hard to explain to the people in the yard.

But now that it's raining so much, he has reason not to go back.

He didn't say much, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll stay at your place tonight, Sister Meng."

The three children cheered happily, and they also hoped that Wang Ming could stay.

Meng Xilian was even happier, finally found a chance to be alone with Wang Ming.

It's just that seeing Wang Ming agreeing so happily, she felt a little worried.

Wang Ming didn't seem to think much about it, he must have thought that he was simply staying with him for one night.

What if he only cared about sleeping?

She thought for a moment, and felt that she could only take the initiative.

She needed Wang Ming very much, and liked him very much, even if she used some dirty tricks, she wanted to get him.

At night, Meng Xilian arranged for Wang Ming to sleep in the outer room, and she and her three children slept in the back room.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Meng Xilian saw that the three children were fast asleep, so she put on her shoes and quietly went to the outer room.

Wang Ming was still reading by the moonlight.

But after hearing the movement in the back room, he put away the book and pretended to be asleep.

Squinting his eyes and seeing Meng Xilian walking out in cool clothes, he secretly swallowed.

Meng Xilian was secretly nervous. She sat on the edge of the bed and pushed Wang Ming's leg.

"Xiao Ming, are you asleep?"

Wang Ming sat up pretending to be in a daze, and asked, "Sister Meng, what's wrong with you?"

"I just fell asleep for a while."

Meng Xilian sighed, "Oh, it's a bit hot to sleep on the same bed with the children."

"We usually sleep in two beds."

"Now squeezed on the same bed, I can't sleep well."

Wang Ming pretended to be ashamed, "Oh, it's all my fault."

"Occupied a bed in your house."

Even though he said that, he naturally knew what Meng Xilian was up to.

Just now her son Xiao Wu wanted to sleep with her, but she refused.

The excuse was that he was afraid that he would not sleep well and hurt the child.

And although it is summer now, it has just rained, so it is not too hot at all.

Meng Xilian shook her head and said, "Hey, I see what you said."

"How can sister blame you?"

"You are so kind to my sister's family, it's too late for my sister to thank you."

"It's right to keep you here, otherwise how would you go back in such a heavy rain?"

"This bed is quite big, just go over and let my sister sleep."

Wang Ming pretended to be surprised, "Ah? Sister Meng, do you want to sleep with me?"

"This is not good, how can a man sleep with a woman?"

Meng Xilian smiled and said, "It's okay, sister treats you like her own younger brother, it's okay."

"As long as you are honest, don't touch my sister."

Wang Ming nodded, "Okay, don't worry, I'm very honest."

Then the two fell asleep on the left and right sides of the bed.

Meng Xilian turned her back to Wang Ming, she wanted to wait for Wang Ming to be unable to restrain himself and come to her on his own initiative.

But unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, Wang Ming actually started snoring.

Isn't this too honest?

Does he not understand anything?
Naturally, Wang Ming didn't want to take the initiative, so he deliberately pretended to be asleep.

After about 5 minutes, Meng Xilian couldn't bear it anymore.

She was worried that if she missed tonight, she would never have another chance.

So he took the initiative to move over and kissed Wang Ming forcefully.


Two hours later, Meng Xilian was lying in Wang Ming's arms.

She said shyly, "Xiao Ming, you see that we are both like this, so you should marry my sister."

"Otherwise, I'd be really ashamed to see people."

"Sister will definitely serve you well in the future, and will definitely make you live comfortably."

Wang Ming sighed and said, "Sister Meng, you are making me make a mistake."

"I already have Teacher Ran in my heart."

"I'm planning to marry her, how can I marry you?"

Meng Xilian looked at Wang Ming affectionately, "Xiao Ming, sister likes you and needs you too."

"Since my husband died, life has been very difficult for our family."

"I just want a man who can help me."

"I've loved you since I met you."

"Thinking that if you can be my husband, my children and I will have something to rely on in the future."

Wang Ming looked puzzled, "But I also like Teacher Ran."

"If you let me marry you, then can't I marry her?"

"How sad must she be?"

Meng Xilian persuaded, "Xiao Ming, I also know the relationship between Teacher Ran and you."

"But you can't make it with her."

"He is an intellectual, and he will definitely not want to serve you, uncle in the future."

"You like each other now, but after you get married, you two will never be together."

"And her parents certainly don't support your business."

"Who is willing to marry their precious girl to a fool?"

"Xiao Ming, my sister is like you, is that enough to show my sister's sincerity?"

"Sister will definitely take good care of you in the future, and the children will be filial to you in the future."

Wang Ming sighed and said, "Sister Meng, you don't understand our relationship."

"Actually, Teacher Ran is also willing to take care of me."

"And in fact, she gave her body to me."

"Now she is waiting for me to learn more knowledge and become a normal person sooner."

"I will be able to marry her in the future."

Meng Xilian was shocked, "What, do you also..."

Wang Ming nodded, "Sister Meng, after all, you have had a man before."

"It doesn't matter if I sleep with you."

"But Qiuye is not married yet, so I can't leave her alone."

Meng Xilian immediately felt hopeless.

It is obviously impossible for Wang Ming to give up Ran Qiuye for her sake.

And even if Wang Ming gave up, Ran Qiuye would definitely not agree.

She immediately felt very sad and cried aggrievedly.

Wang Ming held her in his arms and comforted her: "Sister Meng, don't be sad."

"Although I can't marry you, I will take care of you and the children."

"Even if the uncle doesn't give you any money in the future, I'm still willing to help you and guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing."

"After all, I am like you. Although you seduced me first, I am willing to be responsible to you."

"Just treat me as your man from now on."

When Meng Xilian heard this, her grief turned into joy.

She wanted to marry Wang Ming, firstly because she liked Wang Ming, and secondly because she wanted Wang Ming to help her support the family.

Now that Wang Ming is willing to make such a promise, it is considered a good ending.

"Xiao Ming, are you telling the truth?"

Wang Ming nodded seriously, "Of course it's true."

"Actually, I was going to help you all the time."

"I like you very much, and I like their three children very much."

"But I can't abandon Qiuye, so I'm willing to promise you everything except that I can't promise to marry you."

(End of this chapter)

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