Chapter 564 Fenpi Factory

"You haven't been here for a while."

Li Weidong chatted with Zhou Xiaobai for a long time, and then came to Zhou Ji's office.

The latter seemed to have known that he was coming to the farm for a long time, so he specially waited for Li Weidong here.

"I went out for a trip. How has the situation been in the prison recently?"

Li Weidong explained casually.

"Deputy Captain Wang is in charge of disciplinary supervision and has made things very prosperous. Coupled with the support of the interrogation intelligence team, it can be regarded as a firm footing."

Zhou Ji naturally knew what Li Weidong wanted to ask.

In fact, there has been a lot of commotion in the prison recently regarding disciplinary supervision.

However, what Zhou Ji was thinking about was the last time Wang Zhenyi came to see Li Weidong. It was only after that day that the disciplinary supervision department became active.

Moreover, Xiang Tianming is currently in charge of the interrogation intelligence team. It is clear who he is close to.

Coupled with the things Li Weidong asked him to help with at that time, it made him understand whose handiwork all this was.

It's just that he didn't feel pity in his heart.

After all, Li Weidong now belongs to the training base, the prison, and the Sixth Farm. To him, he is just a passerby.

If Li Weidong had stayed in prison, and if Xu Wen had not left so early, perhaps in a few years, the young man in front of him would be in charge of the prison.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

Moreover, although Li Weidong left the prison, he was still the deputy captain, with the same level as the deputy captain in the prison.

And he, as the instructor of the Sixth Farm, is one level lower than Li Weidong.

So I am not qualified to judge anything.

"That's good. What's going on with Captain Zhang?"

Li Weidong nodded.

Although he gave Wang Zhenyi an idea at the beginning, he could not control how far the other party could achieve it.

In addition, he had been abroad for more than half a month and had no idea about the situation in the prison, so he came to ask Zhou Ji.

Although Wang Zhenyi has now gained a firm footing through Zhou Ji's words, Captain Zhang is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"The captain is very supportive of Deputy Captain Wang's work."

Zhou Ji had a slight look of confusion on his face.

It seemed like he couldn't figure it out either.

"By the way, he came here a week ago to inspect the Weidong No. [-] sweet potato grown in the experimental field and the situation on the woman's farm."


Li Weidong was thoughtful.

Logically speaking, with Zhang Xingwu's character, he would definitely not sit back and watch Wang Zhenyi make trouble, but he not only sat back and watched, but even supported it uncharacteristically. There must be some reason for this.

When he thought about the fact that the other party came here to inspect, not only the planting situation of Weidong No. [-], but also the women's farm, he vaguely thought of some possibility.

Today's prison system is under the jurisdiction of the public security department.

Naturally, Zhang Xingwu also had to obey the orders over there.

Presumably, Zhang Xingwu also knew that Zhao Yongliang from the training base and the person behind him were taken away.

What Li Weidong did, to some extent, served as a warning to the monkeys and made Zhang Xingwu fearful of him.

As for Wang Zhenyi and Xiang Tianming, their relationship with him is well known.

Even the fact that Zhou Xiaobai is his girlfriend is not a secret.

Therefore, Zhang Xingwu's inspection here is also sending a signal of goodwill.

This is also the reason why the other party did not fall out with Wang Zhenyi and even supported the other party's work.

Thinking about it, the other party was not willing to conflict with Li Weidong.

After all, Li Weidong is a little too ungrateful.

Who can bear this?
"I guess I should have made it for you to see."

Although Zhou Ji didn't know what happened at the training base, he knew a little bit. Zhang Xingwu didn't care much about the women's farm in the past.

This sudden concern clearly had some purpose.

Coupled with what happened before, the answer is already obvious.

"I don't have such a big reputation, but I think the sixth farm is developing very well, and it will soon become the largest farm."

Li Weidong shook his head.

Regardless of the truth, he didn't want to be too showy.

But Zhou Ji just smiled.

"The Sixth Farm has developed so fast, thanks to you. The Meng Dayong you appointed before has a few brushes. Not only did the air-raid shelters be built in a decent manner, but he also found several wells on the farm and drilled them all. With water, it can basically supply water for the farm.

As for the Sixth Farm’s desire to develop into the largest farm, it is still early.

I talked to Captain Zhao before. The Sixth Farm still lacks one thing that can be obtained. What are your ideas? "

Zhou Ji couldn't help but ask.

He knew that Li Weidong had extraordinary knowledge and ability, otherwise he would not be able to build a greenhouse. Even Professor Zhao was full of praise, otherwise the new variety cultivated this time would not be called Weidong No. [-].

"Something available?"

When Li Weidong was asked this question, he couldn't help but think about it.

Anyway, he is still serving as the vice-captain of the Sixth Farm, and the Sixth Farm is developing well, which is also beneficial to him.

Although there is an orchard on the Sixth Farm, the little fruit can be regarded as welfare. It is simply not realistic to make canned fruits.

As for the greenhouse, although it brought a lot of honors to the Sixth Farm, even if new sweet potato varieties were developed, they would eventually be grown on all farms.

There are no patents on the farm. If other farms grow Weidong No. [-], they will not give a pound of grain to Farm No. [-].

That is to say, it has a good reputation.

In fact, in addition to farming, every farm basically has some by-products, such as making some things, such as brick kilns, and raising pigs.

But when it comes to the real side job, Li Weidong can't help but think of sewing machines.

This is a famous prison industry in later generations.

Basically every prison is equipped with one.

But for now, be it cloth or sewing machines, they are still considered luxury goods.

Nowadays, a sewing machine costs about three to four hundred yuan, which is much more expensive than a bicycle.

The so-called "three turns and one ring" of marriage was also a thing in the 70s. At that time, the price of sewing machines was much cheaper.

Therefore, it is currently impossible for prisons to obtain hundreds of sewing machines, and the so-called stepping on sewing machines is out of the question.

Right now, prison farms are mostly brick kilns.

But this thing is basically available on other farms. It is standard at best and not a feature at all.

"We can build a vermicelli factory on our farm to make vermicelli and vermicelli."

Li Weidong thought of Weidong No. [-], which has a higher starch content than ordinary sweet potatoes and is just right for making vermicelli.

What is certain is that with the large-scale planting of Weidong No. [-] on farms in the coming year, sweet potato production will also increase significantly.

Rather than handing over the sweet potato directly, it is better to make vermicelli and vermicelli.

In this way, the Sixth Farm can use vermicelli and vermicelli to exchange supplies with other factories in the future, which will also save a lot of worry in terms of welfare.When Li Weidong was at the Third Farm, he helped with welfare once and exchanged a lot of vermicelli.

Nowadays, vermicelli is also a good thing, and stewing a cabbage in winter is also a delicacy.

If the Sixth Farm can produce vermicelli and vermicelli, it can definitely be used.

"Powder leather factory?"

"Yes, this thing is not difficult to make, and it doesn't require any skills. Just get a few flour grinding machines and build a few starch sedimentation tanks, and you can make a steady stream of hand-made vermicelli."

Li Weidong thought for a while and found out that many handicraft workshops in later generations produced powdered skin in this way.

The reason why there were no farms to build noodle factories in the past is not unexpected. The main reason is that the sweet potato yield on the farms is not high, and it is far less troublesome than building a brick kiln. After all, the main material for brick production is soil.

And in this wilderness, the most indispensable thing is soil.

But with the planting of Weidong No. [-], this situation is bound to change significantly.

After all, anyone who is not stupid will rush to plant high-yielding grain.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that? With Fenpi, our farm can exchange things with other factories. The food tasks assigned to the prison can also be replaced by Fenpi. Who knows, we can still make a lot of money. "

Zhou Ji slapped his thigh and said excitedly.

Although today is a planned economy, what is produced and how much is produced are all subject to quota tasks.

But even if Sixth Farm builds a powdered leather factory, it won't be too big and it won't have any impact at all.

And in this regard, the farm also has a certain degree of autonomy.

Even the sweet potato residue left over from making vermicelli can be used to feed pigs, which is a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone.

As for making money, this kind of thing cannot be said openly, but no matter what, if the Sixth Farm really wants to build a flour factory, it will definitely have great potential.

Currently, the newly improved sweet potatoes are planted in Farm No. [-]. He knows better than anyone else the yields of these new varieties, and they will definitely be planted on a large scale in the future.

Just the sweet potatoes grown on six farms are basically enough.

If that doesn't work, you can go to the surrounding villages to collect some. You can exchange them directly for powdered leather without paying any money. I believe those villages will be willing to do so.

"Let's go find the captain together."

Zhou Ji immediately took Li Weidong to find Zhao Haifeng.

After all, the other party is the captain of the Sixth Farm, and the other party's decision on this matter is indispensable.

However, based on Zhou Ji's understanding of Zhao Haifeng, the other party would definitely not refuse this proposal.

Because the better the Sixth Farm develops, the more face the captain Zhao Haifeng will have. These are all real achievements.

"I won't go there. Just tell Captain Zhao about this little matter later."

Li Weidong shook his head.

He just came up with some ideas, how to build it, how to build it, and how large it would be. Naturally, Zhao Haifeng had to discuss it with Zhou Ji, and Li Weidong didn't intend to get involved, mainly because for him, this kind of thing was really meaningless.

"That's right, a powder leather factory is not worth your presence, but I will tell the captain later that it was all your idea."

Zhou Ji paused, then nodded.

After all, their status is different, and what is a big thing in his eyes is just a trivial matter to Li Weidong.

The other party has already made up his mind, so the rest of the matter will only require some thought, and it is no longer a big problem.

Whether it is him or Zhao Haifeng, they can easily complete this matter.

"Instructor, there is no need for us to be so open to each other, and anyway, I can be considered a member of the Sixth Farm. The Sixth Farm is developing well, and I also have face."

Li Weidong said.

"Hey, whether it is the Sixth Farm or the prison, it is still too small for you. It would actually be better for you to jump out as soon as possible."

Zhou Ji suddenly sighed.

Every time he sees Li Weidong, he feels old.

Afterwards, Zhou Ji took Li Weidong to chat for a while before the latter left.

As soon as Li Weidong left, Zhou Ji came to Zhao Haifeng's office.

In fact, Zhao Haifeng also knew that Li Weidong had been in Zhou Ji's office before, but he did not show up.

"People are gone?"

Zhao Haifeng couldn't help but feel a little strange when he saw Zhou Ji's face full of excitement.

"Well, I just left. In fact, there is no need for you to deliberately keep a distance from Wei Dong."

Zhou Ji couldn't help but said.

How could he not know what Zhao Haifeng was thinking?
To be honest, Zhao Haifeng and Li Weidong had some conflicts at first, which ended with Gong Jiadong leaving.

Although he didn't say it, Zhou Ji knew that Zhao Haifeng was still a little dissatisfied.

But this kind of thing cannot be resolved by him in a few words.

"That's good. After all, he basically won't come over now. Even if something happens, won't you still be here? It's not appropriate for our Sixth Farm to be too close to him, otherwise I'm worried about what the captain will think."

Zhao Haifeng shook his head.

It's like not putting eggs in one basket.

If he wasn't blind, how could he not see the situation in the prison?
It is precisely because of this that the Sixth Farm has to maintain some distance.

"Okay, it's up to you, but this time we owe Weidong a favor."

Zhou Ji didn't say anything else.

"What kind of favor?"

Zhao Haifeng asked doubtfully.

"Didn't we discuss making something special on the farm last time? I just asked Weidong and he gave us an idea to build a flour factory. Professor Zhao also said before that the starch content of Weidong No. [-] is relatively high. , is best used to make vermicelli, and the yield will be higher.

We can build the flour factory first before other farms react. The flour produced in the future will offset the food task, and the farm will be much more relaxed. We can even use the flour to exchange for the welfare of the farm in the future. "

Zhou Ji immediately told Li Weidong's idea.

"Powder leather factory? Is that possible?"

Zhao Haifeng's eyes suddenly widened.

"Why not? As far as I know, making vermicelli is not difficult, and our farm plans to have [-] acres of land. We will grow more sweet potatoes in the future. Don't we have everything?"

Zhou Ji said.

"We can't rush this matter. It's still early in autumn anyway. I'll go to a few powder leather factories first. If it's not difficult, we'll build one."

Zhao Haifeng thought for a while and said seriously.

His personality is relatively calm to begin with, and he won't do things without hesitation when his head gets hot.

"Okay, but don't make any noise about this matter for now. I'm worried that other farms will hear the news and rush ahead of us."

Zhou Ji nodded and expressed his worries.

After all, the farm mainly focuses on delivering food, and has planned tasks every year, which is different from the brick factory.

After all, as long as there are people in the brick factory, it will not delay growing food.

The flour factory consumes food.

Even the prison can only allow one farm to build a noodle factory at most. Any more will affect the food mission.

Such a good opportunity cannot be cheaper than other farms.

While the two were discussing, Li Weidong saw that it was not far from the get off work point, so he simply drove the jeep back to the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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