Chapter 307

Seeing Jia Zhang's reaction, Shazhu suddenly felt bad.

Jia Zhang wouldn't be interested in him, would he?

After discussing it for a while, will Mrs. Jia Zhang agree to his conditions?

When Xu Damao heard it, he was immediately happy.

"Okay, great."

"Since you all agree, let's live together in the future."

"A decent couple should look like a decent couple."

"Silly Zhu also happens to have no children, Aunt Zhang, give him one."

"Anyway, he won't be able to find a wife in the future."

"If you don't give birth to him, sooner or later he will have no offspring."

Jia Zhang gave him a blank look, "You don't need to worry about it, we will solve our family's affairs by ourselves."

"I promised you, you shouldn't trouble Sha Zhu anymore, right?"

Xu Damao said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I have nothing to say."

"We're all neighbors, there's no need to make trouble too unpleasant."

"But tonight, I have to see you living together."

Jia Zhang turned her head and muttered, "It's really troublesome."

Then he grabbed Sha Zhu's hand and said, "Come on, follow me into the house."

Shazhu showed an expression uglier than crying, "Are you serious?"

Jia Zhang said angrily: "Otherwise, can you still come to fake it?"

"Hearing what you mean, are you not willing?"

"Then let Xu Damao report you, I'm too lazy to care about your shit."

Sha Zhu smiled wryly, "Then... let's do it."

Then he was taken to the next room by Jia Zhang and closed the door.

Xiaodang was greatly shocked when she saw her grandma take Sha Zhu away.

Unexpectedly, Sha Zhu became her step-grandfather after all, a step-grandfather in the true sense.

Her grandma won't give her another uncle, will she?
But it's good for them to live together, and now this room belongs to her alone.

Xu Damao and Wang Ming followed to the yard and watched them enter the house together.

Xu Damao laughed, and said to Wang Ming: "How about Xiao Ming, I have avenged you, right?"

"This idiot will never have another woman from now on."

"Either he will live like this with Jia Zhang and ask Jia Zhang to give him a child."

"Or plan to be extinct for the rest of your life."

In fact, he didn't intend to report the matter of Sha Zhu.

After all, it was he who gave Director Yang the idea at the time.

If this matter really gets serious, he can't escape being involved.

Fortunately, Sha Zhu was bluffed by him and chose to compromise.

Wang Ming nodded in praise and said, "You really deserve it, Brother Da Mao, you did a great job."

"Silly Zhu will definitely lose his reputation now."

"This is what he deserves."

"Okay, then I'll go home first."

"Go to the hospital to see Jingru and the child, and find someone to take care of them."

"My sister-in-law Huairu asked for leave this afternoon to take care of Jingru."

"You can't let people continue to ask for leave tomorrow, can you?"

Xu Damao smiled and said, "Hey, what's the matter, aren't they sisters?"

"Don't worry, I won't let her do it for nothing."

"You go back first, I have to keep an eye on this side."

"I'm afraid that Shazhu might use some tricks."

Wang Ming didn't say much, he left the courtyard and went to the small courtyard.

Now that Liu Haizhong and the others have left, it will not be inconvenient to live in the courtyard in the future.

If you want to come back to live, you can come back anytime.

Of course, if you live in a small courtyard, it is more convenient to get along with a few women.

So mainly live there.

Here you can wait for the children to come and live when they grow up.

After Wang Ming left, Xu Damao listened to the movement outside the door.

He could hear voices, but they were so low that he couldn't hear them clearly.

Thinking about it, Sha Zhu didn't want to, so he wanted to discuss it with Jia Zhang.

Xu Damao actually expected this a long time ago.

When he came back, he specially bought a pack of medicine, just in case.

Now it seems that it can come in handy.

It's just that Shazhu definitely won't take medicine obediently.

I have to find someone to secretly drug Sha Zhu.

At this time, it happened that stick stem came back and was about to enter their house.

Since Qin Huairu and Tianze Tianyue moved out, Jia Zhang and Bang Geng Xiaodang occupied two rooms to themselves.

Originally, Bang Geng lived with Jia Zhang, but later he changed with Xiao Dang and lived alone in his own home.

He lived very comfortably, and he gradually fell in love with this kind of free life.

If nothing else happens, the house will be his in the future.

When Xu Damao saw that BangGeng was back, he wanted to let BangGeng take the medicine without anyone noticing.

So he walked over, "Hey, stick, what are you doing?"

"Go out and play, what's the matter?" Sticky responded casually.

Xu Damao smiled and put his arms around his shoulders, leading him into his home.

He smiled and said, "Little Uncle has something to discuss with you."

"It's good for you, too."

BangJiao doesn't have much affection for this little uncle.

He said unhappily, "What's the matter?"

Xu Damao took him to sit at the table, smiled and pointed to Sha Zhu's house outside the door.

"Now your grandma and Shazhu are already living in the same room."

"You are not young, I think you should know what they are going to do."

After hearing this, Stickong immediately looked at Shazhu's house with a look of disgust.

"These... two shameless things are simply disgusting."

"How old are you, and you still do this."

Xu Damao smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Bangjo, I was actually the one who set them up."

"I don't know if you have heard about Yi Zhonghai and the others today."

"Yi Zhonghai pretended to be a good person and did good deeds, and bluffed and deceived, causing bad influence."

"Has been caught."

"Sha Zhu did the same thing as him, so I used this matter to blackmail Sha Zhu."

"Let him live with your grandma and become a real couple."

"Your grandma is quite willing, so she agreed."

Stick glared at Xu Damao, "What exactly do you want?"

"You have cleaned up our house like this, and you still want me to help you?"

Xu Damao smiled and said, "Great, don't say such harsh words."

"It's good for you, too."

"Although it may embarrass you to say this, many people have already known about your grandma and Sha Zhu."

"And there are a lot of rumors outside. Even if they don't live together, it doesn't make much difference to you."

"On the contrary, it's good for you if they really become husband and wife."

"First of all, in this way, Silly Zhu won't be able to divorce your grandma."

"He will be able to support your family forever in the future."

"And the reason why you live comfortably by yourself now is because Shazhu's house is occupied by your family."

"If he divorces your grandma in the future, won't your grandma and your sister have to come back and live?"

"How can you comfortably live in a room by yourself?"

"So, if you want to have a good life, you have to hope that they can really be together."

(End of this chapter)

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