After breaking up, my supercar can't hide

Chapter 443 Can the Aircraft Carrier Work?

With the help of the robot army of Lulin Components, the construction of the Ark reactor is advancing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The first and most important step is naturally to refine the Ark material.

The cauldron for smelting is made by extruding metals from various alloy fusion processes, and its properties far exceed all existing metals.

After seeing the performance of this metal, Li Shiming asked for the formula on the spot, and Lu Lin was not stingy, so he gave the formula to Li Shiming.

"Next, the three of you will witness a very great process in human history,"

"Cheng Yu, you are responsible for recording the experimental data."


"Chen Ting, you are responsible for monitoring the operation of the program to deal with various problems that may arise."


"Feng Shan!"



"Don't think about it, the production cost of that thing is a bit high, and at the current computer level, there is basically no server that can support my artificial intelligence."

With the end of the reaction, the temperature of the furnace gradually returned to normal, and a liquid emitting light blue light flowed out from the outlet of the furnace.

The smelting of the Ark material is completed. Although this is only the first batch, since there are no problems now, the subsequent smelting work can be handed over to the robot.

After finishing all this, looking at the three people who were still in a daze, Lu Lin snapped his fingers to wake them up.

And the furnace, after receiving the electric energy, quickly formed an extremely strong electric field inside, and separated the Ark material in the meteorite through the action of strong electricity.

"Is it useful?"

"The ones you mentioned earlier?"

"How's it going, is it going well today?"

Fortunately, Lu Lin's controllable nuclear fusion device was stable enough, and the quality of the melting was good enough. During the eight-hour melting process, there were no accidents.

Following Lu Lin's order, the three also came to their respective posts, ready to start the experiment at any time.

"So fast?"

"I am the strongest man on the surface."

After confirming that he got the material he wanted, Lu Lin also directly controlled the robot, put the Ark material into a special container, and stored it.

For these eight hours, the four of them stayed in the laboratory like this, and they didn't dare to leave at all. After all, once such a huge energy output is eliminated, it will cause an explosion or other problems, which will directly ruin the entire Academy of Sciences. The top talents of Xia Scientific Research will also be directly taken over here.

"The refinement has been completed, and the next step is to start manufacturing the reactor. If there is no accident, the finished product will be ready for you the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"It's light blue, and it's still glowing, as if it's magical again."

"That's not true. I'm only in charge of giving orders now. As for the operation, there are those robots I developed."

"When you go to the new laboratory, remember to be humble. There are many people in this world who are better than you."

"This thing is not only good-looking, it is something that can change the entire human race."

"Is this the substance of the ark?"

"Are you too tired?"

Combat strength, without using hot weapons, Lu Lin is indeed the top of mankind. In terms of scientific research, um, yes, appearance, seems to be the same, length, oh, this is against the rules.

However, before smelting the next batch of Ark materials, Lu Lin still had to use the current Ark materials to create something.

"Okay, I've been busy for a long time today, pack up quickly and go to rest, I should go home to accompany my wife."

"Okay, the Ark material smelting project, start!"

Naturally, Lu Lin could hear Chen Ting's joke, but what Lu Lin said was true.

Hearing this, Chen Ting also looked at Lu Lin very arrogantly, and said jokingly.

"Is such that."

After the meteorite was poured into the cauldron, the controllable nuclear fusion reactor started instantly. As the temperature rose, the output power of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor also reached the maximum. The huge electric energy was directly directed towards the Transported away in the furnace.

Hearing Lu Lin's words, Lu Zhonghua didn't immediately worry about whether rushing to work would affect the quality of the finished product, but worried about whether Lu Lin's body could bear it.

"This is not the matter on the blue star."

"No, then no need."

The smelting process lasted a full eight hours.

"Wait, it will take a long time for this thing to become popular."

After all, such high-intensity work will inevitably increase Lu Lin's physical burden.


[The material of the ark is extracted from meteorites, and its purity is [-]%. 】

Immediately, Lu Lin opened his eyes of reality, and checked the ark material he smelted.


"Ha ha ha ha."

Looking at the light blue liquid, Lu Lin was also a little dazed, and said in a daze.

"You are responsible for monitoring the operation of the controlled fusion reactor."

"Yeah, I've never heard of such a substance on the blue star."

After leaving the laboratory, Lu Lin also returned directly to Lu's house.

"Change, the entire human race?!"

"Wait until we go to space, otherwise it will have a big impact on the employment rate."

"Professor Lu, what was that thing just now?"

Looking at the contents of the ark that had been loaded, Lu Lin said with deep eyes.

At this moment, the electricity consumed by Lu Lin's laboratory every minute is almost enough to supply the entire magic city for a day.

Lu Lin's words were obviously referring to Chen Ting's appearance when she first arrived.

"Hmph, Professor Lu, then you have to remember these words yourself."

Afterwards, Lu Lin directly pressed the start button. With the machine running, the meteorites that had been processed in advance were moved into the smelting cauldron. In fact, it is more like an upside-down semicircle than a cauldron. shaped furnace.

"The three of you may not be able to stay in this laboratory after that, but you should have learned a lot these days."

"Hey, it's time to wake up, the experiment is over."

During this period of time, although Lu Zhonghua had already cleaned up all the Zhao's and the like, Lu Lin and Yan Ruowei simply moved back to the Lu's house for the convenience of communicating with Lu Zhonghua about the test situation at any time.

Hearing this, Lu Zhonghua also nodded in relief. It is really gratifying that Lu Lin can think so comprehensively.

"Okay, you can just look at it, the focus now is still your Ark project."

"By the way, in half a year it will be the day of the Armament Competition, can you come up with something to make us look better?"

After talking about the previous things, Lu Zhonghua once again had the idea of ​​doing something for free from Lu Lin.

"Can the space carrier work?"

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