Siheyuan: Don't mess with me, I just want to be a free fish

Chapter 51 The widow's door, hooking people's souls!

Chapter 51 The widow's door, hooking people's souls!
When Xu Damao heard the cold words, his heart skipped a beat.


Why do you say bald mouth?
Don't look at Lou Xiao'e's generosity on weekdays, and she still has a little bit of energy, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't care about anything.

This woman, no matter what age, whether she is beautiful or ugly, is jealous of her in the same way.

If nothing happened, he would naturally be confident.

But he couldn't hold back his guilty conscience.

Ever since Qin Huairu entered this courtyard, his eyes were staring at her with treacherous eyes.

It's just that he has a wicked heart but no guts, and let alone a tigress in his family, the Jia family is not easy to mess with.

When Jia Dongxu was injured, he actually sympathized with him for a while. After all, his body was broken, and he could only watch but not eat while guarding a beautiful daughter-in-law.

Until Jia Dongxu died, his heart came alive again.

The widow's door can seduce a man's soul.

But if he has an idea, he has an idea, but hasn't it been implemented yet?

Thinking of this, he became a little more courageous.

"Nonsense, no matter how beautiful she is, Qin Huairu, can she be as beautiful as you? She is just a girl from the countryside, can she compare with you, the eldest lady in the city?

That is to say, I, Xu Damao, burned high incense in my previous life, so I can marry you as my daughter-in-law in this life.

Do you know why silly Zhu fights against me every day?

He is just envious, jealous that I can marry such a good wife as you.

You can stay away from him in the future, especially when I am not at home when I go to the countryside to show movies. "

Xu Damao is very skillful in stepping on one and holding another.

What's more, after Lou Xiao'e boasted that her heart was full of joy, she immediately changed the subject.

"What did you say?"

Lou Xiao'e stared, but judging from her expression, what happened just now has turned the page.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, but Shazhu is so ugly, he deserves to be a bachelor for the rest of his life."

When Xu Damao mentioned his rival in the courtyard, he became furious.

"He is ugly, but he is not really stupid." Lou Xiao'e said something fair.

"Isn't he stupid? Just wait and see."

Xu Damao curled his lips, and then pulled Lou Xiaoe.

"Come on, let's go to the theater too."

Lou Xiao'e didn't refuse, and she naturally had a gossip in her heart.

Did this Qin Huairu hook up with the Li family's second child who just came from the countryside?

"What slander?"

Qin Huairu was taken aback by what Li Weidong said, and seemed a little confused.

"Bang Geng told Xiaobin that his mother is a stepmother, so he drove me to live in the east room. He said that in the past, only servants lived in the east room. Could it be that Bang Tiao made it up by himself?"

As Li Weidong said, he also glanced at BangGong, who immediately took a few steps back in fright.

"I didn't make it up, but grandma said it. Grandma also said that stepmother and stepfather didn't have a good thing. She said that seeing my mother is like a dog seeing bones."

Sticking to this fear, he couldn't help but speak out, leaving himself alone first.

After all, he heard from his grandmother that the leg of the eldest son of the Li family was broken by the person in front of him, and he was told to stay away.

It's just that his words made the entire middle courtyard a little quiet.

Qin Huairu stood there stunned, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

When Mrs. Jia and Zhang were gossiping about the Li family with her earlier, she was naturally happy to see Li Erhei's misfortune, so she didn't say much.

I forgot that there is a stickler at home who can learn to speak.

Jia Zhang looked as if he wanted to cover his mouth, but it was too late.

As for Shazhu, the other party who was accidentally involved in this incident, he was also a little irritable.

What does it mean to see his mother and a dog meet bones?

As a cook in a rolling mill, he never ate less meat, but how rare was a bone without meat?
"Ahem, little bastard, what are you talking about? Why don't you hurry back to the house?"

Silly Zhu had to come out to smooth things over.

He has a good relationship with the Jia family. Qin Huairu helped him wash his clothes and tidy up the house when he had nothing to do. This undoubtedly filled the empty and lonely heart of this old bachelor and made him feel the warmth that he had not seen for a long time.

so.On weekdays, he likes to get close to Qin Huairu, talking to Miss Qin, calling him very affectionate.

Although Qin Huairu would often borrow money from him, and he would help out with some food from time to time, but we are all neighbors and helping each other, isn't it normal?

Anyway, he was willing and didn't feel forced at all, and even enjoyed it.

Ai Wu and Wu Xia, he is more protective of sticks.

"Brother Weidong, a kid, he doesn't have a clue. I will apologize to you for this matter. If you don't remember the villain's fault, you adults will let him go. I will buy wine and apologize later."

But before Li Weidong could reply, a voice rang out from the crowd who had gathered together at some point.

"I said silly Zhu, this is a matter between people and the Jia family, what are you meddling with? Who are you? Didn't you hear the stick talking about you just now, seeing Qin Huairu is like a dog seeing shit?"

"Xu Damao, whose shit are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart?"

Qin Huairu couldn't bear it anymore.

Is that what the stick said just now?

And what does it have to do with you?
Run here to charge your head.

"This is a metaphor, do you understand the metaphor?"

Xu Damao was not annoyed either, he just liked seeing Qin Huairu's distraught look.

I prefer to see the silly pillars being unlucky.

Such a good opportunity, if he didn't get involved, would he still be Xu Damao?
"Xu Damao, why are you everywhere? Hurry up and get out."

Sha Zhu and Xu Damao are naturally at odds, and they are not pleasing to anyone.

The one who said he was ugly and couldn't marry a girl from the city was mainly her.

So he also held his breath.

As long as you Xu Damao can marry a city girl like Lou Xiaoe, can't I be a fool?

Where am I worse than you?
"This is not your family's land. You manage it very leniently. Why? You want to be in charge of the courtyard? Third master, we can't bear this."

Xu Damao aimed at Yan Bugui and began to encourage him.

"Go, go, don't look for trouble."

Yan Bugui is suffering from a headache right now, how can he be in the mood to talk to Xu Damao.

As for the silly Zhu wanting to be in charge of the courtyard?

He doesn't have the qualifications yet.

"Brother Zhuzi, logically speaking, since you have come forward, I should sell your face to some extent, but this matter involves my mother's reputation after all. If I, as a son, don't care about it, then I am still an individual." ?"

Li Weidong looked at Silly Zhu and said slowly.

Things have come to this point, everything that needs to be said has been said.

Know what you should know.

At the very least, everyone in the hospital basically knew the whole story.

The fact that he went to live in the east room can be revealed.

But the question is, can he lift it high and put it down gently?
If he just turned his head and left like this, no matter what other people think or think, let's not talk about it.

Just talk about Jia Zhang, I thought he was afraid.

The arrogance will undoubtedly become more arrogant in the future.

With the current environment, he will definitely not be able to move out to live by himself in a short time.

But since he lives in the courtyard, it is best to solve some troubles as soon as possible.

In order not to make myself feel bad in the future, but also make the whole family unhappy.

That's the key!
(End of this chapter)

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