Chapter 584 Preset Battlefield
Prison here.

Chen Xia had always been responsible for the handover and promotion work before, but on this day, Li Weidong suddenly came over.

At this time, the three-story office building was half empty, and the windows of several offices had been removed. Opposite these offices, a platform was built to allow them to communicate with each other. The two offices are on the same level, and the distance between them is no more than ten meters.

Even without a telescope, you can clearly see every move inside.

This platform is actually used for leaders to observe actual combat exercises.

However, just in case, a layer of shoulder-length wooden boards was installed on the side facing the office.

Fortunately, the actual combat exercises used rubber bullets, so even if the shot was accidentally missed, this layer of wood would be able to block it and no accident would occur.

To be honest, conducting actual combat exercises in this era is obviously a bit thankless, especially indoor actual combat exercises.

Because there are no cameras, if you want to watch the scene, you can only stand aside.

Unlike the live broadcast room of future exercises, there is a huge screen that can broadcast the location of everyone and every place, which is both safe and secure.

Fortunately, although the current method of building a platform is a bit clumsy, it is still effective and allows you to intuitively see all the movements in the room.

And those offices were the scheduled training battlefields.

At that time, the 'bandits' will take hostages and hide inside, and then the special operations team will conduct a surprise rescue.

Some of the corners of the stairs have also been demolished to a certain extent, so that the conditions inside can be seen from the outside.

Apart from that, there are no curtains or anything like that.

But in fact, if there is a robber, the other party will definitely draw the curtains and block the windows, just in case.

But in this actual combat exercise, this cannot be the case, otherwise what would the leaders see?
Hear a noise outside?
Therefore, although this actual combat exercise has been pursued as realistically as possible, it still has a large performance component.

First of all, the preset battlefield is on the second floor. At that time, the special operators can rappel from the third floor and enter the room through the removed window.

Even if there are no windows, it is still assumed that there are them during actual combat exercises.

In this way, the leaders can intuitively see the special operations personnel, wearing special equipment, 'breaking in through the window' in an extremely chic manner.

At the same time, there will also be 'gangsters' guarding the corners of the stairs, doorways, etc. Special operations teams can also attack from below along the stairs. On the one hand, they attract the attention of the gangsters, and on the other hand, they can also distract the opponent's attacks.

Therefore, the corners of the stairs and other locations have also been dismantled, so that the leaders on the platform outside can intuitively see the confrontation between the gangsters and the special operations personnel.

Originally, Chen Xia planned to have a certain special operations team play the role of the gangster, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not suitable. The level of these special operations personnel was not much different, and it was not easy to distinguish between high and low.

Although this actual combat exercise is a test, the purpose is also very clear, which is to let the leaders see the outstanding strength of the special operations team, so they will naturally kill the gangsters and rescue the hostages with thunderous force.

After some discussion, it was decided to let Xiang Tianming's action team play the role of gangsters.

Xiang Tianming also became excited when he heard that his men were playing gangsters.

The last time he trained here, he had made an agreement with Chen Xia to see who was better. However, due to an emergency at the Youyi Hotel, the confrontation exercise ended in vain.

This time, I can finally come to a complete end.

As for showing mercy?

He didn't think about it at all, he only thought about defeating the special operations team led by Chen Xia.

In addition to entering the building to rescue the hostages, an obstacle assault was also set up on the other side.

However, these open-air obstacles are easy to build. Just build walls at specific locations. When the time comes, the gangsters will hide behind the obstacles to defend, and the special operations team will attack from the front until all the gangsters are killed. win.

Even compared to the rescue in a small building, this kind of frontal assault is more cruel, because the party initiating the charge is inherently at a disadvantage.

But this is also the purpose of actual combat exercises. Otherwise, how can the high level of the special operations team be demonstrated if it is a smooth battle?

Which of the leaders who came to watch the exercise did not come down from the battlefield?

It can be said that there are not many people who have never been on the battlefield.

If it were fooled, it would not be hidden from the eyes of the leaders at all, and instead it would make this exercise a complete joke.

In fact, in addition to these two more 'performance' exercise venues, Chen Xia also set up another battlefield in the prison area, but there was no way to observe the battlefield there.

Even in his opinion, this is the real assessment, which plays a real role in tempering those students.

That's not to say that the two training venues are meaningless, but after all, there is an element of performance here, unlike the prison area, which is definitely real.

Therefore, this actual combat exercise is both internal and external.

It not only allows leaders to enjoy watching and understand the combat capabilities and skills of the special operations team, but also serves as a real exercise.

For this actual combat exercise, Chen Xia really risked his life.

Li Weidong had given him two days off previously, originally to let him have a good rest at home. He would have collapsed from exhaustion before the exercise even started. But in fact, Chen Xia only stayed home for a day and a night before running away again. return.

"Captain, what do you think of the construction of this platform? In fact, according to my original idea, it is best to watch from 100 meters away. By then, everyone will be able to see with a telescope, and it will be absolutely safe.

But then, because the distance is too far, there is less urgency to get involved.

Now, there are only about ten meters away from those preset battlefields. Even without a telescope, you can clearly see the scene inside, hear the sound of gunshots exploding in your ears, and even see the entire preset battlefield clearly. The situation on the battlefield can be seen most intuitively during the exercise. "

On the platform built, Chen Xia was introducing Li Weidong.

As the planner and executor of this actual combat exercise, one can imagine the pressure he is under.

It is necessary to ensure the authenticity of actual combat exercises to the greatest extent, and also to allow leaders to see the exercises with their own eyes.

But the most important thing is undoubtedly the safety of the leaders.

Even if rubber bullets are used in actual combat, and they will not shoot in this direction, even the angle of the viewing platform has been screened to a certain extent.

In order to confirm this, he even asked the special operations team to practice in advance.

Moreover, the side of the viewing platform facing the preset battlefield was sealed with thick wooden boards.

In this way, the possibility of causing accidental injury is even lower.


Li Weidong stood on the platform and simulated it in his mind. After making sure it was safe enough, he nodded.

Moreover, when it comes time for exercises, the protection that leaders should have will definitely be indispensable.

Besides, which leader who comes to watch the actual combat exercise has no courage?

If you really ask them to retreat a hundred meters away and use binoculars to watch the actual combat exercises of rubber bullets, they will probably spit on you directly. Who are you looking down on?

Which of us has never charged in a hail of bullets?
Are you still afraid of your mere rubber bullets?

At the same time, Li Weidong will definitely be here that day, so it won't be a problem.

"Deputy Captain Chen Xia, in front of Wei Dong, I have to say it first. On the day of the performance, I will definitely not let it go. Even though we have some friendship, we can do whatever we want. If you lose, , I was punished, but don’t blame me for not reminding you, brother."

Xiang Tianming stood on the other side, looking at Chen Xia with a somewhat 'malicious' look.

Deep down, he must be dissatisfied with Chen Xia becoming the deputy captain and deputy chief instructor of the training base.He felt that based on his relationship with Li Weidong, if he had made up his mind to follow, at least one of these two positions would be his.

Fortunately, he didn't have any chance.

This actual combat exercise is his biggest opportunity.

If the action team of the interrogation intelligence team led by him wins, then Chen Xia's position will have to be taken by him.

"Just let the horse come over."

Chen Xia replied expressionlessly.

If those who played the role of gangsters were students from the training base and those from the special operations team, he would not be able to guarantee that they would be able to successfully rescue the hostages.

After all, everyone's level is almost the same. They are all elites among the elites, and they are familiar with various tactics.

What matters is meeting on a narrow road and a little bit of luck.

So the outcome is unpredictable.

In order to leave a good impression in front of the leaders, this must not be the case.

But if Xiang Tianming and his subordinates were to play the role of the gangster, he could confidently say: Just come.

If the training base's hard training and various tactics in the past six months can't defeat the people under Xiang Tianming in the end, then the training base will be meaningless.

Those so-called elites, those special operations teams, might as well just disband and avoid being embarrassed.

And he is the first to take the blame and resign.

"Weidong, you heard me. He asked for it himself. You can't blame me for not being merciful when the time comes."

Xiang Tianming gave Chen Xia a stern look, and took the opportunity to vaccinate Li Weidong.

Because he also participated in the planning of some exercises, he knew very well what geographical advantages the gangsters had.

There is even Hehe, because his people are at ease waiting for work, as long as they are on guard.

As for the weather, it also belongs to him.

Because he can clearly control the time when the other party launches an attack.

With this kind of advantage, how could he lose if he was still fighting with more than he had?
Even he knows that the special operations teams at the training base are very powerful. After more than half a year of training, they are definitely better than when they were here.

But he still has a lot of confidence.

"Just try our best on both sides."

Li Weidong nodded, but did not say who must win.

As for whether it is fair or unfair, there is no way to really define this kind of thing.

It was originally a practical exercise, no matter how realistic it was, it was still fake.

If it were a group of extremely vicious gangsters with hostages in hand, God knows what choice they would make.

The purpose of this practical exercise is to give leaders a clear understanding of the future SWAT team and special operations in the city.

You can see with your own eyes how the SWAT team performs its tasks.

This is essentially different from the military skills competition.

Because the skills competition is about personal bravery, marksmanship, performance in special cross-country events, and the reflection of individual qualities.

It's not like this kind of actual combat exercise, it's about teamwork, tactics, and comprehensive capabilities.

Therefore, it is destined that there will be no two people competing in the ring with fists and kicks, nor will there be one person shooting at the target.

"Old Chen, do you hear me? Just try your best. Don't force yourself."

Xiang Tianming said sarcastically, even deliberately distorting Li Weidong's words.

Upon hearing his words, Chen Xia just glanced at him coldly, not even bothering to say a harsh word.

Ability does not come from words.

When you actually go to the battlefield, it's clear who is more powerful.

After visiting all the preset venues, the three of them arrived at Xiang Tianming's office. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhenyi had been waiting here early.

"Uncle Wang, how are you doing lately?"

Li Weidong asked.

"Thanks to the idea you came up with last time and the full assistance from Team Leader Xiang, we are now on a firm footing. We have a tacit understanding with the team leader that we will not interfere with each other."

A smile appeared on Wang Zhenyi's face.

He went from being devastated to turning the situation around, all thanks to Li Weidong's 'guidance'.

Of course, he also understood that the reason why Zhang Xingwu acquiesced in what he did was that, in the final analysis, he was still unwilling to cause too much trouble with Li Weidong.

Especially Li Weidong's action really scared some people.

Zhang Xingwu's thinking is probably: If you can't afford to offend someone, why can't you afford to hide from him?

Even when this actual combat exercise was held at the prison, Zhang Xingwu was so angry that he couldn't eat for several days. Although Chen Xia was always in charge of this matter, he didn't think that such a big matter was just a trivial matter. One Chen Xia can decide.

Behind it, it was clear that Li Weidong was standing, and it was even Li Weidong's idea to push Chen Xia out.

Especially when Chen Xia inadvertently revealed that some branch leaders would come to watch the exercise, Zhang Xingwu completely acted like a coward.

Even up to this moment, he didn't know that the leader directly under him would also come, and it was still being kept "secret".

"That's good. Try to maintain it as much as possible from now on. We'll talk about everything in two years."

Li Weidong nodded.

In fact, he also didn't want to get into too much trouble with Zhang Xingwu. It was best to keep some distance between them.

After he goes to further studies and graduates, the time is almost up.

With two years of buffering, Wang Zhenyi has enough qualifications. When the time comes, he will think of a way to help Wang Zhenyi make a contribution, move up a level, and take control of the prison.

When the time comes, he and Xiang Tianming will be able to completely defend this three-acre land.

I don’t expect to achieve much in the future, but at the very least, I can help some people.

It's not in vain that Li Weidong planned for so long.

Afterwards, several people chatted in the office for a while before Li Weidong left.

Three more days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was finally the day of the actual combat exercise.

(End of this chapter)

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