Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 331: A Family Reunion

Chapter 331

Wang Ming nodded, then looked at Zhihong and Zhihui.

"Okay, let's go and see your mother."

"And a pair of your twin sisters."

Zhihong and Zhihui looked excited.

But Tianyue said: "We also want to watch the meeting of Aunt Lou and Zhihong Zhihui together."

"We have been waiting for this day for a long time, and we also want to see their reunion."

The other children also chimed in.

Wang Ming nodded, "Okay, then let's go together."

"Jingru, you and the children should go together."

"These years, you are mainly taking care of Zhihong and Zhihui."

"I also told Xiao'e about you, and she is very grateful to you."

"I want to see you too."

Qin Jingru smiled and said, "Okay, then I will go too."

After speaking, he began to pack up.

After that, Wang Ming left with a group of people.

Only Xu Damao was left alone in the backyard.

Xu Damao suddenly felt a little desolate, why did he leave him here alone?
The four children and one daughter-in-law were all unreliable, so they all left.

Is there no one who wants to stay with him?

He was a little upset, but then he began to comfort himself.

Anyway, he has already boarded Wang Ming's boat, and his goal has been achieved.

He will be able to do some big things in the future, and he won't have to be a projectionist anymore.


Wang Ming and Qin Jingru walked on the road with their children.

While the children were playing in front, Qin Jingru came to Wang Ming's side.

Asked in a low voice: "Xiao Ming, when will I divorce Xu Damao?"

"I don't want to live with him, I want to enjoy happiness with you."

Wang Ming took her hand with a smile and said, "Don't worry, am I arranging work for him?"

"It's time to find a woman to seduce him to cheat, and then leave the evidence."

"You can file for a divorce with him, and the children will belong to you."

Qin Jingru was overjoyed, "I knew you must help me find a way."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

"At that time, my children and I will also go abroad to play with you."

"No problem." Wang Ming said with a smile.

A group of people came to the small courtyard.

Zhihong and Zhihui couldn't wait to enter the door, and saw the mother who was thinking about it day and night.


Then they ran over together and hugged Lou Xiao'e.

Crying into tears.

Lou Xiaoe also burst into tears, "Zhihong, Zhihui, mom misses you so much."

Xueting and Xueya were also very moved when they saw this scene.

The situation of the two elder brothers is different from theirs.

After all, they had seen their mother when they were children.

Afterwards, they parted again, and this feeling was naturally even more sad.

The two of them hugged him together, calling for brother.

Wang Ming also went to hold them in his arms together.

Zhong Zixuan and Tianze applauded happily, celebrating their reunion.

Only Zhiyuan and the younger children felt a little strange.

They don't know why Dad wants to hug them.

The family hugged for a while before they started talking.

Lou Xiaoe touched the faces of her two sons and said with a smile, "Zhihong, Zhihui, you have really grown up."

"You were still such small children when mother left."

"Now they are about the same height as your father."

"Mom is sorry for not being able to stay with you and take care of you."

Zhihong and Zhihui shook their heads.

"Mom, you don't need to say it, we all understand."

"I can't blame you for this."

"You have your reasons too."

"We haven't suffered much over the years."

"After all, our father is taking care of us, and there are a few aunts who love us."

"Although Xu Damao is not very kind to us, we don't care."

"Now it's finally the end of all hardships, until you come back."

Lou Xiaoe nodded in relief after hearing this.

Then introduce the four children to each other.

"Zhihong Zhihui, these are your two younger sisters, Xue Ting and Xue Ya."

"You guys have to get close and close in the future."

Zhihong and Zhihui hugged their sisters happily.

They are siblings of the same father and mother.

It's a pity that we only know each other now.

Zhihong and Zhihui introduced Tianze and the others to their two younger sisters.

They are all brothers and sisters of the Wang family, everyone should get to know each other well.

Wang Ming called Qin Jingru over to introduce Lou Xiaoe.

"Xiao'e, this is Jingru."

Lou Xiaoe held Qin Jingru's hand excitedly, and said gratefully, "Jingru, thank you."

"Thank you for helping me take care of Zhihong and Zhihui for so many years."

Qin Jingru smiled and waved his hands and said, "Hey, sister Xiao'e, don't say such foreign words."

"It's all a family. Isn't your child my child?"

Lou Xiaoe smiled and said, "Jingru, you are so kind."

"By the way, I bought you a gift too."

"Go into that room and pick it out. If it's not enough, I'll buy it for you."

Qin Jingru was happy, "Sister Xiao'e, you are so kind."

After exchanging pleasantries, Wang Ming took the women and children to the new home for a stroll.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, a group of people went to Lou's house for dinner again.

When Zhihui and Zhihong saw their grandparents and uncle, they burst into tears again.

In the next few days, Wang Ming became busy again.

After becoming the boxing champion, many things required him to come forward in person.

For example, some rich foreign people who come to China to invest want to meet him and treat him to dinner.

They were willing to invest only if Wang Ming had a meal with them.

He also found someone to arrange for Xu Damao's work.

Mainly responsible for going to the south to inspect the site selection for the construction of welfare homes in various places.

It can be said that he was dismissed from Qin Jingru's side, and basically had no time to go home.

Although he was busy these few days, he also found time to visit many people.

He visited the big leader yesterday, and today he is going to visit Ran Qiuye and his two children.

He arrived at the door of Ran Qiuye's house in his special car.

After school was over in the afternoon, Ran Qiuye came back with his two children.

Wang Ming got out of the car, and the two children ran over in surprise.

"Uncle Wang, you have come to see us."

The children are a boy and a girl.

The boy's name is Sun Qiyang, and the girl's name is Sun Yongzhen.

They are brothers and sisters, both of whom are handsome.

Boys are like Wang Ming, girls are like Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye's husband didn't care about the relationship between Wang Ming and Ran Qiuye.

Even willing to help the two of them match.

But after all, he is also a person who wants face, and the child still has to follow his surname.

Although he is dead now, the children still don't know that Wang Ming is their father.

So it is still called Uncle Wang.

Wang Ming smiled and picked up the two children.

Asked: "Did you see Uncle Wang on TV?"

"Yes!" The siblings said in unison.

Qiyang said: "Uncle Wang, you are so powerful, you knocked out your opponent with one punch."

"I want to be as good as you in the future, can you teach me Kung Fu?"

Yongzhen also said: "I want to learn, I want to be boxing champion."

Wang Ming smiled and nodded, "Okay, Uncle Wang will teach you later."

He put down the child and walked towards Ran Qiuye again.

"Come on, I'll take you and the kids to dinner."

Ran Qiuye nodded happily, and got into Wang Ming's car with the children.

(End of this chapter)

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