Chapter 20 Is This Woman Crazy?
"What on purpose?"

Li Weidong has never figured out what this woman's brain circuit is like, and she always says strange things.

And this nickname of Li Erhei, did she give her face?

"You just waited for me at the door on purpose, asking me to crash your things, and then asking me to pay for it." The more Qin Huairu thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

"are you crazy?"

Li Weidong was speechless, this woman is crazy.

"You're the only one who is sick. If it wasn't on purpose, why is it such a coincidence every time?"

Qin Huairu glanced at the things in Li Weidong's hands.

Whoops, good guy.

so much?
Is that flour?
A basket full of eggs?

Also, the fat twist is meat?
Is this person too good?

Or is it that the Li family has reached the point where they are utterly rich?

At this moment, countless question marks flashed in Qin Huairu's head.

Feeling a little dizzy.

"I still think you did it on purpose, running around the street with a urine jar before dawn." Li Weidong sneered.


Qin Huairu's chest heaved violently in anger.

Originally thought that he just had a dark heart, but unexpectedly, his mouth was also black.

It was true that I called him Li Erhei.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, be more careful in the future."

Li Weidong saw that there were already pedestrians on the street, and with the things he was carrying in his hand, he was ready to go home first.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu leaned over and stood in front of him.

"Don't go yet."

"What do you want to do?"

Li Weidong looked at her puzzled.

Want to fight?
"Let's make it clear first, did you do it on purpose?"

Qin Huairu didn't want to do anything, but felt that she should make it clear that it would be best if the egg pot could be returned to Li Weidong.

"Yes, I did it on purpose, please let me go, your smell is a bit strong!"

As Li Weidong said, he took a step back and passed by her.

When Qin Huairu heard these words, she was puzzled at first, and then looked at the things in her hand, her face turned red.

But this time it was ashamed.

"You wait for me."

After stomping her feet resentfully, she quickly walked towards the public toilet in the alley.

Why does she have to get up so early?
It's not because she got up late and had to queue, how could she waste so much time.

But she didn't expect to meet Li Weidong again, which made her very angry.

I don't know how he can get so many good things.

Thinking of flour, eggs, and meat, she drools a little, and her stomach starts to growl.

"I want to eat!"

She rubbed her stomach, and Li Weidong's figure flashed again in her mind.

When Li Weidong got home, everyone who should get up also got up.

"Didn't you fight with anyone?"

The focus of grandma's attention is always whether her grandson suffers.

As for what to buy, I don't care at all.

"Grandma, I'm so honest, how can I fight with others?"

Li Weidong was justified, and he was not the one who suffered anyway, and he didn't even scratch the skin on his hands.

As for the steel pipe, he also threw it into the farm warehouse, saving it for future fights.

"That's good." Grandma nodded.

"Why did you buy so many things this time?"

Zhang Xiuzhen couldn't help being surprised when she looked at what Li Weidong put on the table.

"I was lucky this time. I met a friend who sold pumpkins last time, and he sold me another one at a low price. I saw that he had pork on hand, so I bought some by the way. The flour and eggs belonged to another friend of mine. It was last time's price."

Li Weidong explained without blushing or panting, as for the wheat, it was a seed, how could it be taken out?
Make maltose for Li Weimin?



Now, grandma also looked over, and Yang Fangfang couldn't wait to come to the table and mentioned the meat divided into five parts.

"This, how much is this?"

"Five catties, I think the fat is quite thick. After you and your aunt refine the lard, add cabbage to the remaining oil residue, and make dumplings for dinner at night." Li Weidong's arrangement was clear.

"It's really your friend?" Yang Fangfang couldn't believe it.

What friend is so generous?
"It's still a lie. I was in the country back then. I didn't have many other things, but I had a lot of friends."

Li Weidong looked at grandma as he spoke.

In the memory of the original owner, he did have a few good friends.

"Yes, Dongzi has many friends." Grandma affirmed.

Although there were still many questions in her heart, Yang Fangfang didn't ask any more questions.

Originally thought that there were two more people in the family, and they would starve in the future.

Unexpectedly, this day is getting better and better.

Looking at the second uncle in front of him, and thinking about his own, it's really incomparable.

Why was she blind in the first place?
"It seems that there are too many eggs."

Looking at the eggs in the basket, Zhang Xiuzhen realized for the first time that being in charge can actually be very easy.

"Not much, the little brother and the little sister are growing up, and an egg every morning." Li Weidong said.

It's just that in this, he and grandma must not be missing.

Immediately, Zhang Xiuzhen looked at Li Weidong softer, feeling like she was her own son.

"That's okay, just eat it every now and then. These eggs are for your grandma and you to keep." Zhang Xiuzhen said.

"Auntie, I really don't need to save on food. I'll buy it when I don't have it."

Li Weidong didn't care. With wheat, it would only be easier to change eggs in the future.

Zhang Xiuzhen smiled gratifiedly, but decided in her heart that she would follow her own ideas.

Who lives so extravagantly?
Can't make it through in the future?
Fortunately, she knew that Li Weidong didn't have much money, and maybe when it was used up, she wouldn't have such wasted thoughts anymore.

"What would you like to eat this morning?"

"Let's eat hand-rolled noodles, Auntie makes delicious ones."

"Okay, you go to the rest meeting first, and I will call you when you are done."

As Zhang Xiuzhen said, she and Yang Fangfang took the things to the back room and hid them.

Li Weidong went back to the room and saw Li Weibin stretching his neck and looking out.

"Second brother, have you bought any eggs?"

"I bought it, not only eggs, but also meat, dumplings stuffed with lard residue at night."

Li Weidong didn't have the extravagance to ask Zhang Xiuzhen to directly make dumplings filled with pure meat. Now this kind of behavior is a disaster.

After all, fat meat can be cooked and eaten, which is much more delicious than the quantitative rapeseed oil bought with a ticket, and the fried vegetables are also delicious.

But even if it was just oil residue, it directly hooked Li Weibin's gluttons.

At that moment, he grabbed the padded jacket and put it on his body, and jumped off the bed.

"What are you going to do?" Li Weidong was puzzled.

"Look at the meat."

After speaking, Li Weibin rushed out.

In this regard, Li Weidong just shook his head.

How can there be any carefree childhood?

Just like that song sang: Your childhood, my childhood, seems to be different!
In fact, it is really different.

But in comparison, Li Weibin and Li Xueru are already pretty good.

At least neither of them was really suffering.

Especially with his second brother in the future, it will be even more difficult.

"Second brother."

At this moment, Li Xueru timidly came to him.

(End of this chapter)

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