Chapter 551 The show is about to begin?

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

These days, Li Weidong rarely arrives late or leaves early, and appears to be working conscientiously, which even makes Zhao Yongliang a little suspicious. Could it be that his plan has been discovered?
And the other side is the prison.

As Wang Zhenyi exercised his rights, the once marginalized disciplinary supervision also stood up again.

Normally, it would not be so easy for Wang Zhenyi to do this, but he had someone to help him, which was equivalent to cheating.

After reorganizing the disciplinary inspection team, Wang Zhenyi followed Li Weidong's method and ranked roll calls at the top and last.

In the past, disciplinary supervision existed in name only, and more in name only. Things like arriving late and leaving early were basically ignored or taken for granted.

After all, the status of workers these days is still very high. In addition to prison guards, there are also workers in the prison. They are also serious units. They have iron rice bowls that can be passed on to the next generation.

In addition, when Xu Wen was here, both the prison and the farm were relatively peaceful. There were not so many fights for power and profit, and there were fewer people below to cause trouble.

But with Zhang Xingwu taking office and his series of actions, everyone can see that this is a restless master.

However, these have nothing to do with ordinary prison guards and workers. As long as wages are paid as usual and benefits are not reduced, it is no big deal to change the captain.

But Wang Zhenyi's actions really made some prison guards and workers who were used to it complain endlessly.

At first, the prison only issued a notice requiring all major farms to do a good job in discipline.

But not many of them really take it seriously, and they still go their own way.

But soon, members of the disciplinary inspection team were stationed at the farm gate, and anyone who was late would be written down one by one.

In the past, the members of the Disciplinary Inspection Team, who were fraternal and easy-to-talk people, now turned into living kings of hell. No matter how much they begged for mercy, they remained unmoved.

It wasn't that they wanted to be impartial, but the people from the interrogating intelligence team took advantage of them.

Either you must be obedient and perform meritorious service, or you may be directly investigated and dealt with.

There is no doubt that they chose the former. They would rather smash other people's jobs than smash their own.

Of course, there are also some people who don't care at all. So what if I'm late?Can you fire me?

Indeed, the disciplinary inspection team is not qualified to expel people, and even farms and prisons cannot directly expel a person without making serious mistakes.

But how can those people who cheat and cheat all day long be honest and good people?
As the interrogation intelligence team took action and dealt with the three thorns with thunderous means, the previous complaints were wiped away.

At this point, many people understood that Wang Zhenyi and Xiang Tianming had joined forces.

The disciplinary inspection team and the interrogation intelligence team, combined with one plus one, brought a sharp increase in deterrence, sweeping away the decadence that had been marginalized before.

Even the people from the interrogation intelligence team regained their previous confidence when they walked out.

But the price was that Xiang Tianming was called to the brigade captain's office. I heard that he was severely criticized for interrogating prison workers without permission, which was unorganized and undisciplined, and made people panic.

However, Xiang Tianming has a certain degree of autonomy on the grounds that he has received an application from the disciplinary inspection team. It is just a few workers and does not need to be reported. Only when it involves the cadre level will it be discussed at the meeting.

More importantly, those workers all had problems, and even one of them had a serious problem. There was no such thing as being beaten into submission. It was completely reasonable and reasonable for the interrogation intelligence team to handle it, and no problem could be found in terms of procedures.

In the end, it was said that Xiang Tianming was arrogant when he left the captain's office.

But rumors are just rumors after all.

I'm afraid only the two parties involved know what it really is.

But one thing is that Xiang Tianming is indeed feeling much better at this time.

Having been marginalized by Zhang Xingwu before, it was impossible for him not to have any resentment in his heart, but the other party used the name of captain and the banner of stability and unity to suppress him, so he had nothing to do.

If the interrogation intelligence team takes the initiative for no reason, they will definitely not be able to explain themselves. Zhang Xingwu will also have enough excuses to cause trouble for him. After three or two times, he may be the leader of the team.

But this time, the Disciplinary Inspection Team applied for assistance in the investigation. He did not initiate it, and it was reasonable and reasonable. No one could find fault with it.

Although it is also hands-on, the meaning is different.

This is called being famous.

As a result, Wang Zhenyi, the deputy captain in charge of discipline supervision, not only stood up, but also joined forces with Xiang Tianming to become a powerful force.

With the help of the interrogation intelligence team, the disciplinary inspection team is no longer a decoration.

With the actions taken one after another, the lazy atmosphere of the farm has indeed been greatly improved, and even the work efficiency has improved a lot.

For example, those who wear sweaters, play cards, and quietly skip work during working hours. As long as they are discovered once, they will be posted and publicized.

Not to mention being embarrassed in front of everyone, once it is done more than three times, the bonus will be deducted and the department's outstanding selection will be revoked, which is equivalent to one person dragging down a department.

If you persist despite repeated admonitions, you will adjust your work.

Before adjusting the work, it will be reviewed by the interrogation intelligence team. If there are no problems, then he will definitely not be fired, but don't go to a good department and just sit on the bench.

If there is a problem, it would be even simpler. For workers with such problems and crimes, the prison has legitimate reasons and can be fired directly.

He didn't even have to leave, he served his sentence directly on the farm.

With a guillotine hanging above your head, who dares to deliberately cause trouble?

What's more important is that Wang Zhenyi is also performing his job by doing this. After all, he is in charge of disciplinary supervision and has made political achievements in improving the atmosphere in prisons and farms.

Even if Zhang Xingwu is dissatisfied, there is no excuse to criticize him.

At least there was no pretense of righteousness, and on the premise that Wang Zhenyi had not made any mistakes, Zhang Xingwu could not criticize Wang Zhenyi.

As for letting Wang Zhenyi be responsible for other tasks, that is even more impossible.

How can it be said that the work tasks that were just voted on by a show of hands at the meeting can be changed by changing them?

Therefore, Zhang Xingwu could only grit his teeth and swallow this loss.

Just when the prison was initially successful, that night, not long after Li Weidong had finished his meal, he heard someone knocking on the door.

It was Liu Guangtian.

"Brother Dong, there's a letter from Wang Dayou."

Seeing Li Weidong, Liu Guangtian immediately explained his intention.

Since the last incident, Wang Dayou no longer dared to have any petty thoughts. Even when he saw Liu Guangtian in the factory, he treated him like a brother and even came forward to help Liu Guangtian with a little help, which made his work much easier.

Those old guys who bullied Liu Guangtian in the past did not dare to make any small moves anymore when they saw that Wang Dayou was supporting them.

Although Wang Dayou is a little bug that can be easily crushed to death in front of Li Weidong, he still has a certain prestige in the factory. Whether this prestige is due to fear or other reasons, at least when others mention Wang Dayou, there is no Treat him like a passerby who is nothing.

If he comes forward, those old oil men and ordinary workers will still be given some face.

This is how different classes and circles live.

"Well, Wang Dayou is here too?"

Li Weidong looked at Liu Guangtian and asked. "He's here. He's just outside at the alley. I didn't let him come over. Do you want to meet him?"

"See you."

Li Weidong nodded.

After all, this Wang Dayou had direct contact with Zhang Zhili, so he knew things in more detail.

Soon, after exiting the alley, the three of them stood in a remote place.

"Dong, Brother Dong."

Facing Li Weidong again, Wang Dayou still looked a little frightened.

After all, he had seen Li Weidong's ruthlessness.

Say shoot and shoot.

At the same time, he has now found out Li Weidong's identity.

There is no doubt that this is a thick golden leg. It is not easy for Wang Dayou to have such a good opportunity, so he naturally has to hold it tightly.

It was precisely because of this that he helped Liu Guangtian and kept getting closer to each other.

"Be specific."

Li Weidong asked.

"Yes, Brother Dong, when I got home from get off work today, that person found me and asked me how the preparations were going. I followed your instructions and lied to him that everything was ready, and I also took out the letter written by Liu Guangtian. Report letter.

After reading it, the other party was very satisfied and said that Liu Guangtian and I should go to the street office the day after tomorrow to report you. We must make the matter bigger, preferably making it known to everyone.

But don't worry, Brother Dong, I'm just perfunctory on the surface. As long as you say a word, I will take him down immediately. "

Wang Dayou expressed his loyalty by the way.

"the day after tomorrow?"

Li Weidong made a mental assessment, and it seemed that the other party was well prepared and wanted to use a two-pronged approach to kill him.

"Yes, that person said we would do it the day after tomorrow, but I will definitely listen to you, Brother Dong."

Wang Dayou said.

"In this way, the day after tomorrow you and Liu Guangtian go to the police station to report Zhang Zhili, saying that he bribed you and asked you to join forces with Liu Guangtian to frame me. But you regretted it at the last moment, and Guangtian went with you, which can be considered as a witness for you. As for who to call Report, you know?”

Li Weidong was just waiting for an opportunity. He had no intention of asking the other party to report him first, and then he would turn around and nail the other party to death in one fell swoop.

This seems cool, but it is taking Li Weidong's reputation as a bet.

He had to go through a storm first, which made people think that he was about to die, so the enemies jumped out one by one, and finally it was his turn to close the net and reverse the situation.

But the problem is, Li Weidong knows very well what kind of era this is, and everyone wins for money. Even if he wins in the end, those rumors have already been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and people will instinctively think of this matter in the future.

Even if the rumor is refuted later and it is said to be unjust, how many people can change their preconceived notions?
Another thing, even if Li Weidong himself doesn't care, can the old lady at home and Zhang Xiuzhen not care?
They also have to suffer from fear and cold ridicule.

Unless Li Weidong was stupid, he would let things develop to this point.

He knew clearly that the enemy had set a trap for him, but instead of killing the enemy directly, he had to jump in. What was wrong with this?
Previously, Li Weidong asked the special operations team to monitor Zhao Yongliang and Zhang Zhili just to prepare for the present.

Without waiting for the opponent to really show up, just slap him to death.

No matter what your plan is, why should it be carried out at your own pace?
As for asking Wang Dayou and Liu Guangtian to report, it was just an excuse to arrest Zhang Zhili.

"I know, look for Deputy Director Wu."

Liu Guangtian answered immediately.

Li Weidong introduced Wu Min to him about what happened last time. As the deputy director of the police station, he was already a big shot in his eyes, so he naturally kept it in mind.

"Yes, do your job well and I will remember your performance."

Li Weidong nodded with satisfaction.

Since he dares to use this method, he can naturally sense whether Wang Dayou and Liu Guangtian are sincerely working for him, otherwise it will be easy to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

“Brother Dong, don’t worry, we promise we won’t let you down.”

No matter Liu Guangtian or Wang Dayou, their faces were flushed with excitement when they heard Li Weidong's praise.

What future can there be in being an ordinary worker in a steel rolling mill all your life?
This kind of day with the end in sight can no longer satisfy the two of them at this moment. The reason why they hug Li Weidong's thigh tightly is to have a better future.

They believed that with Li Weidong's ability, just a casual word could help them a lot.

Liu Guangtian has a deep understanding of this point.

He has always believed that Qin Huairu became a quality inspector because Li Weidong helped him speak.

After explaining to the two of them, Li Weidong returned home and fell asleep directly.

The next day, Li Weidong went straight to the leader with the things he had prepared.

The person who received Li Weidong was the secretary of the leader and Secretary Zhuang who had dealt with Li Weidong several times.

"Secretary Zhuang, is the leader busy? I have something to report here."

"Did you hear the news in advance? After being the deputy captain for such a long time, this is the first time you have come to report to the leader. What's wrong? If there is no problem, why don't you come?"

Secretary Zhuang did not regard Li Weidong as an outsider, because he knew very well the importance of Li Weidong in the leader's mind.

As for the purpose of Li Weidong's trip, he had already known it.

He even pinched his fingers and waited for Li Weidong to come to the door.

Just a little earlier than he expected.

"Aren't I afraid that the leader will be too busy? Besides, base training is just that. As long as we stay on the right track, nothing will happen. As for the news, I did hear some, so I checked it out directly. The person behind the scenes has been found out, and it contains some criminal evidence of that person, so it can be regarded as a clean sweep."

Following Li Weidong's words, Secretary Zhuang almost bit his tongue.

He originally thought that Li Weidong was here to argue for him. After all, he also knew that Li Weidong's so-called request for leave also had a serious mission. Last time, the person who called his leader personally called him, and his leader even laughed after hanging up the phone. He couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear and praised him several times in a row.

Therefore, he knew that Li Weidong's so-called problems were not problems at all.

It's just that this kid is indeed a bit lazy, so he might as well take the opportunity to hammer away.

But I didn't expect that after hearing the letter, this guy kept silent, didn't make any noise, and actually investigated all the people behind the scenes. And based on what he said, was there any evidence of guilt?
Of course he did not doubt Li Weidong's ability to investigate and solve crimes, but the question was, could this be investigated privately?
 Hello, gentlemen, I would like to recommend a book by a friend, it’s a very good book!


(End of this chapter)

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