Chapter 557 To go or not to go!

Although Hu Jingcheng also recognized Li Weidong's reasons, it did not mean that he would agree.

Just like what he just said.

Li Weidong's life is his, but it is not his.

When performing tasks, there will definitely be considerations above.

Of course, this is also because Hu Jingcheng is here and there are leaders standing behind Li Weidong.

Others will naturally be wary and consider some gains and losses.

Otherwise, if someone changes the person in charge who has conflicts with Li Weidong, he may send Li Weidong out immediately.


That's better.

As for whether it is suitable or not, you can't say it with your mouth.

He could even pat his chest and say righteously that Li Weidong was sent there to complete the task better and to find something that Lin Zhenwu would rather sacrifice than hide.

And those things are enough for the H Submarine Research Institute to complete the design as soon as possible, so that there will be a sharp sword along the country's coast.

This is an important task that can protect our country.

That’s why we have to choose elite soldiers and strong generals.

Li Weidong can't be so special that he can't bear even a little danger, right?

Baojianfeng comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

Choosing Li Weidong also means trusting him.

Listen, how noble are these excuses and reasons?

No one can find anything wrong with it.

If this is really the case, can Li Weidong refuse?

Therefore, the value of Li Weidong is different in the eyes of different people.

At least Hu Jingcheng knew Li Weidong's abilities well, so he would never agree to let him take risks.

The key is that Hu Jingcheng did this not out of selfish motives.

At this moment, the phone on the desk in front of Hu Jingcheng rang.

Half an hour later, Li Weidong drove Hu Jingcheng to the leadership office.

In less than a day, Li Weidong came here for the second time.

The caller was Secretary Zhuang who was next to the leader. Although he didn't say anything on the phone, at this moment, both Hu Jingcheng and Li Weidong had some guesses when they were asked to come together.

"Leader, to be honest, I don't think it's a good idea to let Weidong go there. Although the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but everything over there is unknown and full of uncertainty. If something unexpected happens, even if Wei Dong has With such great ability, is it possible that he can still fight his way back?"

Hu Jingcheng expressed his opinions.

Obviously, the leader found the two of them for the purpose of going north.

This incident finally alarmed the other party.

After all, Li Weidong is nominally his confidant.

Perhaps, it was also the aftermath of what happened in the morning.

In the previous meeting, the person who was taken away was not a loner. It was certainly unusual to be able to sit in this position.

Even if the person who really took action was the leader, Li Weidong's role could not be hidden from anyone at all.

When things started to ferment, people immediately remembered Li Weidong.

The person in charge of the matter in the north obviously realized that Li Weidong was a very suitable candidate after learning about him.

So, I finally found the leader.

"What about you? What do you think?"

After listening, the leader turned his attention to Li Weidong.

"I follow orders."

When he was in Hu Jingcheng's office, Li Weidong was very enthusiastic and admitted that he was the most suitable candidate.

But that was based on the premise that Hu Jingcheng planned to let Chen Xia lead the Wolf Fang special operations team to perform the mission.

Otherwise, Li Weidong would not take the initiative to ask for help.

But now, the person asking the question was the leader, so Li Weidong changed his answer.

"How likely do you think there is something hidden over there?"

The leader thought for a moment and continued to ask.

"Seventy percent."

Li Weidong replied.

This answer is also based on the obvious hint of a cathedral.

"Seventy percent? Then if you are allowed to go there, what are the chances of bringing the things back?"

The leader asked again.

"If the thing is really hidden there, it's not a big problem, but I have a request."

Li Weidong listened to the leader's tone and seemed to be inclined to go by himself.

It's not that he doesn't care about Li Weidong's safety, but his perspective is obviously different from Hu Jingcheng's.

Perhaps there is an inside story hidden behind this matter that even Hu Jingcheng doesn't know about.

"any request?"

The leader was a little curious.

Even Hu Jingcheng frowned, but didn't say anything.

"I need absolute autonomy. No matter what decision I make, no one can tell me what to do, and no one can ask me about it afterwards. I am only responsible for going there, finding things, and bringing them back."

Li Weidong said simply.

If he went there, he would definitely use the farm warehouse to bring things back without anyone noticing.

But if someone questions and wants to know the details of how he brought something back, how should he answer?

Is it possible to tell the other party that he has a farm warehouse?
And since he uses this method, the method he formulated before is somewhat inappropriate.

So he took precautions to avoid having to explain things later.

"Yes, since I chose you, I must believe in your ability and how to do it. I can agree to your request. Even no matter what your request, the country will fully cooperate.

Even if nothing can be done and you encounter danger, you can give up the task directly and focus on protecting yourself. "

The leader nodded and said simply.

"Boss, do you really want Wei Dong to go there?"

Hu Jingcheng couldn't help but said.

"The situation is not optimistic, so we must build our own H submarine as soon as possible so that the country can have sufficient deterrence at sea.

Someone has talked to me before about the difficulty of building H submarines in our country. It can be said that starting from scratch is completely poor.

We can only rely on our experts to imagine and spend a lot of time verifying it.

Before Weidong found those H submarine drawings, do you know how our experts designed the H submarine?

We relied on an H-submarine model that someone bought from Beautiful Country last year, and then through research, we prepared to use this as a reference to design our own H-submarine.

But the problem is that this process is undoubtedly long and arduous.

The information that Weidong found last time gave those experts more references and greatly accelerated the design process.

That's why some people promoted this plan and wanted to get more detailed information about H submarines.

Originally, we still had some time, but this time they suddenly purchased two new frigates, which suddenly made the situation tense.

Coupled with the news coming from the north, the plan is already half successful, so we can't give up as long as possible.

Throughout history, those who fall behind are destined to be beaten.

Now we can only protect ourselves by catching up and chasing with all our might.

And the time left for us is running out. "

The leader said loudly.

At this point, even Hu Jingcheng fell silent.

"Leader, I will do my best to complete this mission."

Li Weidong was silent for a moment and nodded vigorously.Although this trip to the north may be dangerous, Li Weidong is confident that he can resolve it.

If that's the case, then we have to do something, right?

Compared with those experts who have lost their hair and can only use pencils to verify on drawings. Day after day, there is no hope, which consumes countless brain cells and wastes a lot of hard work.

Li Weidong just took some risks, so what does it mean?
Moreover, the leader did not ask him to die, but it even showed that if nothing could be done, he could give up the task in order to preserve his own priority.

With such deep love, what else could he say?
"Okay, if you need any help, you can tell me and I will try my best to get someone to cooperate with you."

There was a hint of relief on the leader's face.

"No need to go to such trouble. I will lead a special operations team and go there through the normal route. Leave the rest to me."

Li Weidong said confidently.

"No problem. Just go back and prepare. Someone will contact you later."

said the leader.

Later, Li Weidong and Hu Jingcheng left.

"Protect yourself. I have everything at home."

On the way, Hu Jingcheng said something.

At this point, he also understood that Li Weidong was destined to go north and could not be changed.

The only thing he can do is help take care of the house and not interfere with Li Weidong too much.

"Uncle Hu, don't worry. To me, this matter is just a trip around the country. I regard it as a trip abroad. I don't know how many people envy me. By the way, it's rare to go abroad. Do you want to bring some for you? what?"

Li Weidong had a very relaxed attitude and talked as if he was going on an outing.

Going abroad is no stranger to him.

In his previous life, after he got rich, he traveled abroad frequently and visited many places.

Even though it's different now than it was a lifetime ago, at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.

"Bringing something?"

Hu Jingcheng was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "Young moth, do you really think you were just playing around?"

"Okay, I'll change some rubles later, and don't glare at me when I look at buying some souvenirs. I'm going to the cathedral to look for something, so I have to have an excuse, right?"
It was my first time to go abroad, and I went out under the guise of shopping to avoid suspicion from others.

So strictly speaking, this is called buying something under orders.

You have to reimburse me later. "

Li Weidong said pretending to be relaxed.

"That's right, but you don't have to pay for it yourself. I'll mention it later and have someone prepare some money for you."

Hu Jingcheng listened to Li Weidong's excuse, thought about it carefully, and realized that it was the same reason, and nodded calmly.

"That's a good relationship, but you don't have to hand over the things you bought, right?"

Li Weidong joked.

"I'll help you apply then."

Hu Jingcheng shook his head.

Not handing in?
How can that work.

This is money provided by the state, how can it go into your own pocket?
Even if Li Weidong has merit, one code will be the same.

This also prevents anyone from being jealous and deliberately nitpicking, causing flaws in an otherwise successful mission.


Li Weidong shook his head, but didn't care.

Anyway, he is not short of money now, so it would be nice to buy some souvenirs as gifts.

Think about the 80s, when the country was just opened, everyone was proud to go abroad. If you didn't bring something back, who would know you went abroad?

Li Weidong is used to seeing all kinds of things, but his mind is his own.

Soon, after sending Hu Jingcheng to the eleventh inning, Li Weidong drove back to the training base, and then called Chen Xia, Wang Hongwei, and the Langya special operations team to his office.

Seeing this formation, both Chen Xia and Wang Hongwei were puzzled.

Li Weidong left in a hurry before, and now he called everyone here again. Could it be that something important happened?

"Next, I'm going on a long trip. I'll keep an eye on you two at home. If anything happens, you can go find Bureau Hu."

Li Weidong said directly.

"Going far?"

Chen Xia couldn't help but ask.

How far away can a door be considered a far door?
Do you still have to ask them to find Hu Jingcheng if something goes wrong?

"Yes, don't ask about the specific matter. Keep it secret. In short, you two just take care of your family."

Li Weidong waved his hand and did not intend to say more.


Chen Xia and Wang Hongwei nodded.

Then he looked at the Wolf Fang special operations team opposite.

Obviously, since Li Weidong called them over, he planned to take the Langya special operations team out.

But precisely because of this, both Chen Xia and Wang Hongwei realized that this mission might not be easy.

"You five are on vacation now. Go home and get ready. Bring some changes of clothes and come back tomorrow morning."

Only then did Li Weidong look at the five members of the Langya special operations team.

In comparison, it is more dangerous for the five of them to follow him.

Because on the surface, they have to attract other people's attention.

If there is any accident or danger, they will be the first to bear the brunt.

"Yes, Chief Instructor."

The five members of the Langya special operations team raised their heads and held their chests high. There was no trace of fear on their faces, but they were eager to try.

They didn't ask where they were going, let alone why. All they had to do was obey orders.

In their hearts, it is an honor to be able to follow Li Weidong on a mission.

In the training base, I don’t know how many people envied them.

Because Li Weidong took them with him because he trusted them and at the same time treated them as his true own.

This is called a confidant.

Especially since they were trained by Li Weidong before, each of them has seen Li Weidong's ability, and Li Weidong is also the benchmark in their minds.

"Well, let's go."

Li Weidong nodded, and the five people immediately turned and left.

This trip to the north will definitely take a short time. Not to mention anything else, the distance between the two places alone is [-] kilometers.

At the current speed of the train, the fastest is only a hundred kilometers, and with stops and starts along the way, the average is only seventy or eighty kilometers.

Therefore, the time spent on the road alone is nearly 80 hours.

Just counting back and forth, it takes almost a week.

Not to mention that they had other missions on this trip, and they had to find things secretly.

Even if everything goes well, no matter how smooth it is, it will take at least half a month.

If you have difficulty moving, this time will have to be delayed further.

Therefore, Li Weidong told Chen Xia and Wang Hongwei to take good care of their home.

After all, this time is different from the last time I went to the Northwest. Over there, it is still domestic after all, and I can call back if anything happens.

But this time I went out and couldn't contact the training base.

Therefore, Li Weidong gave the special operations team a holiday and asked them to go home and clean up. Then he drove to the Sixth Farm and told Zhou Xiaobai to avoid being away for too long and she would not be able to find him and worry.

Zhou Xiaobai was also reasonable. He just told Li Weidong to take care of himself and did not ask what Li Weidong was doing.

After "pacifying" Zhou Xiaobai, Li Weidong drove back to the courtyard.

 Gentlemen, can you shamelessly ask for two guaranteed monthly passes?

(End of this chapter)

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