Chapter 43

Li Shuquan had not beaten wild boars once or twice, and he knew the habits of these wild boars in the mountains very well.

He scraped the feces and footprints on the ground to determine the direction of the wild boar.

Then a group of people chased up along the trail.

Wild boars have a wide range of activities in the mountains, but generally have fixed places for drinking and excreting.

Li Shuquan just saw that the feces were still fresh, so he said he was lucky.

Otherwise, chasing wild boars, you can run for more than ten miles.

It turned out as he had expected. After walking for two or three miles, everyone saw a group of wild boars in a small forest, sniffing the ground with their noses.

In this group of wild boars, there are two big ones and a dozen small ones, belonging to one family.

"The key point is to hit the big ones at both ends, and hit the small ones if you can."

Li Shuquan unloaded the gun from his shoulder and said to the taciturn Li Zhankui while reloading it.


Li Zhankui nodded, showing no expression on his cold face.

There is neither the excitement of shooting a gun nor the excitement of being about to harvest wild boars.

As if it was just a very common thing.

But look at his eyes, sharp as a hook, obviously serious.

Li Haibo and Li Haiyang held the steel brazing rod, as if rushing forward at any time.

Only Li Weidong 'hid' at the back.

Among them, he is the youngest and Li Shuquan's nephew, so everyone takes care of him intentionally or unintentionally.

The crowd crawled and stopped when they came to a place five to sixty meters away from the herd of wild boars.

Li Shuquan half squatted on the ground, while Li Zhankui just separated his feet and steadily raised the five and six semi-automatic moves in his hand.

Although the effective range of this thing can reach 400 meters, it is not something that ordinary people can play.

For ordinary people, if they can hit a 60-[-] meter target, it is already very good.

"I'll go left and you go right, count to three."

"3, 2..."

Behind, Li Weidong held his breath unconsciously, and the atmosphere was inexplicably depressed.

Wait until Li Shu finishes counting the last number.

Two gunshots sounded almost at the same time.

Then Li Weidong saw that the two big wild boars in the distance, one eye and one neck, faintly exploded a flower of blood.

The wild boar shot in the eye was brought down directly, while the wild boar shot in the neck got up again after falling to the ground.

Then, another shot was fired before it was completely brought down.

"Getting older."

Li Shuquan put down his gun, shook his head, and looked at Li Zhankui beside him with admiration.

In the past, his marksmanship could rank first in the village, but now, he can only abdicate.

Although Li Zhankui was killed with one shot, he didn't have the slightest pride. He aimed at the remaining young wild boars that were starting to scatter, and fired three more shots.

In the end, two young wild boars fell.

Although it is not perfect, Li Zhankui can only say that Li Zhankui is good at hitting moving prey at this level.

"Second Uncle, I'll come, I'll come."

Li Weidong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and leaned forward, staring eagerly at the gun in the second uncle's hand.

The same is true for Li Haibo and Li Haiyang.

"Let Da Kui teach you."

Li Shuquan threw the gun in his hand to Li Haibo and asked Li Weidong to find Li Zhankui.

Li Weidong was not polite, and came straight to Li Zhankui's side.

"The stamina is a bit strong, be careful."

Li Zhankui handed the gun to Li Weidong, reminding him and teaching him the correct shooting method.

"Get down on the ground, press your shoulders firmly, and hold your left hand tightly."

For those who have never touched a rifle, it is very dangerous to stand and shoot directly.

Even in the team, new recruits start on their stomachs.

Li Weidong lay obediently on the ground, and before he was ready, gunshots rang out from beside him.

When he followed Li Zhankui's instruction and turned his gaze to the distance, there had been a replacement.

However, Li Weidong was not impatient, even though the little wild boars had already scattered and fled, getting farther and farther away.

Finally, when he was ready, the little wild boar could only see a small dot.

Not to mention him, even a sharpshooter can't help it.

Li Weidong has no attachment to whether he can catch the prey, he just wants to have fun.

When his finger was attached to the trigger, Li Weidong was so nervous that he couldn't breathe.

He secretly scolded himself for being useless, tried to calm down his nervous mood, and looked through the front sight, aiming at a tree five or sixty meters away.


The instant explosion made his ears buzz, his face flushed, and adrenaline surged all over his body.

The tree must have missed, and he didn't see where the bullet went.

But this does not prevent Li Weidong from being very happy.

After a while, he pulled the trigger again.

After squandering all the bullets in the magazine, Li Weidong stood up in a still unsatisfied mood.

It's just that the shoulders are already a little numb, and the ears are also buzzing.

"It's like this at the beginning, just practice more later and get familiar with it."

It was rare for Li Zhankui to say a word.

"Should I call you Brother Big Kui?"

Li Weidong returned the gun to Li Zhankui and began to speak.

"It's all right."

Li Zhankui didn't care about the seniority in the village either.

"How many years have you been a soldier? Why did you come back suddenly?"

Li Weidong flipped through his memory and remembered something faintly.

Anyway, when the original owner was thirteen or fourteen years old, Li Zhankui was no longer in the village.

Moreover, his family lives at the entrance of the east village, and there seems to be an old lady in the family, and two younger brothers and sisters.

The family situation is not very good.

"Six years, I came back when there was no one at home."

What Li Zhankui said was very plain, like plain boiled water, without any taste in it.

And Li Weidong didn't bother to ask. Being able to serve as a soldier for six years also shows one thing, that is, Li Zhankui is extraordinary.

As for the lack of people in the family, which family does not lack big labor these days?
There must be something in it that he doesn't know about.

But this does not prevent Li Weidong from being 'interested' in him.

After Li Weidong, Li Haibo, and Li Haiyang finished their gun addiction, everyone walked towards the two big wild boars.

"Hey, this one weighs three hundred catties, right?"

Li Haibo kicked the big wild boar with his eyes popped out, and gave Li Zhankui a thumbs up.

"Captain, now that Da Kui is back, do you want to make two more trips in the future?" Li Haiyang couldn't help but said.

He knew that the two wild boars were fighting for Li Weidong, and they had no objection to this.

Because Li Shuquan bought the bullets with his own money.

It's not the same as the action in the village.

And they were called to help, so naturally they wouldn't be jealous.

"Okay, when it snows, call more people, and do the next best thing." Li Shuquan nodded.

Although it was snowing and it was difficult to walk in the mountains, relatively speaking, it was easier to fight wild boars.

It is also more convenient when you pull it out.


Hearing that Li Shuquan agreed, both Li Haibo and Li Haiyang excitedly took out their knives and began to bleed and disembowel the two big wild boars.

Like domestic pigs, liver and intestines are good things.

But this kind of wild boar has a stench in its internal organs, so it can't be eaten at all.

So simply throwing it away can reduce the burden.

They came here with five people this time, two big wild boars and two small ones. Even if the internal organs were removed and the weight was reduced, the total weight would be five or six hundred catties.

It is also a hard work to carry it out.

But compared to the harvest, everything is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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