Chapter 624

Fang Xiaoya's announced itinerary for going north this time is three days in total.

There will be a specially arranged welcome dinner on the first night.

Now they have been sent to the Beijing Hotel for a rest.

Standing by the window in the guest room, Yirou listened to Fang Xiaoya explaining to her some buildings within sight.

"Sister, you said that when this square was built, you still came to work?"

"That's right, it used to be a little bit small here, but it was expanded to hold celebrations. There used to be a city gate building there, but it was demolished later, and the road at the gate was widened in the later period. It’s also a dirt road, I remember that the parade walked on it before it was repaired, good guy, the dusty old Gao..."

Fang Xiaoya raised her finger and pointed out the window, explaining carefully to Yirou every building she knew, her eyes turned red as she talked, as if when she got off the plane at the airport just now, the foreign affairs department came The first sentence that the leader who greeted her almost broke her defense at that time.

"Comrade Li Fang Xiaoya, welcome home!"

After more than 20 years, she finally set foot on this land that is both familiar and unfamiliar.


Two days passed in a flash, and I will leave here again at noon tomorrow. After dinner in the afternoon, accompanied by Mazi, Yirou, and Zhao Xiaohu who came here specially, Fang Xiaoya walked out of the Beijing Hotel and started her 20-year-long journey. Finally, she threw away all her identities and once again wandered the streets of Forty-Nine City.

"See clearly now Yirou, this is where Erheng used to work. When he first arrived at this unit, it was called a department store, and later changed its name to Sijiucheng 1 Freight Company. We left here not long after the name change. "

As soon as she walked out of the hotel, Fang Xiaoya dragged Yirou to the north of the hotel, pointed at the department store and said.

"Mazi also worked here at that time, driving a large truck in the transport team."

Looking at the department store that has hardly changed, Fang Xiaoya was filled with emotions.

Yirou also looked around curiously, as if she had found the figure her man left here back then.

Zhao Xiaohu didn't say anything at the side, just watched quietly, he knew that at this moment, there was no need for him to speak, what others needed was just reminiscence.


After that guy had such a beautiful wife as Fang Xiaoya, he married another beautiful woman. He didn't tell him when he came back last time, hey, you have to discuss with him next time. I think this guy has been beaten by two people for a long time. The big beauty has emptied her body.

"Sister, what is the job of the director?"

"Actually, he is the manager of the department store. He is the biggest here."

"Oh, it turns out that the master has always been so powerful, he became a leader at a young age."

Fang Xiaoya pursed her lips and smiled softly. Yirou has always admired Li Heng to death. If she is often busy with her career, she may occasionally ignore Li Heng, but in Yirou's place, she definitely does not. This kind of situation will happen, she is the kind of woman who devotes herself wholeheartedly to the family, and her eyes are full of her own man. It is precisely because of this that she agreed to this woman to marry into the Li family.

"Yan, did you see that alley?"

"I saw it."

"That alley is not far from Sister Mingxia's former home. When we left, Sister Mingxia sold that small courtyard to Brother Xiaohu. Brother Xiaohu, where do you still live now?"

"Of course, I don't want the family building built by the bureau. It's nice and comfortable to live here with your sister-in-law and the children."

Yirou turned her head to look at this middle-aged man in his 50s, she knew that this was her husband's comrade-in-arms, the kind with a particularly good relationship, just like pockmarked.

"Brother Xiaohu, are sister-in-law and the child alright?"

"Well, your sister-in-law takes care of her grandson at home all day, cooks, chats with the neighbors, and lives comfortably."

The eldest of Zhao Xiaohu's family is all married and has children, and the second will get married after the Chinese New Year this year. After he left the army, he became the deputy director of the city bureau. The life of this family is not too comfortable.

Fang Xiaoya was a little envious. If her husband hadn't accepted the mission sent by his superiors back then, and hadn't gone to Hong Kong Island to work hard, would their family's life be the same?
The four of them were chatting while walking along the main road, when they reached the entrance of a certain alley, Yirou suddenly felt her right hand tighten.


As soon as she yelled, she found that Fang Xiaoya, who was holding her hand tightly beside her, was staring blankly at the front, with a drop of tear falling down her face.

"Second sister-in-law, the alley in front is the one where brother and sister-in-law lived before."

Mazi on the side of course knew why Fang Xiaoya reacted like this, so he quickly whispered to Yirou.

"Let's go, don't pass, let's go back."

Fang Xiaoya raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and said softly.

"Ah? Big sister, why don't you go and have a look?"

"Don't look at it. My current status is better not to contact old acquaintances from the past for the time being. I came here just to see if I can find my way home. Fortunately, basically nothing has changed."

Saying that, Fang Xiaoya looked at the alley not far in front of her eyes again, took Yirou's arm, turned around and walked in the direction she had come and gone.

"Brother Xiaohu, are my cousin and his family all right?"

When Fang's parents and Fang's mother left, they brought Fang's mother's cousin's child into the city to work, and let him live in Li Heng's single courtyard at that time.

Later, Fang Xiaoya's cousin and aunt also came to help her son take care of the child.

"Everything is fine."

"It's fine. I'll have an explanation with my parents when I go back."

In this way, after all, she was timid to be close to her hometown, Fang Xiaoya suppressed her yearning for her former home, and after looking at the alley from a distance, she returned to the Jingcheng Hotel.

There will be a roundtable meeting with the business department tomorrow morning about investing here, and she needs to think about it.

Hong Kong Island, Lee House

In the middle of the night on the second day after Fang Xiaoya and the others left, it was already past two o'clock in the morning. Li Heng, who was soundly sleeping, was suddenly awakened by the humming of lightning on the ground beside the bed.

"What's wrong with lightning?"


Staring in a daze, Li Heng heard footsteps outside after the lightning called out.


"Sir, it's me. Something happened, and I have to report to you."

Turning on the bedside lamp, pulling the nightgown aside and putting it on, Li Heng got out of bed and walked over to open the bedroom door.

"What's the matter, Xiangyang, what happened?"

"Sir, Rogge just called to say that something happened to Vice President Tian."

"Tian... old ghost? What happened to him?"

"Vice President Tian beat a man to death in the street. The key is that the patrolman saw this scene and restrained him on the spot."

"Wait... what did you say?"

Li Heng, who had just woken up, was still a little confused. What Shan Xiangyang said made him unable to turn around for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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