Siheyuan: Don't mess with me, I just want to be a free fish

Chapter 69 Li Shuqun: Where's My Bicycle?

Chapter 69 Li Shuqun: Where's My Bicycle?

Hearing BangGong's words, Shazhu looked up at the sun.

It didn't come out from the west either.

It was fine yesterday afternoon, why did it look like a different person after one night?
He was really uncomfortable.

"Why did you see me running away, kid? Are you afraid that I will beat you?" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Stick curled his lips, and said in his heart: I am not afraid of you, I am afraid that my mother will find Li Erhei to beat me up.

"No, I'm in a hurry to go to the latrine."

After finishing speaking, the stick stem ran away.

"Stinky boy."

Sha Zhu shook his head, turned his head and saw Qin Huairu, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Sister Qin, I think this kid is much more sensible than before, and he will be promising in the future."

"He, if he can grow up safely and marry a wife, I will be content."

No one doesn't like others to praise their children, and Qin Huairu is obviously no exception.

My heart became more and more 'grateful' to Li Erhei.

At this time, Li Erhei, no, it was Li Weidong, talking to Zhang Xiuzhen at home.

"Mom, I won't bring food at noon from now on. Uncle Wang set up a stove in my room and thoughtfully prepared all the pots and pans. I'll bring some flour later, and I will do it myself at noon. eat."

With the word considerate, Li Weidong exerted a little effort.

"Okay, Mom will pack white flour for you and bring it with you. Is twenty catties enough?"

Without further ado, Zhang Xiuzhen agreed.

"Don't touch the white noodles at home. I'll get some on the way. You fill me with two spicy lumps and bake them for lunch."

"Is it convenient? Why don't you take it from home first?" Zhang Xiuzhen asked worriedly.

"It's convenient, but you just need to know about it yourself, don't tell anyone."

Li Weidong glanced at the back room as he spoke.

"Then you will ride your dad's bicycle later, don't get tired." Zhang Xiuzhen said after thinking about it.

"no problem."

Li Weidong loved to hear these words, and he didn't intend to be polite.

Lao Li is getting old, walking to work and exercising is good.

It can be seen that Zhang Xiuzhen is still facing her husband.

When Li Shuqun was about to go to work, he found that the bicycle was missing, and he was a little puzzled.

A thief in the yard?

"What are you looking at?"

At this time, Zhang Xiuzhen came out of the room and asked.

"I don't know which little bastard stole our bicycle, no, I have to go to the police station." Li Shuqun was anxious.

"No, I let Weidong ride the bicycle." Zhang Xiuzhen said casually.


Li Shuqun's voice suddenly rose.

"He rode away, what should I ride to work?"

"What are you shouting about? Your newspaper office is not far away, so you can just walk without a bicycle."

"Is it a question of whether it's far or not? I'm also a director after all. What does it sound like walking to work?"


After Zhang Xiuzhen left a word, she ignored her husband.

Only Li Shuqun was left standing in the yard, trying to jump but not getting up, feeling uncomfortable.

At this time, he saw the old lady holding a basin and was fishing for something, so he couldn't help but said: "Mother, it's early in the morning, don't get cold water."

"It's okay. When Dongzi left, he gave me a few catties of wheat to make some maltose."

The old lady said unhurriedly.


Li Shuqun only felt a sudden toothache.

"How old is Li Weidong? Do you think he is a child? I think I burn buns when I have some food. Mother, you can't spoil him."

"Oh, it's your precious girl who wants to eat, that's why Dongzi specially bought the wheat."

The old lady glanced at her son, dissatisfied.

"That girl is too, won't you tell me if you want candy?" Li Shuqun's aura plummeted, feeling ashamed.

It seems that since Li Weidong's son came, his mother stopped talking, and his wife began to favor him, and even the always caring little padded jacket rebelled.

I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to take him to the city.

"What's the use of telling you? Every day, you know that you have to save face and suffer. From now on, Dongzi will ride the bicycle first, and you will walk to work."


"Just rely on Dongzi to go to work for his elder brother, so that you don't lose face in front of your classmates."

"Isn't it for his own good to let him go to work? He's such a big man, lying in the yard every day in the sun, people who don't know think he is my old man."

Li Shuqun caught a glimpse of the deck chair under the eaves again, and was out of breath.

This time, the old lady didn't bother to talk to him.

Li Shuqun walked around the yard twice, and saw the masters tidying up the house starting to work, his breath became more and more uncomfortable, and his temples twitched.

"Hmph, your mother is your grandmother at home, and when you get to Lao Wang's side, see if there is still someone protecting you."

At this time, Li Weidong was riding a bicycle and was heading to the third farm.

Although he was a bit unfamiliar at first, he had ridden this kind of two-eighth bar in his previous life, and he dared to throw one hand into his pocket before he had walked halfway.

When he was about to reach the farm, Li Weidong saw no one around, so he stopped the car, took out a sack from the farm warehouse and put it behind him, and then took out half a bag of white flour, which weighed twenty or thirty catties.

Then he rode into the farm unhurriedly.

At the gate of the farm, there is a small house with a gatekeeper.

When Wang Zhenyi led him over yesterday, he deliberately identified the door, so no one stopped him this time, and he went straight to work.

Wang Zhenyi was holding a basin and drinking heavily.

Looking at the sack behind Li Weidong's bicycle, he put the basin aside, and a few grains of millet spilled out along with the soup.

But this time, Wang Zhenyi obviously didn't care about his distress, and rushed to Li Weidong in a few strides.

"Come on, let me help you."

With that said, he removed the sack from the back seat of the car.

The weight of more than 100 kilograms seemed light in his hands.

"It's a good thing you kid didn't lie to me."

Wang Zhenyi untied the sack and took a look, with a smile on his face.

"I still have to stay here for three months, how dare I lie to you old man."

Li Weidong said unhurriedly.

"You didn't bring all the white flour from home, did you? Don't worry, since Mr. Song recognizes you as his apprentice, he won't do anything that you have."

When Wang Zhenyi caught a glimpse of Li Weidong taking down half a bag of flour from the front beam again, he couldn't help but said.

Of course, more 'jealousy'.

"There are still at home, don't delay, these are my filial piety to Master." Li Weidong said.

Now, Wang Zhenyi is really jealous.

I wondered if Li Weidong had bad eyesight. Why did he worship the wrong temple when the real Buddha was right in front of him?

"Okay, Lao Song didn't recognize you as an apprentice in vain, but what about my share?"

"Didn't my father send you home a long time ago?"

As Li Weidong said, he picked up the flour and entered the office.

In the room, Song Yan was still reading a book, and there was a steaming lunch box by his hand.

But there are only a handful of rice grains floating inside.

"Master, I brought white noodles, let's have this for lunch from now on."

Song Yan glanced at the white flour in Li Weidong's hand, put down the book silently, opened the drawer in front of him, and took out a food book with some food stamps and money in it.

 Talk to the elders!

  How to put it, it's a pity that we didn't lead the big guys to the fourth round. After all, we had enough catch-ups on Monday and enough catch-ups on Wednesday, but there were dozens of catch-ups on Tuesday.

  So it's just a little bit off.

  Don't worry, Shuishui definitely didn't cry.

  That is, the feeling that cannot be expressed.

  There is also good news. It will be released next Tuesday, and ten chapters will break out by then, which can be regarded as making up for it.

  In addition, I just want to ask everyone's opinions. This book says it is a courtyard house, but it feels a bit off the mark. Do you just like to watch the intrigue in the courtyard?

(End of this chapter)

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