Chapter 588 Xiang Tianming’s future.

In the following joint operations, the two special operations teams cooperated tacitly and displayed significantly stronger combat capabilities.

Even though the gangsters had added more people, they only suffered a disastrous defeat in the face of these special operations teams who wanted to compete.

Even if they didn't watch the subsequent actual combat exercises, many branch leaders were completely relieved of their initial worries. You can even tell their mood at the moment by looking at the expressions on their faces.

Even some branch leaders are still thinking about taking this group of people back later and then sending another group over.

At that time, you no longer have to worry about such troublesome criminal activities in your jurisdiction.

Therefore, everyone looked at Li Weidong and Chen Xia as kindly as they could, wishing they could just tie them back.

The subsequent obstacle battle drills, the dazzling tactical movements, and the coordinated attacks were all eye-opening, and they also fully understood the combat effectiveness of this SWAT team.

One-on-one, they can only be called excellent and elite, but they are far from the best.

But the five-man special operations team can definitely take advantage of their combat capabilities no matter where they are placed.

Moreover, they are obviously more proficient in fighting in the city.

However, no matter how wonderful the drill is, it must come to an end. Because the leader had something to do in the afternoon and did not eat here, he just watched the rest of the drill briefly and then left.

But before leaving, the leader called Li Weidong to him alone.

"After the exercise here, get ready. School will start early in early August over there. I have asked Xiaozhuang to register your name for you. If you don't understand anything, you can go back to Xiaozhuang. As for training, What do you think about the base?"

"Everything depends on the leadership."

Li Weidong said very bachelorly.

Anyway, he has done everything he can do, and today's actual combat exercise is the answer he gave.

As for what the leader decides, he has no control over it.

If the other party really wants to send a captain down, it can only be said that Chen Xia is unlucky.

"Okay, let's wait for the order."

The leader smiled slightly and did not reply to Li Weidong. He got in the car and left after leaving these words.

Later, the man in the city also pulled Li Weidong and said a few words, which were nothing more than words of encouragement, and then left in the same way.

As soon as these two left, the remaining leaders of the branch were released.

The mountain above their heads was gone, everyone was at about the same level, no one was trying to bully anyone, they all rolled up their sleeves and started grabbing the benefits.

Looking at that posture, I wish I could just strip the training base clean.

What stood out in this confrontation between the special operations teams was not just the people, but also the equipment they wore.

Whether it is the steel helmet on the head, the tactical vest on the body, or the most important on-site wireless command equipment, they have all become the objects of their fight.

Who is afraid of too much of a good thing?

Faced with these problems, Li Weidong pushed everything to Chen Xia, and sold Chen Xia without saying that it was not his business.

Then, he was pestered by Xiang Tianming, who was full of resentment.

"Brother, I got into a big mess today. If you didn't see Captain Zhang's stinky face, he almost tore me apart."

Today, the interrogation intelligence team under Xiang Tianming completely served as a stepping stone for Chen Xia.

Even he did not expect that his men would lose so miserably before the actual combat exercise began.

More importantly, in front of so many leaders.

Not only could he not accept it, but even Zhang Xingwu could not accept it.

Even if Zhang Xingwu doesn't like the interrogation intelligence team on weekdays, the other party can be regarded as the face of the prison.

Playing a supporting role, making room, and cooperating with the interrogation base exercises, he did it all.

As a result, he was slapped several times across the face.

In the future, when these branch leaders mention the prison in the eastern suburbs, will they immediately think of this fiasco?

For the ambitious Zhang Xingwu, this was something difficult to accept.

It can be said that as bright as the training base today is, there is darkness on his side.

So after the leader left, he found a reason to ask the political commissar to stay with him and left with a dark face.

Before leaving, he even gave Xiang Tianming a hard look.

Therefore, Xiang Tianming is definitely taking the blame.

Because of this, he came to Li Weidong to cry miserably.

"It's okay. It's impossible to evacuate you anyway."

Li Weidong was just standing and talking without pain in his back, so Xiang Tianming's eyes became more resentful.

"I don't care. Anyway, you have to find a way for me, otherwise I will go to the training base and stay in your office all day long."

Xiang Tianming also 'risked his own life'.

"Go ahead, and I'll just give you my office from now on."

Li Weidong replied.

Before the leader left just now, although he only said "wait for the order", he understood that the matter was basically stable.

The other party also specifically pointed out his registration time. Wasn't it just to let him take advantage of some time to finish the handover with Chen Xia, handle the matters at the training base, and then report in wholeheartedly?
Therefore, the office that belongs to him at the training base will soon become Chen Xia's.

"Give it to me?"

Xiang Tianming suddenly looked at Li Weidong with suspicion. He could not become the leader of the interrogation intelligence team by flattering others. Combined with some anomalies today, he quickly figured it out.

"You went to such great lengths to push that guy Chen Xia out. What's your plan? Let him take over your current class? No, if you are the captain of the training base, this is just a matter of your words. Is it possible? Maybe you want to leave?"

The more he talks to Tianming, the bigger his eyes become.

I was even shocked by my own conclusion.

But when he saw Li Weidong's calm expression, he felt that he had guessed correctly.

"Chen Xia wants to be the captain of the training base?"

"It's almost the same, but we still have to wait for the order, maybe there will be changes."

Until now, Li Weidong has not continued to hide it.

Regardless of whether Chen Xia accepts this responsibility or not, he must leave anyway.

"So, where are you going?"

Xiang Tianming made no secret of his shock.

He knew that people like Li Weidong would definitely be able to achieve great results no matter where they went, but the other party only had half a year to go to the training base, right?
He's about to leave before he even takes the seat of the real captain?
He believed that Li Weidong would not know how rare this opportunity was.

As long as he stays, no one can take away the captain's position, which is a crucial step.

But now, Li Weidong has to leave before then.

He didn't believe that Li Weidong was stupid. He could only say that he had a better place to go.

"I will go to school for two years of further study. During these two years, I will not hold any position in any department except the Bureau of Investigation."

Li Weidong simply gave an explanation.

"Going to school? Public security cadre school?"

Xiang Tianming turned his head and thought of a certain place to go.


Li Weidong nodded.

"How about you get me in too? Now I'm more and more aware of my shortcomings, and I also want to study for two years." Xiang Tianming almost didn't hesitate, and he firmly hugged Li Weidong's thigh.

He missed it irreversibly at the training base.

However, although it would take two years to go to school for further studies, he believed that as long as he followed Li Weidong, not only would the two lost years be recovered soon, but he would even be able to save several more years in the future.

The key is that Li Weidong's luck is really good.

If you don’t hug your thighs at this time, is it possible to wait until Li Weidong graduates before hugging him again?
"You want to further your education? Wasn't it your biggest dream to become the leader of the interrogation intelligence team?"

Li Weidong looked at Xiang Tianming in surprise.

This guy has been thinking about taking over from Chang Qingbo for a long time. How long has he been sitting there before he gives up?
As for Xiang Tianming's level, he can barely go on to study.

"Yes, when Team Leader Chang was here, my biggest dream was to be the team leader, but now that I have become the team leader, you can't stop me from having a bigger dream, right?"

Xiang Tianming said it as a matter of course.

If Xu Wen was still in the prison, he would definitely be reluctant to leave, because he would be taken more seriously here.

But now, the captain is Zhang Xingwu.

The other party had disliked him before and was unwilling to use him. After this actual combat exercise, it was probably no longer an objectionable issue. As long as he could find a reason, he believed that the other party would definitely not let him go.

Under such circumstances, why is he still staying here shamelessly?

"Do you really want to go to the school over there to study? Can you let go of the interrogation intelligence team?"

Li Weidong looked at Xiang Tianming seriously.

"I must be reluctant to part with it. After all, it was established by myself and Team Leader Chang, but I can't stay in this position for the rest of my life, right?
Instead of waiting to be kicked out because of my mistakes, I might as well leave on my own initiative. Maybe after I leave, they will be better off and no longer have to be targeted. "

Xiang Tianming said it equally seriously this time.

Ultimately, the reason why Zhang Xingwu was unwilling to use him was because he was Xu Wen's confidant.

How dare the other party reuse it?
Li Weidong began to think about this issue. He also knew that this actual combat exercise was a bit unfair to Xiang Tianming.

What the leaders of those branch offices saw was the strength of this group of students at the training base.

What Zhang Xingwu saw was the vulnerability of the interrogation intelligence team.

If Xiang Tianming continues to stay here, it will indeed be difficult.

Even after this incident, the future became bleak.

From this point of view, it is undoubtedly a good thing for Xiang Tianming to jump out of prison and go to school for further study.

You must know that these two years of further study are not only learning, but also accumulation, and it is also a kind of qualification.

Only those talents and cadres with potential are qualified to study there.

This definitely sends a signal.

After the training is completed, no matter what happens, they will all be promoted.

In other words, if Xiang Tianming goes to study with him, he will definitely have a better future in two years. It will be many times better than staying in prison.

"Okay, if you really decide to further your studies, go back and sort out your information, and I will help you find Secretary Zhuang to see if I can arrange a place for you."

Li Weidong finally decided to give Tianming a hand.

When he first joined the interrogation intelligence team, the other party helped him a lot and treated him wholeheartedly.

This time, he served as a stepping stone for Chen Xia again, which made Li Weidong feel a little guilty.


Xiang Tianming's eyes widened completely in disbelief.

Obviously he didn't expect such a big piece of pie to hit his head.

He had just come to see Li Weidong, and he just wanted to complain. At that time, he had no idea that Li Weidong was leaving the training base, let alone that the other party was going to further his studies.

As for going to study with Li Weidong for the first time, it was also a joke.

There was no hope at all.

Because he knew very well how difficult it was to go there to study. Any number of places would make countless people break their heads. How could he just go there if he wanted to?

But what he didn't expect was that Li Weidong was actually willing to give him a chance.

He even didn't hesitate to beg for help for him.

He felt a warm current rushing into his heart, and his eyes felt a little sore.

"Well, really."

Li Weidong did not lie, but deliberately comforted Xiang Tianming.

And he also believed that as long as he went to see Secretary Zhuang, the other party would definitely not refuse.

Even if the leader doesn't speak, Secretary Zhuang is still qualified to decide on one or two names.

As for owing favors, Li Weidong didn't care.

Sometimes, there are one or two favors between people, which actually make them closer.


After receiving Li Weidong's affirmative reply, Xiang Tianming's face flushed with excitement, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, the words "thank you" are too light.

And whether it's money or anything else, Li Weidong can't accept it.

On this point, Xiang Tianming asked himself, he would definitely not misjudge the person.

"That's it. You prepare the materials and give them to me. Then I'll find Uncle Wang. When the time comes, the three of us can get together at my place and identify the door."

Li Weidong said.

"Okay, then I'll go back and prepare."

Xiang Tianming stopped pestering him and left with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

In the afternoon, the actual combat exercise officially ended.

The leaders of those branch offices left with satisfaction. If they had any regrets, they didn't get the equipment, because they were all ordered from the factory through Secretary Zhuang. In a short period of time, they wanted to change their equipment. It's impossible.

Moreover, ordinary police officers at police stations do not have access to these equipment.

In addition, the training base has no plans to continue to recruit students, because it needs to observe these graduated students and sum up experience.

Then when the time is right, we will promote it nationwide.

These cannot be decided in a few words.

Right now it's just a pilot project.

However, this group of students will also return to the training base regularly to continue training.

It doesn’t mean that after graduation, you will never come back.

After everything was busy, it was already dark outside, but the atmosphere at the training base was still hot. Those trainees who had participated in the actual combat exercises returned to the training base, drank the specially cooked meat and bone soup in the cafeteria, and discussed their performance today in a low voice. , some people are proud, and some people are disappointed.

In Li Weidong's office, there was also a small table with simple side dishes and a bottle of ordinary white wine.

In addition to Li Weidong, there are also Chen Xia, Wang Hongwei and Li Zhankui present.

Li Weidong opened the wine, filled it for everyone present, and then raised the glass.

His eyes passed over the faces of several people one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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