Li Weidong listened to Zhang Xingwu's assurance with gratitude on his face, but he was extremely calm inside.

After such a long time, Li Weidong also understood Zhang Xingwu's character very well.

Guarantees are nothing in the eyes of the other party. Even if there is an agreement, it can be broken at any time.

The basis of cooperation between both parties is interests.

As long as Weidong No. [-] meets expectations, Li Weidong seeks fame and the shining golden protective sign, while Zhang Xingwu seeks profit and rising political achievements.

Because of this, the two sides hit it off and get along quite harmoniously.

Otherwise, the other party would not have this attitude.

"Captain, don't worry. According to Professor Zhao's calculations, this batch of experimental fields will definitely have a bumper harvest. When the autumn harvest comes, we will have to ask the captain for help to let more people know about Weidong No. [-], and then further promote it. This will allow more farmers to harvest more food from their fields next year.”

Li Weidong said equally seriously.

Although the staple food in this land has always been wheat and rice, in fact, now, especially in rural areas, ordinary families cannot eat more than a few meals of rice and flour throughout the year.

Especially in the north, most people eat corn and sweet potatoes.

In winter, the whole family gathers together and cooks a pot of dried sweet potatoes, which is a whole day's meal.

If ordinary people can increase the yield of sweet potatoes grown by [-] to [-]%, their lives will be much easier in the coming year.

Therefore, Li Weidong promotes Weidong No. [-], even if it is utilitarian, but sometimes the results are more important than the process.

"Don't worry about this. As long as it meets expectations, the prison side, including me, will absolutely fully support it."

Zhang Xingwu's face was serious.

After saying that, he looked at Professor Zhao Liguo again: "Professor Zhao, I'll trouble you from now on. If you need anything, just ask."

"Captain Zhang, I plan to build two more greenhouses nearby to continue cultivating this batch of Weidong No. [-]."

After hearing Zhang Xingwu's full support, Zhao Liguo was not polite and opened his mouth to two greenhouses.

"Build two more greenhouses? No problem. I will approve a note later and ask the logistics side to assist."

Zhang Xingwu thought for a moment and agreed.

Although the cost of two greenhouses is not small, for the next 'big business', it is not unaffordable.

"Thank you very much, Captain Zhang."

Zhao Liguo happily accepted the piece of meat pie. Even though he reported it in the name of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, he could still get it approved. After all, he had the big weapon of Weidong No. [-] in his hands.

But in that case, let’s not talk about it, what if the Academy of Agricultural Sciences has any ideas?
Instead of going into trouble and not being able to tell clearly at the time, it would be better to just continue in the name of the Sixth Farm.

He had also discussed this with Li Weidong before.

Although this batch of improved sweet potatoes is called Weidong No. [-], as a professor at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, his name must be indispensable.

Even Weidong No. [-] and Weidong No. [-] will be improved and cultivated by him in the future.

There is no way to set up a personal seed company now, otherwise Li Weidong directly recruits Zhao Liguo into the company, and as the chief researcher, all the results will be his.

Therefore, even if Weidong No. [-] is developed, Li Weidong will not be able to get a penny of profit from it. What he gets is just reputation, a golden signboard, and rewards after successful promotion.

However, Li Weidong is not short of money now, and even if he has money, he has nowhere to spend it. But when it comes to merit, the more the better.

Next, Zhang Xingwu inspected the results of the Sixth Farm and left directly.

Li Weidong stayed again.

At this time, many fruit trees in the orchard have already begun to bear fruit.

Since the opening of the Sixth Farm, specialized technicians have been invited to guide and comb and transform the fruit trees in the orchard.

At present, the most abundant trees in the orchard are naturally apple trees, which are in flowering season now.

But in addition to apple trees, there are also many peach and apricot trees here.

Peaches are late peaches, so they are still very early before they are ripe.

The apricot tree, on the other hand, is already about the size of a thumb and can be eaten in another month.

Now, the management of the orchard has been completely taken care of by the women's farm. For this purpose, the women's farm has set up a fruit and vegetable team, and there are also people in the orchard to take care of it.

Li Weidong and Zhou Xiaobai stood on the edge of the orchard, looking down at the farm that was still expanding in size.

But at this time, the farm no longer looked like it had just been cultivated.

Not to mention the sweet potato planting area, now is the time for seedlings, and on the other side, the green seedlings that are already visible to the naked eye are growing out of the ground, which is the planted spring corn.

But there is still a batch of autumn corn to be planted in July.

If the farm had not been opened too late to catch up with the planting of winter wheat, the fields would have become a sea of ​​wheat ears, swaying in the wind.

At the same time, peanuts and soybeans are also grown on the farm, but these two occupy a very small part.

Because neither peanuts nor soybeans are major food products.

Cooking oils are important, but most people eat lard these days.

Peanuts, for example, are still controlled goods. They are not sold in supply and marketing cooperatives at ordinary times. They are only sold during the Chinese New Year.

Therefore, only a small part is planted on the farm, which is considered a welfare of the farm.

In addition, there are also a lot of fruits and vegetables on the farm now, which are enough to supply the daily consumption of the farm.

It is said that the most precious thing on a farm is the land, which is the basis for survival, but at the same time, the least precious thing is the land, because it requires people.

However, the main task of the farm is to grow food, but in addition, each farm will grow something else according to demand to meet the needs of the farm.

Nowadays, in addition to the fruit and vegetable team, the women's farm also has a breeding team, mainly raising pigs.

Unlike in rural areas, pigs raised by rural brigades must be sold to purchasing stations, and private sales are prohibited because they are required to support national construction and are a procurement task.

But on the prison farm, the pigs do not need to be sold to the purchasing station. Basically, a few will be killed on August [-]th and during the Chinese New Year, and then used as welfare for the farm.

After all, the main purpose of prison farms is to allow prisoners to undergo labor reform, and then to grow food.

Like other farms, there are basically small brick kilns.

After all, farming cannot be busy all year round, but brick kilns are different. Production is not delayed at any time and can provide enough labor positions.

However, because the construction time of the Sixth Farm was too short, the land reclamation has not yet been completed. It has not yet reached the expected goal of two thousand acres, let alone the construction of a small brick kiln.

On the other hand, over time, most of the air-raid shelters have been built.

It can be said that the Sixth Farm is full of energy from top to bottom.

This naturally includes Zhou Xiaobai.

Therefore, there are not many leisure dating moments like this for her.

"Last time you mentioned moving, I already told my parents. After they considered it, they decided to move out and hand over the small mansion. However, my dad meant that our family should find a place by ourselves."

When it comes to this, Zhou Xiaobai is also a little helpless.

Although she liked the courtyard house that Li Weidong took her to, Zhou Bingan disagreed. The couple were not married yet. As the future father-in-law, he moved to the house rented by his son-in-law. What was that like?

Does it appear that the Zhou family is in poverty?

Is it him, Zhou Bing'an, who doesn't want to lose face?
Even her mother didn't support her. "Also, what my parents mean is that one day you have time to go have a meal, and my dad wants to ask you something."

"Okay, I have some time recently, it just depends on which day you can spare the time."

Li Weidong smiled slightly.

In fact, he expected Zhou Bing'an not to accept his kindness.

In the final analysis, there is no name or distinction.

Even based on Li Weidong's understanding of Zhou Bingan, even after he married Zhou Xiaobai, the other party would not accept his kindness.


Zhou Xiaobai frowned when he mentioned this.

The women's farm is extremely busy, and as an instructor, she certainly cannot 'leave early'.

And by leaving early, she refers to normal off-duty time.

Although Li Weidong had told her before that as an instructor, she did not need to do everything herself, but there was no way. The farm was too busy and work would basically stop working after dark.

Then while having dinner in the evening, we discuss tomorrow's work tasks.

So now she lives and eats on the farm.

So much so that her family obviously wanted to invite Li Weidong to dinner, but she, the client, couldn't spare the time.

"It's okay. There's no rush for this. We'll wait until you find time to come over one day. I'll be available at any time."

Li Weidong took Zhou Xiaobai's hand and could clearly feel the cocoon.

It is impossible to keep your fingers dry on the farm.

Like Zhou Xiaobai, in addition to his daily work, he also does some things within his ability, lends a hand from time to time, and basically washes his own clothes.


Zhou Xiaobai's hand was held by Li Weidong, but he didn't pull it out. His face was slightly red, and he looked around guiltily. He didn't find anyone around, so he felt relieved.

But now she is slowly getting used to Li Weidong's intimate actions, which makes her feel refreshed and happy inside.

Afterwards, Li Weidong took Zhou Xiaobai for a stroll in the orchard, which was considered a date between the two.

After it was almost done, Li Weidong let Zhou Xiaobai go. After all, a certain unsightly guy had been standing in the distance for a long time.

According to Li Weidong's shamelessness, he naturally pretended not to have seen it, but Zhou Xiaobai obviously couldn't do this.

"Uncle Wang, are you here to inspect?"

It was Wang Zhenyi who was waiting for Li Weidong.

When Zhang Xingwu came here before, he did not bring the deputy captain with him.

Wang Zhenyi obviously knew that Li Weidong was here, so he rushed over after Zhang Xingwu left.

"What? Are you afraid that I will steal your Weidong No. [-]?"

Wang Zhenyi said angrily.

When he mentioned this, he didn't know what to say.

When Li Weidong was still at the Third Farm, he mentioned building a greenhouse and expressed his ideals. However, at that time, Li Weidong had just moved from the countryside to the city, so Wang Zhenyi did not take his words seriously at all.

I even think Li Weidong is a bit whimsical.

Who would have imagined that after arriving at the Sixth Farm, Li Weidong actually talked through the captain Xu Wen and started tinkering with the greenhouse.

At that time, Wang Zhenyi had no idea that Xu Wen was too "doting" on Li Weidong.

After all, greenhouses are something that their prison farm can do well?

Li Weidong is a kid from a rural area. Even if he grew up farming, could he be better than those experts and professors?
So even if the greenhouse was built, he never thought that Li Weidong could do anything.

Moreover, Li Weidong was already the vice-captain of the Sixth Farm at that time. As the captain of the Third Farm at that time, he had no control over the Sixth Farm.

Later, he often heard the mocking nickname of Technician Li.

But what is surprising is that as time goes by, Li Weidong, a layman, seems to have really tinkered with something, and even brought a real professor from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences to accompany him in his mischief.

Slowly, even the new captain Zhang Xingwu was pulled aboard the pirate ship and inspected the greenhouse of the Sixth Farm more than once.

Not long ago, the Sixth Farm was in the newspaper. Although it was only the size of a tofu cube, Wang Zhenyi read it several times from beginning to end. Then he came to the Sixth Farm in person and was completely dumbfounded when he saw the newly cultivated sweet potatoes.

Especially the name Weidong No. [-] made him feel mixed.

If he had known this earlier, he would have built a greenhouse on the third farm even if he was selling it.

I don’t seek to be famous in history, but I can always get some light along the way.

Now the Sixth Farm is cheaper, and Zhang Xingwu is also cheaper.

Later, when I mentioned this matter to Li Weidong, he was squeezed out.

So when Li Weidong mentioned the inspection, Wang Zhenyi felt a little sour.

"How could that be? Uncle Wang is a man who does big things, so why would he care about a little sweet potato?"

Li Weidong said with a smile.

"Ha, I would rather continue to be the captain of the third farm now."

Wang Zhenyi laughed at himself and shook his head.

"What? It's not going well in prison?"

Li Weidong asked curiously.

However, he could also imagine Wang Zhenyi's situation. There were three deputy captains in the prison, and Wang Zhenyi's qualifications were also the least senior.

When he was also the captain of the third farm before, it didn't matter.

But as Zhang Xingwu came to power, the third farm had to be handed over after some tricks.

And Wang Zhenyi also became a full-time deputy captain.

But the problem is that in Zhang Xingwu's eyes, Wang Zhenyi, the deputy captain, is obviously Xu Wen's man, and because of his unstable foundation, he has become the most suitable target to establish his power.

If you want to kill a chicken to scare monkeys, then Wang Zhenyi is that chicken.

Although Wang Zhenyi has a good relationship with Li Weidong, Zhang Xingwu will not entertain Wang Zhenyi just because of this. He even thinks that he is one of his own, and will not win over him.

The reason is simple. Zhang Xingwu does not want Li Weidong to have too much say in the prison.

After all, in addition to Wang Zhenyi, Xiang Tianming from the interrogation intelligence team also wears the same pants as Li Weidong.

If Wang Zhenyi is reused again, and the Sixth Farm is added, it will undoubtedly become a decisive force. If he is roped in by others again, it will be even more difficult for Zhang Xingwu to completely control the overall situation.

It is precisely because of this that the first person he attacked was Wang Zhenyi.

Although Wang Zhenyi is still the deputy captain of the prison, his importance is not as important as before.

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