
In two lifetimes combined, this was the first time for Li Weidong to come to this city.

Compared to the capital city, which still looks shabby, there are many tall buildings here, the roads have been paved with asphalt, and old-fashioned cars are driving on them.

On the street, there are flowers blooming.

At that time, after more than ten years of recuperation, the city was once again full of passion.

This can be seen just from the confidence on the faces of pedestrians.

A week ago, Li Weidong and his party arrived in Mohe, but they were delayed at the border for three or four days before they were able to cross the river, and then were 'escorted' all the way to this side.

Although the relationship between the two sides is becoming increasingly tense, many people still study and even live here.

Almost all of these people came here during the honeymoon period, but due to various reasons, they did not go back.

In addition, because of the short time, Li Weidong and his group did not encounter any strange looks even when walking on the street.

But there are always a few tails behind him.

After all, the timing of their arrival was a bit of a 'coincidence'.

Just after Lin Zhenwu's incident happened, they got together. Although they were nominally escorting the two veteran experts who had worked hard, no one was a fool.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have waited in Mohe for several days.

However, the two old professors who returned home said a lot of good things, and thanks to their help, otherwise it would have been difficult for them to get on the streets smoothly.

Of course, they also have missions on the surface.

Just 'inviting' some people home.

In the past two days, Li Weidong also visited some students who were about to graduate or had already graduated. They were basically led by Chen Guangkun, and there was also a cadre specifically responsible for this matter.

Li Weidong was among them, inconspicuous at all.

Even along the way, no one paid attention to him.

Even though Li Weidong is barely considered a top figure in the country and has won several first-class merit awards, his identity is highly confidential and not many people know the truth, even if it was because of the steel rolling mill and the subsequent incident. , nothing about him was leaked here.

Another one is the advantage of age.

Li Weidong, who is not more than [-] years old, is at the age where he has no hair on his lips and looks more like a student.

With all this, no one would doubt him.

Even Chen Guangkun, who had been 'close' to him all the way, only thought that his family was wealthy and that he had some background.

After all, ordinary people don’t have the money to eat at a food truck.

"These guys have made Fugui so confused that they don't even want to go back."

When he returned to his temporary hotel, Chen Guangkun couldn't help but complain, but Li Weidong read a bit of envy in his resentment.

After getting to know each other along the way, Li Weidong also knew that Chen Guangkun felt honored to have studied here, and it seemed a pity to show off his life here several times.

Just as the saying goes, don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you, the same can be said in reverse.

I can't stay here, so why can you stay here?
To put it bluntly, it means that I feel unbalanced.

"At first, my family provided for them to study, but I didn't expect that some white-eyed wolves would come out."

Chen Guangkun continued to talk bitterly.

"Xiao Chen, don't talk nonsense. These people just said that they haven't finished their studies and may not be able to help if they go back now. They want to study here for a few more years and then go back with something useful."

The person who spoke was the team leader this time, named Xu Lin, who was in his forties. He was a cadre from the diplomatic side and had been here for two years. He came here this time and was familiar with the people.

At this moment, although he was defending those people, his expression was inevitably a little dark.

He had high hopes for this trip, but now it seems that the effect is not ideal.

But he didn't have any good solution for this. After all, it was impossible to kidnap him, he could only do it out of emotion.

"Chief Xu, what should we do next? Continue to wait for them to think about it, or should we think of another way?"

Chen Guangkun couldn't help but ask.

"Wait for two days. After all, there is still one person I haven't met yet."

Xu Lin thought for a while and said.

"Chief Xu, I studied here for several years, and a few of my classmates stayed in school and became teachers. Can I pay a visit these two days?"

Chen Guangkun asked.

When he goes to visit, it is of course impossible for him to let the other party follow him. With the current relationship between the two parties, this is almost impossible.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to go out and hang out.

After all, he finally came here, and he still wanted to buy some souvenirs to show off when he went back.

"Okay, but don't forget our discipline."

Xu Lin did not refuse. After everyone finally went abroad, it was unrealistic to expect them all to stay in the hotel.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't make a mistake."

Chen Guangkun patted his chest confidently.

Next to him, Li Weidong stood there, inconspicuous at all.

Not even Xu Lin knew his identity.

Although Li Weidong first arrested Zhang Qinhua and then 'forced to death' a young and promising cadre, these two incidents were suppressed and not publicized.

So even if Xu Lin is from there, he doesn't know Li Weidong's illustrious reputation.

Even when he came here this time, Li Weidong borrowed another identity.

And this is what Li Weidong asked for.

"Chief Xu, can I follow Teacher Chen to see him?"

Li Weidong couldn't help but said.

"Yes, Section Chief Xu, let Xiao Li follow me. This way we can take care of each other, and we can remind each other not to make mistakes."

Chen Guangkun also said immediately.

As early as on the way here, Li Weidong revealed that he came here just to see something and take a good stroll.

At that time, Li Weidong was inviting Chen Guangkun to eat in the dining car. When the other party heard this, he immediately patted his chest and promised that he was familiar with the place and would help Li Weidong lead the way.

"Okay, you two go early and come back early."

When Xu Lin thought about it, it was the same reason.

And although he didn't know Li Weidong's specific identity, he had an explanation for being able to receive this job.

"Thank you, Chief Xu."

Chen Guangkun pulled Li Weidong to thank him and gave the latter a look.

In this way, the two were able to leave the hotel.

"Weidong, while it's still early, let's go shopping first. Where do you want to go?"

"I heard that St. Basil's Cathedral is quite famous. Can you go and see it?"

Li Weidong was not polite and directly stated his destination.

When he came here, instead of being secretive, it was better to go there openly, and in name, the two of them were going out to play. Even if they were followed behind him, after he found something, he hid it directly in the farm warehouse, no matter who it was, Can't find it either.

"Saint Basil's Cathedral?"

Chen Guangkun frowned. "What? Are you in trouble?"

Li Weidong asked.

"It's okay to go over there, but it's a pity that I didn't bring a camera, otherwise I could have taken a few photos."

Chen Guangkun shook his head. The reason why he hesitated just now was mainly because he had no interest there. In comparison, he would rather go to a neighborhood like a shopping mall.

However, thinking that Li Weidong had invited him to have a meal in the dining car on the train before, and he patted his chest and promised at that time, it would be difficult to refute the other party's face.

"Forget about the camera. It's not good for us to take random photos on other people's property. It would be nice if we could go and take a look."

Li Weidong shook his head.

He had done his homework before and knew where Saint Basil was next to. If he went there to take pictures, wouldn't he be looking for trouble?

This is equivalent to a few foreigners running to take pictures in front of their own gate tower. What do they want?
They were already a bit annoying when they came here, so it was better to be nice and sensible.

Of course, Chen Guangkun's character and identity were inaccessible to these. In addition, from his point of view on the train, he thought it was just a simple mission.

Moreover, he is one of those people with great ambitions and talents. He had previously shouted on the train that he was on a mission to break the ice, but when he was frustrated at first contact, he wanted to give up.

Even if it was a mission or not, I had long forgotten it.

Just thinking that this trip would leave some memories.

But his personality is exactly what Li Weidong needs to cover up for him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made those arrangements along the way, and even deliberately arranged the two people's seats together.

"Okay, let's take the bus."

After Chen Guangkun finished speaking, he took Li Weidong and left.

Although a lot has changed over the years, Chen Guangkun still led Li Weidong on the bus to St. Basil's Cathedral.

After getting on the bus, facing those curious eyes, Chen Guangkun did not hesitate and talked to them skillfully.

On the other hand, Li Weidong basically couldn't understand it because he had never learned Russian.

Along the way, Chen Guangkun introduced some buildings on the road to Li Weidong from time to time, and seemed quite excited.

Li Weidong also showed appropriate expressions of surprise, envy, etc., but some of his attention fell on a middle-aged man sitting not far behind them.

When they were waiting for the bus, the other party happened to come over and wait for the bus, and got on a bus with the two of them.

Li Weidong already knew the identity of the other party as soon as he appeared. Although the other party was very good at tracking him, the eyes that lingered on him from time to time could not be hidden from Li Weidong.

Chen Guangkun was so careless that he didn't even notice.

And whenever two people speak Chinese, the other party listens carefully and can obviously understand.

In this way, the two of them took the bus and got off at the stop near St. Basil's Cathedral.

This cathedral is located at the southern end of Red Square, next to the Kremlin, and has special significance.

The entire church is cleverly combined with nine towers. The surrounding eight towers are slightly lower and surround a central tower. It looks majestic.

There were quite a few people in the square in front of the door, and it was obvious that there was a strong artistic atmosphere.

Because here some people are singing, some are painting, and many people are taking photos.

For China at this time, owning a camera was a luxury, but here it seems very common.

Although Chen Guangkun showed little interest before, when he arrived, he was still excited to introduce it to Li Weidong.

However, although Li Weidong looked carefully, he recalled the clues left by Lin Zhenwu in his mind.

When he was doing research before, he also found a few people who knew something about St. Basil's Cathedral, and after questioning, he also learned some simple clues.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I continue to verify it with the memory in my mind.

In addition to the location of St. Basil's Cathedral, the clues left by Lin Zhenwu also include a number: 12.

What does this number represent?


or something else?

When Li Weidong was looking for that batch of mysterious materials, he found them under the bell tower of the East Hall, so when he first heard the number 12, he instinctively thought that Lin Zhenwu was referring to time.

And time naturally represents the bell tower.

As it happens, the main building of St. Basil's Cathedral is a tall bell tower.

At present, just looking at it with the naked eye, the bell tower is almost 70 meters high.

The two came to the front of the bell tower and could clearly see the huge clock. Time was constantly turning at this moment.

Did Lin Zhenwu put things in this bell tower?

Li Weidong couldn't help thinking.

But I feel vaguely that it won't be that simple.

Because even an ordinary person would make vague guesses after seeing the number 12 and then seeing the clock on the bell tower.

According to the clues on the surface, maybe the thing is hidden on the clock tower. Behind the clock represents the number 12.

In comparison, this thing is not difficult to guess.

With Lin Zhenwu's caution, would he leave such obvious clues?
Is it so easy for people to guess?
Li Weidong felt that this possibility was unlikely.

Otherwise, Lin Zhenwu wouldn't have to be so cautious at all.

"Can I go inside and visit?"

Li Weidong asked Chen Guangkun beside him.

"I don't know either. Just wait a minute and I'll ask the people here."

Chen Guangkun shook his head, then motioned to Li Weidong to wait, then ran over to the person and greeted him enthusiastically.

Li Weidong just listened to Chen Guangkun mumbling for a while, pointing at the bell tower and asking him.

But judging from the results, it doesn't seem to be very good.

Because Li Weidong shook his head firmly when he saw the other person asking.

"It seems that the place is being renovated, so you can't go in for a visit at the moment."

Sure enough, Chen Guangkun brought back some not-so-good news.

Li Weidong looked disappointed on the surface, but he was certain in his heart.

Nothing is definitely hidden in the bell tower.

Since entry is currently prohibited there, it is naturally impossible for Lin Zhenwu to go in, and it is impossible to get anything inside.

Given the environment here, even if Lin Zhenwu came over in a hurry, it would be impossible for him to sneak in quietly and then go to a lot of trouble to get things into the bell tower.

After confirming this, Li Weidong appeared disappointed, but in fact, he solved a question in his heart.

Since the things were not hidden in the bell tower, what does the number 12 left by Lin Zhenwu mean?

Li Weidong stood in front of the bell tower, looked away from the bell tower, and turned back to look in the direction facing the bell tower.

If it refers to the direction, then taking the clock tower as the front, the direction of 12 o'clock is naturally facing the clock tower.

But what appeared in front of Li Weidong was the Kremlin Palace.

Even if Lin Zhenwu has three heads and six arms, he can't do anything.

Negating the orientation again, what does this 12 represent?

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