Chapter 18

Li Weidong sneaked another trip to the alley before he got together the five pumpkins that the middle-aged man needed.

For the remaining two eggs, he was originally going to give money, but the other party refused, so he and his companion named Lao Liu put a basket full of eggs in front of him, picked up the pumpkin and ran away.

"Comrade, do you have any more pumpkins?"

Beside, someone has already noticed this transaction.

Not even far away, some people greedily set their eyes on the basket of eggs.

"It's gone. Our brothers managed to bring five pumpkins. Let's wait until tomorrow. I'll come back then."

Li Weidong dropped a word, picked up the basket and left.

Don't reveal your wealth, you can adapt at any time.

Especially in this black market, if he wandered around with a basket of eggs, nothing would happen.

So he had to slip away before the others could react.

When he turned around and appeared empty-handed, he really came across several people rushing towards him.

"Master, it's late, the eggs have already been sent away, and I don't even have a penny with me now, just wandering around."

Li Weidong spread his hands, and even opened his pockets to show the other party more clearly.

Although not afraid, there is no need to fight, so avoid it if you can.

In case the other party doesn't talk about martial arts and directly uses bricks or knives, he will suffer in the end.

Those people looked at each other in unanimous agreement, and then separated one of them and left in Li Weidong's direction, while the others stood still and looked at Li Weidong without saying a word.

Ten seconds later, the man hurried back and shook his head.


An expert who seemed to be the leader nodded to Li Weidong, turned around and left.

"This is the black market."

Li Weidong shook his head, and had a deeper understanding of this era.

Next, he was wandering around the black market empty-handed.

After confirming that there was no tail following him, he calmly turned into the alley where Hou San's 'home' was located.

After taking out ten pumpkins from the game warehouse and stacking them at the door, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.


This time the voice was somewhat familiar, it was Hou San.


Li Weidong replied, and then the door opened.

"That's all?"

Hou San came out, looked around first, saw only Li Weidong standing at the door with pumpkins piled at his feet, and asked.

"Ten, I got it with great difficulty." Li Weidong said.

Taking out ten is also the result of his deliberation.

Hou San said last time that wheat seeds are calculated at fifty cents a catty, and ten catties are five yuan.

And these pumpkins can add up to more than 20 yuan.

After changing the wheat species, you can also change some flour.

Hou San probably wouldn't take a transaction of this level seriously.

It is even more impossible to seek money and kill for this little thing.

On the contrary, if he really got dozens or hundreds of pumpkins, the result would be unpredictable.

Never try to test a person's humanity, it is the experience that Li Weidong summed up in his previous life.

"Alright, just a little less."

As Hou San said, he also helped move the pumpkins into the yard.

It was the same person from last time, silently took out the scale, and began to weigh the pumpkin.

"You came here alone?" Hou San took out a cigarette and handed one to Li Weidong.

It's the kind of cigarette that doesn't have a filter.

Li Weidong took it, and replied: "I can't move so many pumpkins by myself. I found a few brothers to carry them together. I think Brother Hou, you don't want to see them, so let's send them away first."

"Well, what a nice person, I can have someone to take care of me. There are a few veterans who have been restless these two days. Be more careful when you go back." Hou San reminded with concern.

"Don't worry, what are a few old cannons? I have a brother who crawled back from the dead on the battlefield. He has such a long military thorn, and he put it in it directly, hehe."

Li Weidong gestured and responded indifferently.

"Then I don't worry. After all, you are safe, and our deal will last forever, right?" Hou San said.

"Yes, I can't guarantee that there will be more pumpkins in the follow-up. Ten or eight at a time is still no problem."

Li Weidong waved his hand, full of pride.

But in fact, he has already made up his mind that this is the last deal with Hou San.

He didn't even intend to come to this black market.

If you want to change things in the future, you can go to another black market.

It's a pity that he had just arrived in the city and no one was available, otherwise it would be safest for him to hide behind the scenes.

To put it bluntly, this is called: A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

"366 catties, counting as 370 catties, or according to the six cents last time, exactly 22 yuan. What do you think?"

After the other person weighed all the pumpkins, Hou San entered the rhythm of negotiating a deal.

"No problem, brother Hou is generous."

What can Li Weidong think?
Standing and watching, of course.

"Do you still want the wheat you agreed last time? Exactly ten catties." Hou San said at this point.

"Yes, my elder brother is very happy to hear that I can get wheat to make maltose." Li Weidong said immediately.

"Okay, what about the rest? Replace them with flour?"

"Could it be that Brother Hou, you have other good things here?" Li Weidong's expression changed.

"Pork is two yuan a catty, and you can get three to five catties at most, and canned fruit is one yuan each." Hou San said directly.

Hearing that there was meat, Li Weidong almost drooled.

Originally, I thought about going to other places to see if I could meet a butcher, but I didn't expect Hou San to have one here.

He can even get canned fruit, which shows that he has a lot of energy.

Moreover, the price given by Hou San is not outrageous.

The meat on the market costs sixty or seventy cents for a meat ticket, and it’s not every day.

As for, if you want to buy five catties at a time, don't even think about it.

If Li Weidong didn't bother to collect some meat tickets on the black market slowly, and then the whole family took turns to buy meat, it should be cheaper than this price.

But this is clearly not possible.

Therefore, even if Hou San's price is a bit more expensive, he doesn't care.

"Yes, five catties of pork and seven canned fruits." Li Weidong said without hesitation.

"Including wheat, the total is 22 yuan, and there is still [-] cents left." Hou San did the calculations.

"Brother Hou, it's five yuan and four. Add the two cents to buy seven catties of flour." Li Weidong took out a handful of change from his pocket, counted five and four, and the rest was less than one yuan. He carefully put it back in his pocket.


Hou San didn't care about trading with money.

In this way, tonight's transaction is considered complete.

"Brother Hou, can you cut the meat into five pieces for me? I'll let a few brothers take it home to save trouble." Li Weidong said suddenly.

"That's easy to say, I'm sure I'll give you the same amount." Hou San nodded.

A few minutes later, Li Weidong left with a tightly packed bag of meat, flour, wheat, and cans.

However, when he came out of the alley, he saw no one around, so he put his things into the farm warehouse, and then pretended that he had just finished urinating, and mixed into the crowd with his trouser belt on.

On the other side, Hou San closed the door and also entered the house.

"Old Zhuang, what do you think of that kid?"

(End of this chapter)

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