Chapter 437 Is it related to the shadow?
Row of ovaries can be regarded as a characteristic of the capital at this time.

The so-called row of houses is similar to the houses in the countryside later, facing south, row by row, and the planning is neat and orderly.

It is said that this row of ovaries was first used for the children of the Eight Banners.

It's just that the row houses here don't have yards, and the roads that were originally four or five meters wide were built in a mess, and they were basically kitchens, or they were filled with household sundries, or piled with briquettes, so that the wide doorway became two meters wide. Narrow alleys on the left and right.

Because there is no sewer, domestic sewage is almost poured casually at the door.

It was still cold at this time, and if it was summer, it would definitely stink here.

Lu Wenming's house is at the end of this alley. There are two rooms in total, and the door is also messy.

As soon as he approached, Li Weidong smelled a herbal smell that had not dissipated, and there were still a lot of medicinal residues in the corner of the door.

Guan Sheng gestured at the first moment, and the personnel of the action team immediately surrounded here, and the alley behind the row of houses was also guarded, just to prevent the opponent from escaping.

After getting everything ready, Guan Sheng stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Xu Shi disturbed the inside, and immediately there was a muffled coughing sound.


Accompanied by the sound, as soon as the door was opened with a gap, Guan Sheng broke open directly, and the people from the action team rushed forward and subdued the other party.

Nowadays, there is no concept of civilized law enforcement. Let alone the fact that the person they arrested this time may be the murderer of Zhang Qinhua, it is said that many people have hidden guns in their homes.

In this case, it is natural to take restraint as the first element.

Even the other party's cheeks were firmly pinched, this is to prevent the other party from committing suicide at any time with poison hidden in his mouth.

So much so that after being subdued, Lu Ziming could only make a whining sound.

Perhaps because of the movement here, the coughing in the back room suddenly became more urgent, that kind of suffocated coughing sound, as if it would be suffocated to death in the next second.

Li Weidong winked, opened the curtain to Tianming immediately, and entered the back room.

"Auntie, we are run by the street, and we have something to do with Lu Ziming."

At this time, Li Weidong had already come to Lu Ziming who was subdued, and took a pen from his coat pocket. It was obvious that the opponent's struggle was getting worse.

Li Weidong unscrewed the pen cap expressionlessly. This is obviously a pen that has been used for a long time. There are traces of holding it for a long time in many places outside, and the nib is also a bit worn.

If you just looked at the pen and found nothing, even a fool would not keep the murder weapon on his body at any time, or in other words, the pen that the other party used to kill has already been disposed of.

The reason why Li Weidong looks at the pen is to deliberately shift the other party's attention to the pen. If the other party is innocent, he must be puzzled and puzzled when he finds out his actions, but in fact, the moment Li Weidong got the pen, the other party's The emotional response should have told him the answer clearly.

After all, being subdued by a group of people suddenly, as long as it is an individual, there will be panic. From this point alone, nothing can be determined.

But the other party's attitude with the pen proved Li Weidong's judgment that he didn't find the wrong person this time.

"You killed Zhang Qinhua, right?"

Li Weidong looked directly at Lu Ziming and threw out the answer directly.

Hearing Li Weidong's words, Lu Ziming was taken aback for a moment, and then struggled more violently, but his cheek was pinched, and there was only pain, and he couldn't speak at all.

Beside, Lin Zhenwu was overjoyed when he heard this.

Sure enough, the murderer was found.

"Go to the hotel."

This place is obviously not a good place for interrogation, so Li Weidong made sure that the other party was the murderer of Zhang Qinhua, and asked him to take him away.

As for this side, a small team of people was left behind to search and guard, and then people from the street office would come to take care of the patients in the house.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the hotel. Li Weidong had felt the death intention in Lu Ziming's heart before, and knew that it was impossible for the other party to confide the details obediently, and it would be a waste of time.

So a live interrogation came directly.

Under normal circumstances, when the perpetrators come to the scene, there will definitely be emotional fluctuations, especially when Li Weidong has people constantly imitate Lu Ziming's killing and how to deceive everyone, even if Lu Ziming doesn't say anything, the emotional reaction will undoubtedly make him laugh. The truth was told to Li Weidong.

In order to get rid of his own suspicion, before Zhang Qinhua checked into the hotel, Lu Ziming asked for leave on the grounds of taking care of his seriously ill mother.

Because Lu Ziming's mission was to kill Zhang Qinhua, he made preparations in advance to not be there.

If the unit safe was stolen or something was lost, Lu Ziming, who had asked for leave in advance, would still be suspected.

But the problem is, before Lu Ziming asked for leave, Zhang Qinhua didn't stay in the hotel at all. According to normal people's thinking, could it be that Lu Ziming knew in advance that Zhang Qinhua would stay in the hotel?

Although this is the case in fact, but preconceived, but no one would think so.

In this way, after Zhang Qinhua's death, no one would suspect someone who asked for leave in advance and had never been to a hotel.

As for the reason why Lu Ziming asked for leave in advance and never went to the hotel, there may be another reason, that is, he did not dare to meet Li Weidong.

Since the other party wanted to deal with Li Weidong, they must have a good understanding of Li Weidong's abilities, knowing that if Lu Ziming killed someone, it would be difficult to cover up in front of Li Weidong.

So I simply asked for leave, was not present, and did not meet Li Weidong.

Coupled with the successful diversion of sight and aimed at Nikolak, Li Weidong would not even care about him, a little guy who asked for leave in advance.

Everything is reasonable.

Based on the observation and simulation in the hotel, Li Weidong also deduced how Lu Ziming sneaked into the hotel and then left without anyone noticing.

In fact, the hostel has a back door, and even a yard behind it.

However, the back door is usually locked, and it will only be opened when moving things. This is also to not affect the entry and exit of the front guests. There is also a duty room next to the gate. An old man lives here and is responsible for guarding the gate.

Usually only the old man has the key to the door.

In addition, the old man also raised a very fierce dog, which would attack any stranger approaching.

But according to everyone's memories, on the night Zhang Qinhua died, he didn't hear a dog barking, and the old man who watched the gate swore that no one could sneak in through the gate he was looking at.

It is precisely because of this that whether it is Lin Zhenwu or Xiang Tianming, after checking that the lock on the gate is not damaged and that there are no traces of anyone climbing the three-meter-high wall, they are sure that the murderer cannot come in and escape from here, then It can only be the guests living in the hotel, and the focus is on this.

However, when Li Weidong came with Lu Ziming, although the dog barked at them fiercely, Li Weidong still found that the dog obviously knew Lu Ziming, and even wagged its tail at him.

If Lu Ziming had only come over by himself, the ferocious dog would definitely not bark.

Afterwards, Li Weidong interrogated the old man who was watching the gate, and learned that Lu Ziming used to go for a walk in the backyard after lunch every day, and occasionally feed the dog what he couldn't finish.

But the problem is, with Lu Ziming's family conditions, food is already in short supply, where can there be extra food to feed a dog?

Moreover, by asking about the situation that night, although the old man swore that no one had come and the dog had never barked, Li Weidong still found out that he was guilty. After repeated interrogations, the old man 'said' one of his hobbies.

That is, I like to drink two sips of wine at night, so that I can sleep more soundly.

In the past few years, the number of times the hostel has opened this gate at night is very small, and the old man watching the gate has long been used to it, so even if he drinks, he is not afraid of any problems.

Obviously, Lu Ziming knew that the other party had this hobby.

On the surface, only the old man who guards the door has the key to the gate, but in fact, it is too simple for Lu Ziming to secretly assign a key.

It just so happens that this door can also be opened from the outside.

As long as he has mastered the old man's habit, Lu Ziming can use the key to open the door after the other party drinks too much, because he and the dog have been familiar for a long time, so when he heard the familiar footsteps and the familiar smell, the dog did not won't bark.

Even if you call once or twice occasionally, no one will doubt it.

After all, there is a road outside, and there will be pedestrians.

In this way, Lu Ziming could have come in without anyone noticing that night.

Moreover, because it was night, the waiters on duty at the hotel were all at the front door, and Lu Ziming had worked in the hotel for many years, so it was nothing to get the key to the back door, and then the key to the guest room.

Therefore, he can enter Zhang Qinhua's room ahead of time and wait for him.

And Zhang Qinhua probably knew that someone would come to see him tonight, so when he came back, he found someone in the room, so he didn't shout, and there was no movement.

In this way, when Lu Ziming was discussing with Zhang Qinhua that night, he took advantage of his unpreparedness, came behind Zhang Qinhua, and killed him directly.

He also took away the craft materials prepared by Zhang Qinhua, forged the purpose of plotting the craft materials, and pointed the suspicion at Nikolak, in order for Li Weidong to track down Nikolak, meet with the other party, kill him, and put the blame on Li Weidong.

A ring within a ring.

After killing someone, Lu Ziming used the same method to quietly leave from the backyard.

During the whole process, no one was alarmed, and his suspicion was completely ruled out.

It can be said that Lu Ziming's plan was perfect, with almost no loopholes, otherwise Lin Zhenwu and Xiang Tianming would not have found out any problems.

But it is a pity that Li Weidong's way of judging interrogation is different from others.

As long as Lu Ziming did it, as long as he saw Li Weidong, he couldn't hide it.

In Lu Ziming's office, Li Weidong saw his recent handwriting, and he could basically judge that it was written with his right hand, and the people in the hotel also said that Lu Ziming was not left-handed.

This further proves that his left hand has been practiced deliberately.

The abnormal callus on Lu Ziming's left hand is the proof.

Lu Ziming was even very clever, specially used a different pen and added ink, so that after the murder, no matter from the comparison of scars or other aspects, there would be no suspicion of him.

When Li Weidong finally concluded and narrated Lu Ziming's murder, Lin Zhenwu was stunned for several seconds.

that's it?
It's that simple?
Then came the idea of ​​why I was so stupid.

Although Lu Ziming has been caught and how he killed Zhang Qinhua has been found out, in Li Weidong's view, this is just the beginning.

Then, Li Weidong started a separate interrogation of Lu Ziming.

It took a full half an hour before Li Weidong came out of the room, and then he was taken back and guarded strictly.

This interrogation made Li Weidong's expression a little dignified.

First, he found out that Lu Ziming was from the shore, and the order he received was to kill Zhang Qinhua and take away the crafting materials.

Second, Nikolak was indeed killed by Lu Ziming.

Thirdly, Lu Ziming didn't know who his upline was. To some extent, he was independent, and everything he did was executed according to the orders he received.

To put it simply, behind Lu Ziming, the person who gave him the order knew Li Weidong well and made a detailed plan.

The order is nothing more than: ask for leave in advance to leave, make proof of absence, and do not go to the hotel before receiving the order.

After getting information from Zhang Qinhua, they sneaked into the hotel without disturbing anyone, killed Zhang Qinhua, and took away the craft materials.

As for Nikolak's death, he got the news in advance, ambushed on the road, forced the other party to stop by puncturing a car tire, and then killed the other party.

So Lu Ziming is just a marionette, but strictly carried out this order.

Even Lu Ziming didn't know who Li Weidong was, because his targets were only Zhang Qinhua and Nikolak.

And the reason why he was able to gain Zhang Qinhua's trust showed that there were other people besides him who had contact with Zhang Qinhua.

In this way, everything is explained.

That talent is the key, but unfortunately Lu Ziming doesn't know this, he just follows the instructions.

And since Zhang Qinhua was dead, no one knew who the person who had been in contact with him was.

The other party is equivalent to completely hiding himself.

On the surface, it seems that Li Weidong's previous big actions caused heavy losses there, so he decided to retaliate against him.

But is the question really that simple?
Afterwards, Li Weidong took people back, but before he could sit still, Song Yingjie, who had left in a hurry before, came again.

"Commissioner Li, I have already found out that Sun Jiadong was indeed appointed by others to shoot and kill you at a critical moment to create a conflict. Although the person behind him has committed suicide, according to my investigation, the other party should be related to the Gao family."

Song Yingjie said cleanly.

He had to clean up the suspicion of the First Supervision Section, because the scapegoat was too heavy for him to bear.

Hearing Song Yingjie's words, Lin Zhenwu's face immediately changed, while Xiang Tianming was a little confused.

Because he had never been in contact with the shadow at the beginning, he didn't know the Gao family.

But Lin Zhenwu is very clear about this.

Li Weidong, on the other hand, didn't respond in the slightest, as if he had known this for a long time.

Moreover, he also wanted to understand some things.

This time, he killed not only him, but also the Gao family.

If Li Weidong died, it would definitely arouse the wrath of the above. It is necessary to find out who the murderer is, then Sun Jiadong and the people behind him must not be able to hide it.

The person who instigated Sun Jiadong to commit suicide ahead of time seems to be that he didn't want to implicate the Gao family, and that one person was responsible for everything, but in fact, they completely put the shit pot on the Gao family's head, making it difficult for the Gao family to justify.

Even in Li Weidong's view, the other party did it on purpose, deliberately showing such obvious clues, and pointing everyone's suspicion to the Gao family.

The means are crude, but useful.

Even if Li Weidong is not dead, it doesn't matter.

According to the other party's calculations, because of Nikolak's death, Li Weidong will definitely be imprisoned before he is cleared of suspicion.

It's hard to kill a tiger in the forest, but what about a tiger in a cage?
The opponent has plenty of means to do all of this.

The only thing I didn't expect was that Li Weidong was not locked up because of the small book, and he noticed Sun Jiadong's behavior in advance, stopped the conflict, and then caught Lu Ziming.

Assuming that Li Weidong didn't have that small book and was really imprisoned, then follow the other party's script.

When all the clues pointed to Gao's family, Gao's family stood up and said that he was framed and never ordered anyone to kill Li Weidong. The other party would use some method to 'send' the real murderer Lu Ziming out.

Then the investigation found that Zhang Qinhua and Nikolak were killed by Lu Ziming.

Moreover, this Lu Ziming is also connected with the Gao family.

After all, Yingying is the daughter-in-law of the Gao family, and she has 'protected' Yingying for so many years, is the Gao family still the Gao family it used to be?
Judging from this, the Gao family first ordered Lu Ziming to kill Zhang Qinhua, lured Li Weidong into a trap, then killed Nikolak, framed Li Weidong, and even asked Sun Jiadong to kill Li Weidong with the help of the First Supervision Section.

Even if it didn't work this time, they could send someone to kill Li Weidong again while Li Weidong was in custody.

If it is only aimed at Li Weidong, revenge can be used to cover it up, but if there is contact and cooperation with that side, how to explain it?

Do you understand?

At that time, who will still believe in the innocence of the Gao family?

This is for fear that the Gao family will not die.

It can be seen that the other party hates not only Li Weidong, but also the Gao family.

Want to let both parties perish together.

Even though there were still some doubts and loopholes in the whole matter, Li Weidong was dead at that time, and the Gao family couldn't argue with it, and everything would be a foregone conclusion.

The question is, who would hate Li Weidong and the Gao family so much?

Involuntarily, Li Weidong thought of the shadow.

It's not that the shadow did this thing, but that there must be some kind of necessary connection with her.

Afterwards, Li Weidong went straight to Zhen Jingting's place without wasting any time.

He wants to see the shadow.

And you need to know the person behind the scenes from the other party.

Zhen Jingting was a little surprised when he saw Li Weidong.

"Aren't you helping Lin Zhenwu find the murderer who killed Zhang Qinhua? Why come here when you have time?"

Previously, Lin Zhenwu gave Li Weidong an identity through Zhen Jingting's suggestion.

Naturally, Zhen Jingting still knew about this matter.

"I want to interrogate the shadow."

Li Weidong directly stated his purpose.

"Interrogation shadow?"

Zhen Jingting's expression changed: "Is this matter related to the shadow?"

"I'm not sure yet, but before that, I would like to ask you to help me collect the Gao family's compound, as well as those young talents who have had contact with the shadow."

Li Weidong made another request.

Zhen Jingting's eyes widened suddenly.

 Chapter 1, five thousand words.

(End of this chapter)

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