While Li Weidong wiped out Xu Mobai's team, Meng Congwei was also secretly staring at new clues.

When Xu Mobai's nephew Xu Hailiang went to deliver the letter, he did not deliver it directly to Mei Chuqing's hands, because now, even Xu Mobai doesn't know where Mei Chuqing is hiding.

After knowing that the mysterious materials hidden in the east hall were exposed and taken away, Mei Chuqing realized that she might be exposed.

So a series of arrangements were made.

While eliminating his own traces, he also tried his best to hide himself.

Facts have proved that her worries are not unreasonable. If she did not carefully conceal her whereabouts, even if Xu Mobai is still loyal to her, when he falls into Li Weidong's hands, he will be honest whether he wants it or not. Find out the whereabouts of Mei Chuqing.

It was her caution that allowed her to escape temporarily.

However, Mei Chuqing always had to contact Xu Mobai to receive information, otherwise she would not be able to grasp Li Weidong's movements by herself, let alone take revenge.

So she made a certain contact method with Xu Mobai. If she wanted to find Xu Mobai, she would pretend to be sick and go to the drug store. Because the drug store was full of people coming and going every day, and there were many doctors. Mei Chuqing would not cause any problems even if she went to the drug store. the suspicion of others.

However, if Xu Mobai wanted to find Mei Chuqing or pass the message to the other party, it would not be so convenient. He could only hide the message in a certain place according to the agreed method and wait for the other party to collect it.

Although it was a bit more troublesome, it was safer for Mei Chuqing.

To avoid being caught directly after being betrayed.

According to the agreement, Xu Hailiang buried the news at the agreed place. It was a somewhat dark alley with not many pedestrians. At the corner, there was a heavy millstone abandoned by an unknown owner on the ground, and there were several broken tiles next to it. Can.

Xu Hailiang wrapped the credit paper package and hid it under the millstone. If he hadn't squatted down and put his hand in to check, he wouldn't have been able to find out what was hidden inside.

Meng Congwei followed Xu Hailiang all the way. After seeing that Xu Hailiang had hidden the letter, he did not continue to follow him, because in his opinion, Xu Hailiang would definitely not be able to escape, so he chose a secret place and waited.

If someone entered the alley and took the letter, he would definitely find it immediately.

And this person is most likely Mei Chuqing.

However, after Meng Congwei squatted for a day and night, still no one came to collect the letter. He realized that the other party should have noticed that something happened at the drug store, so he directly cut off the letter collection point.

Despite this, Meng Congwei left the two of them to continue squatting while he quickly returned.

Still in Zhen Jingting's office, Li Weidong listened to Meng Congwei explain the situation and agreed with his judgment.

Mei Chuqing is much more cunning than imagined. Although Li Weidong caught everyone in the drug store by surprise, Mei Chuqing should make a judgment before going to get the letter, or first check from a distance to see if anything happened to the drug store. If something happened to the drug store, there is no doubt that It also means that the trust point is no longer safe.

In fact, the news had already spread the day the drug store man was arrested. After all, many people saw Xu Mobai and others being arrested that day. Such a big news could not be hidden from anyone who was interested.

In this way, it seems that Li Weidong is wrong. It seems that he should not go to the drug store until the other party shows up, and then close the net.

But in Li Weidong's view, even if he squats down, he may not be able to catch Mei Chuqing directly.

Moreover, Xiang Tianming's side has already started taking action. The opponent belongs to Xu Mobai's team. Once Xu Mobai is alert, he will probably take people to hide. The news cannot be kept secret for too long.

Instead of waiting for the other party to notice, it is better to strike first.

What if Xu Mobai knew the whereabouts of Mei Chuqing?

After all, as long as the other party knows, there is no way to hide it from Li Weidong.

Unfortunately, Mei Chuqing was more cautious than he thought.

Despite this, Li Weidong did not regret this decision. He defeated Xu Mobai's team in one fell swoop. Another advantage was that he had broken off one of Mei Chuqing's arms. It would undoubtedly be more difficult for the other party to do anything else.

Moreover, Li Weidong did this to protect the relatives around him and prevent Mei Chuqing from jumping over the wall.

Now, with Xu Mobai and his gang being arrested, Mei Chuqing has become a toothless tiger. Regardless of whether she has a backup plan or not, it will be even more difficult to reorganize.

Then, the initiative fell into Li Weidong's hands.The portrait artist had already drawn a portrait of Mei Chuqing based on that photo and Father Philip's description. After being 'identified' by Father Philip and Xu Mobai, it basically matched.

The clerk at the drug store also had a vague impression that there was indeed such a person who had been to the drug store and asked Xu Mobai to see a doctor.

After having the photos, Zhen Jingting directly led people to start door-to-door searches in nearby streets, centered on the mail collection point.

No matter how Mei Chuqing hides herself, she cannot disappear out of thin air. As long as she exists, she will definitely leave clues.

Especially if she wants to contact Xu Mobai, she won't live too far away.

After two days of screening, Zhen Jingting's people finally found traces of Mei Chuqing. After being identified by a street "temporary worker" aunt, the person in the photo looked a bit like a relative who came to live with him from a nearby family.

However, after Zhen Jingting brought someone to the door, the family had disappeared.

Mei Chuqing was also nowhere to be found.

According to neighbors, the family said they were going to the countryside to visit relatives.

The original owners were an old couple in their sixties, with no children, and were cared for by the street office. They were usually kind-hearted and would help the neighbors with small favors from time to time. They had always had a good reputation among the neighbors.

Some time ago, there was a middle-aged woman in this family. After being identified by neighbors, she was the Mei Chuqing in the portrait.

In the words of the old couple, that person was their niece from the country and came to the city to take care of them.

Because of the old couple's character, the neighbors knew that someone was taking care of them and were happy for them. Even the people from the street office had visited the door, but the other party had a letter of introduction from the village, so they were considered innocent. In addition, the old couple's Guaranteed, no one doubts it.

It wasn't until Zhen Jingting led a search that the neighbors one by one said they had long suspected that there was something wrong with the other party, which was purely an afterthought.

Probably also worried about being implicated.

The time the other party left was the morning after the arrest at the drug store.

But in Li Weidong's opinion, Mei Chuqing must still be in the city.

Compared with this huge city, there are suddenly more outsiders in the countryside, which makes them more eye-catching.

Moreover, people in rural areas know each other better. Mei Chuqing and Gui Shaoning were both in the city at the beginning. Even if they left any arrangements, they would only be in the city. It is impossible to arrange people to the countryside out of thin air.

However, Mei Chuqing obviously has more than one foothold in the Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves.

After realizing that there was something wrong with the drug store, he directly chose to transfer.

As for whether the old couple was with Mei Chuqing, it was still a question.

With Mei Chuqing's cunningness, she might use the old couple to divert her attention. If she followed the old couple's clues to investigate, she would only be led astray.

Although Li Weidong felt that Mei Chuqing was spreading suspicion in his hometown, Zhen Jingting did not give up and chose to have people track down the clues of the old couple, especially what relatives they had in the countryside and all their connections, hoping to find out The plum blossoms are coming out and the weather is clear.

Li Weidong, on the other hand, took the black and white photo of Gui Shaoning and Mei Chuqing and looked at it quietly.

But what he was looking at this time was not the two people in the photo, but the corner of the building exposed in the photo.

When Li Weidong tracked down Gui Shaoning, he had doubts about the buildings in the photos. However, because so much time had passed, many houses had been remodeled or even destroyed, making it very difficult to find them again.

But for some reason, when Li Weidong looked at the building again this time, he felt a vague feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Hello everyone, Shuishui is back and updates will officially resume tomorrow!

I promise! ! !

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